* Posts by anothercynic

2291 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Dec 2014

Infosec pro Troy Hunt HasBeenPwned in Mailchimp phish

anothercynic Silver badge

That is not true. You can see the list of unsubbed addresses. You can mark them and delete them from your contact list too. Saying that as someone who has dealt with MailChimp and its ideosyncracies for almost 2 decades in various roles. When you import new contacts, and one of them has previously unsubbed, you are warned that they are already present and previously unsubbed themselves.

I've never played with the API, so on that end I cannot comment. As for the GDPR, it is debatable whether this is GDPR-compliant, because after all, the GDPR is explicit about not keeping PII beyond the purpose it's for (in this case, emailing people), although there's a reason why the email address is retained: to make sure you don't email them again.

After three weeks of night shifts, very tired techie broke the UK’s phone network

anothercynic Silver badge

Is there something you'd like to tell us, AC? ;-)

anothercynic Silver badge

This sounds awfully familiar. I had this in Africa once... an exchange no-one thought was important turned out to be very important. Some miscreants decided to set fire to it (to then harvest the exposed copper wire after), but since it'd been upgraded to fibre, all the fibre melted and left a nice mess on the floor, no copper to be seen anywhere, and one half of the capital dead to the rest of the world. Cue the slow clap.

Datacenters near Heathrow seemingly stay up as substation fire closes airport

anothercynic Silver badge

Re: Questions will doubtless be asked

I know, right? *facepalm*

anothercynic Silver badge

Re: Questions will doubtless be asked

"Will have to" does not automatically mean "will". So, no drugs are necessary, just maybe some basic understanding of the English language. ;-)

Agree with you though that there likely won't be any major repercussions, just vapid apologies. Apparently there are already excuses that "this stuff was on the government's desk" - It shouldn't fall to the government to force you to ensure you have resilience!

anothercynic Silver badge

Re: How?

Actually Ferrovial quit in early 2024. The airport is owned by private equity (~23%), pension funds and several sovereign investment funds (Qatar 20%, Saudi 15%, Singapore 11%, China 10%).

It does however not change the fact that the owners of LHR have not invested in improving resilience of the airport.

anothercynic Silver badge

Re: How?

Luton seems to be constantly under construction, so at least there's investment there... not least the people mover that the airport funded.

So, it's not all bad.

anothercynic Silver badge

Re: Questions will doubtless be asked

It's fifth-busiest in the world and the third-busiest non-US airport, but it is the busiest airport in Europe.


anothercynic Silver badge

Re: Questions will doubtless be asked

This. Absolutely this. It blows my mind that Heathrow Airport Limited does not consider being the largest airport in the country as 'nationally critical' and as such, doesn't appear to have considered making sure that the terminals have either independent backup power on-site or have independent power supply from a variety of substations in the area.

I absolutely second the government's "WTF Heathrow, how the hell could this happen? Have you not heard about redundant power supply?!" - Heathrow management heads will have to roll over this clusterfuck.

China's EV champ BYD reveals super-fast charging that leaves Tesla eating dust

anothercynic Silver badge

Re: Aaaarrghh

There are three large battery storage sites being built in Scotland at the moment, and there's a lot of upset in Suffolk at the moment because of plans to build similar sites there to capture excess energy from the North Sea wind farms. They're also looking at upgrading the Cruachan pumped storage site in Scotland to give it even more capacity.

National Grid believes that this is a better way to handle unexpected loads. Of course, it goes without saying that they'll have to upgrade the power grid too (which also upsets a lot of Suffolk residents).

UK government to open £16B IT services competition after 6-month delay

anothercynic Silver badge

Re: How about favouring British suppliers ?

Ironically, the shipyard in Turkey that got recent orders (not *these*) now *also* has delays, albeit not as bad as Ferguson's. Apparently their ferries are delayed by 8 months.


Developer wrote a critical app and forgot where it ran – until it stopped running

anothercynic Silver badge

Re: Similar thing, but zombie user not laptop

And I hope that all those things will have been documented, yes? YES?!

RIP Mark Klein, the engineer who exposed US domestic spying ops after wiring it up

anothercynic Silver badge

Re: Mark Klien

Simple, because no-one in recent years has had the experience of having their privacy invaded in the most egregious of ways. These days it's all electronic and it doesn't feel like privacy being invaded.

Those who lived in the old Warsaw Pact bloc may still recognise it, those currently living in Russia know it, but most of the West wouldn't have the slightest clue what it feels like. And quite frankly, that's what's led to the mess we have.

anothercynic Silver badge

Re: Mark Klein. A good man and a true vulture.

Sadly John, the powers that be will *never* repeal it. They like what they get through it too much.

And ironically, at the time the Patriot Act was enacted, there were murmurs of the state we are now in being the end result, and everyone said "it's worth it if we catch the terrorists". Benjamin Franklin said something about the liberty people deserve, although according to historians that quote is misquoted and abused all too often. The original quote, "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.", pretty much applies here.

And under the current administration, expect the Patriot Act to be abused even more.

We call this kernel saunters: How Apple rearranged its XNU core with exclaves

anothercynic Silver badge

Well, that's going to upset some law enforcement and three-letter agencies!

And I'm sure some agencies in the Middle East are going to do their best to break these exclaves to flog spyware to all and sundry.

Surprise! People don't want AI deciding who gets a kidney transplant and who dies or endures years of misery

anothercynic Silver badge

Re: It's the US, you don't need AI..

More like "does the health insurance cover it? Yes. But find *any* reason to deny it. Sorry die bitch".

See my comment on the US health insurance industry further up.

anothercynic Silver badge

Re: "human moral decision making"

Given that health insurance in the US is primarily there to make money, you're probably right that there is zero human moral decision making.

US state laws about health insurance specify that the doctors signing off on rejections should be checking what they're signing before a claim is rejected. There've been people who have found that the opposite is the case, i.e. that doctors simply sign, sign, and sign... without actually evaluating the medical data as submitted with the claim, and that only when the patients (or their doctors submitting the claim for pre-authorisation) demanded to have the details of the doctor(s) making the decision (which they are entitled to), including their history of previous decisions, decisions actually are made in the patients' or claiming doctors' favour. This implies that doctors employed by the health insurers only check the case history when their own credibility is on the line.

AI has no such restrictions. Given that AI assessments would possibly rely on keywords in descriptions/request information, instead of actually *looking at* and *understanding* the case, which a doc is trained to do, AI most definitely is something that the health insurance companies would be delighted to use, to the detriment of their insured patients.

It plays right into the mantra of Delay, Deny, Defend that the health insurance industry operates with.

anothercynic Silver badge


This is why more and more there is a push to get public health services to change to an opt-out model for organ donation, i.e. that if someone dies from an accident, their organs are assumed to be donatable provided a recipient can be found. Traditionally, organ donation is opt-in, i.e. you have to make a conscious decision to choose to donate your organs.

There are some religious... ahem... denominations that do object to organ donation. It's a conundrum that requires a tradeoff between beliefs and what should be a standard practice. Can AI fix that? I don't know.

Membership of New Zealand’s domain registry suddenly triples, which isn't entirely welcome

anothercynic Silver badge

Re: From an article by Professor Mohan Dutta, Dean's Chair Professor of Communication, Massey Uni

Ahhhh, like its namesake in the UK then. That one's just as full of self-serving bovine excrement.

Three charged in Singapore with alleged link to illicit shipments of Nvidia GPUs to China

anothercynic Silver badge

Re: Hang on...

Nvidia is a US-registered company. The contracts are likely to be in US Dollars.

Both of which mean that you fall within the sphere of influence of the US judiciary, as much as you never touched US soil, you touched US 'things', so you're busted.

Payday from hell as several British banks report major outages

anothercynic Silver badge

No problem here...

... I had zero problems this morning, but I can commiserate with those who were trying to get into their accounts.

That said... if many banks have the same issue, but they are all using their own backends, it's something they do in their websites or their mobile UIs (which no doubt are all web-based). The web/mobile teams at all those banks will need to have a think about not relying on external services maybe?

100-plus spies fired after NSA internal chat board used for kinky sex talk

anothercynic Silver badge

Re: This isn't what happened: it's an LGBTQ purge

Agreed. Anything that Ruto posted/leaked should be considered fruit from the poisonous tree. There's no guarantee that stuff hasn't been misconstrued or edited.

ERG groups in government departments are all under fire, although I would have to say that there is probably stuff there that probably would've been best posted outside the NSA (or the CIA, or any other of the secretive 3-letter agencies). But given how DEI is the shorthand equivalent for "blacks, gays and women" (for some reason the Latinos are ok, but even they're not safe) in the Trumpet administration, *anything*, and I do mean *anything* to do with any of the not-cisgender-white-male people is fair game, especially under Gabbard.

And this is just month one. There are still so many people who are in shock and claim "surely the Trump administration won't..." when what they claim will never be reversed/undone is just still coming... It's going to get a *lot* worse, folks, a *LOT* worse.

Mega council officers had no idea what they were buying ahead of Oracle fiasco

anothercynic Silver badge

Re: This is how it usually is...

I don't labour under the illusion that the private sector has it any easier... but at least in the private sector, you tend to have lawyers involved who make sure that the terms of the contract don't shaft you twice to Sunday while you have practically zero recourse... Public sector, not so much (there'll still be lawyers, but not the ones you have on retainer from a large law firm specialising in corporate and contract law).

For me, the big difference here is that in the public sector, it's money that *you* and many others paid in that you spaff up the wall, whereas in the private sector, it's shareholders (you might be one, you're most likely not). The private sector can by all means be dog-eat-dog, but the public sector is there for the good of everyone, including you, so ripping off a department with excessive fees and whatnot is you cutting your nose off to spite your face.

But then again, Britain does have form with that these days...

anothercynic Silver badge

This is how it usually is...

... Every major implementation of something in the public sector that has gone south involves a form of inability to know/evaluate something while the vendor/implementor runs rings around the civil servants tasked to deliver it. There is a fundamental distrust by higher management of the experts in one's department/ministry... "oh, they just want to keep the status quo". Yes, sometimes the status quo is *good*. Sometimes the status quo is "keep the lights on and the services running smoothly and saving the council/department/ministry money". And yes, when the experts in your IT department say "oh God, don't use Oracle", they often have good reason to say this!

@Doctor Syntax said further up "I can't help feeling that the ideal solution would have been to have a real consultant on their side". He is absolutely correct in this. Sometimes, that's exactly what you need... someone who *is* an expert in negotiating the complexities of a new system, someone who understands the complexities of usability and a need to sometimes avoid changing processes just to suit the limitations of the software instead of the other way around, and someone who can read through the potential suitors' bullshit. And that's likely what got the Brum CC into this mess - not having someone like that on their side to call out Oracle on their bullshit.

It saddens me really... Brum could ill afford the ballooning costs of this mess, given how they've been taken to task over their selective remuneration policies, and they've had to flog off assets that were a good earner for them (involvement in the ICC and the NEC, amongst other things). And meanwhile, the Oracle consultants smugly smirk into their after work drinks knowing they've taken the council for a nice fat money ride.

I used to work as a contractor in the public sector, and it really got my hackles up to see how consultancy companies took the proverbial piss, and the ministries involved had to just shrug and say "we can't do much about it, guv, it's above our paygrade". It is *our* money, for Christsake... it's *our* taxes that are being wasted. As a consultant/contractor in the public sector, you should be fully aware that this is money *you* and millions of others paid to the council/department/ministry, albeit not directly, and you should maybe be prudent in how the money is spent/billed, not just sit back, smirk, and just let your employer take said council/department/ministry for a ride.

SpaceX says bad vibes most likely cause of Starship 7 flop

anothercynic Silver badge

Yep. This is why things are wired, cotter pinned, screwed and glued and and and... vibration is an enemy on aerospace vehicles.

Are you cooler than ex-Apple design guru Sir Jony Ive?

anothercynic Silver badge

Re: Jesus

Don't dis Bananarama. They were good in their own way in their time. And they're still good today.

BOFH: The USB stick always comes back – until it doesn't

anothercynic Silver badge

Re: Value

The Survivors are a *brilliant* stick. Everything breakable sits inside the tube. You have to unscrew the tube to get the stick out.


Type-safe C-killer Delphi hits 30, but a replacement has risen

anothercynic Silver badge

Re: "no inheritance at all seems to be an explicit choice"

The poster you're responding to is correct.

Calling a message box was never a 'hello world' example.

If you look at the documentation of the time period (and I specifically refer here to the Windows 3.1/Windows 95 era when Delphi first made its appearance), I recall 'hello world' examples instantiating a form/window, and outputting a string onto that, *not* making a WinAPI call to MessageBox. There *were* examples of writing to the command-line too, but those were specifically referred to as 'console applications'.

And yes, I have extensive Delphi/C++Builder/C/C++/CSharp/VB experience too. And comparing 1970s examples of code to 1990s examples of code that used a different presentation layer to prove your point is just lazy.

anothercynic Silver badge

When Anders was still at Borland, there was a lot of common sense around.

Although Anders leaving Borland for Microsoft was like a nuclear bomb went off in the eco system (we were all utterly horrified), it wasn't so much the development teams inside Borland that were at fault. If anything, it was the upper echelons, the C-Suite, that messed with a good company too much, rebranded it multiple times, bought and sold bits, and it was utterly soul destroying to watch.

We all looked at 'Inprise' as 'WTF!!!', and we all sighed a sigh of relief when they branded back. But all that cost way way too much in a way that Borland never recovered from. :-/

And we all know what happened after that. I still have a copy of Delphi 4 floating around here somewhere (on CD).

anothercynic Silver badge

Re: A colleague of mine uses Delphi/Lazarus

You'll be ok. ObjectPascal was an absolute doddle to learn (compared to OWL it was child's play), and if you know .NET or C Sharp, you should feel a familiarity when you work in OP... Anders based a lot of his Sharp languages on the likes of Delphi, because it was a very good architectural design.

anothercynic Silver badge

Re: Memories...

I was one of the early adopters of Delphi where many of my peers were struggling with the conversion to Turbo C++ from Turbo Pascal. I found Delphi exceedingly easy to use, and it made way more sense to me than Visual Basic ever did. Being able to build Windows user interfaces *and* getting a proper binary (without the madness of a runtime like VB) was a huge bonus.

When Delphi 2 arrived, it took me on quite a career path with both Borland and a partner software vendor. -)

As Amazon takes over the Bond franchise, we submit our scripts for the next flick

anothercynic Silver badge

What a loss...

... It is a massive loss to the film industry and the world of film lovers. That said, Wilson is 80+ and Broccoli is 60+... Wilson's kids work in the studio too. Whether anyone in the family would've wanted to carry on independently is anyone's guess, but the fact Wilson and Broccoli sold up means that's now a franchise gone. What a bummer.

Legacy systems running UK's collector are taxing – in more ways than one

anothercynic Silver badge

Give Elon McMuskface a call... his DOdGEy team will be *all over that*


anothercynic Silver badge

Simple rules (like a yes/no) get you what had all the newspapers up in arms almost immediately after the new government came to power):

1. Are you a pensioner AND do you get any benefits from the state? THEN you get winter fuel allowance.

2. Are you a pensioner AND do you NOT get any benefits from the state? THEN you do NOT get winter fuel allowance.

Cue all the ones 5 quid over the threshold or not having applied for benefits ever getting told "sorry mate, the computer says no for winter fuel allowance", running off to the press and shouting how Reeves is robbing all the pensioners.

It goes without saying that Universal Credit tries to deal with a heap of credits and allowances and limits and thresholds, so it's not a simple thing. Same goes for personal income tax, tax on interest and capital gains, tax on investments, thresholds on the same of all previously-mentioned.

That said, the only reason why UC and other things are a perennial mess is because no finance minister / chancellor of the exchequer wants to take on the hot potato of simplifying the tax code in a way that eradicates tax loopholes, special pork barrel concessions etc for fear of being slaughtered in the press for costing the population money and being 'not business friendly'. The UK's tax code could use a proper spring clean but if that was taken on, it would not be popular because there'll *always* be losers where there are winners.

Democrats demand to know WTF is up with that DOGE server on OPM's network

anothercynic Silver badge

Re: Fishy

You don't need to imagine. There are people like that... And it's not just federal employees doing this, but the Wayback Machine and countless scientists are desperately trying to preserve data and also frozen samples that are at risk of being lost.

It boggles the mind how much is at risk right now. It's like the modern equivalent of the Library of Alexandria being ransacked and burnt, just quite a few magnitudes bigger.

Eggheads crack the code for the perfect soft boil

anothercynic Silver badge

Re: Before boiling

In some hot climates you want your eggs not boiling/aging out quickly, so in those climates, the eggs go in the fridge.

anothercynic Silver badge

Re: In the opinion of this Englishman

He's not edible. Egg white still is, even if it's gloopy.

Google: How to make any AMD Zen CPU always generate 4 as a random number

anothercynic Silver badge

And Tavis & Co strike again...

... That's all. *makes Meryl Streep gesture*

Bonus to those who recognise the reference.

US cranks up espionage charges against ex-Googler accused of trade secrets heist

anothercynic Silver badge

Re: The middle kingdom does like a bit of IP

Downvoting only on the first line. The West is so utterly dependent on China that it'll take absolute *decades* to wean itself off China, its 'cheap' manpower (cheap being a relative term based on the cost of manpower in some Western countries) and its raw materials. There's too much profit margin to be made to boycott China, or any of the other countries it would simply shift its manufacturing/selling to...

The majority of the second-last sentence could as well apply to the US too... or some other countries with tech manufacturing. The US ignores the UN constantly... they have a veto on anything, and if something doesn't advance the US narrative or interests, they exercise it or ignore the UN's views.

We in the West happily ignore the big bump in the carpet where whatever's been brushed under it collects... and point fingers at countries like China without any shame. Let's clean up our own acts first, shall we? We want cheap tat. We don't ask questions as to why the tat is cheap... we know it's quasi-slavery conditions in Foxconn's 'factories', we know it's child labour in places like Vietnam or Malaysia, we know it's men and women working in dangerous conditions in Bangladesh. But yet we still continue to buy the cheap tat. We continue to buy the latest shiny-shiny the minute Brand X releases one. We are *just as guilty* as a government that will whore its population out to whoever wants to make stuff there.

Early mornings, late evenings, weekends. Useless users always demand support

anothercynic Silver badge

Re: Dual SIM phone

Same here, albeit not a dual-SIM phone. I've kept my mobile number private from colleagues for yonks, and my current manglement and direct colleague know not to bother me unless the world (for us) is literally ending. So far it's worked; except last year where I made the mistake of looking in my email and seeing a clusterfuck of epic proportions forming whilst I was seeing the sites in a European capital. My colleagues didn't say anything to me, which is much appreciated, but the fact something impacted my area of responsibility with me unable to do anything but watch ruined the rest of my holiday.

If our organisation were to insist on on-call, my reaction would be identical to others in this comment section: a) you pay for a work phone issued to me, and b) you pay me double overtime for any periods on call or appropriate time off in lieu. You do *not* mess with my private life... my job is stressful as it is, I don't need more stress when I'm away on holiday.

Call of Duty studio co-founder pleads guilty to crashing drone into firefighting aircraft

anothercynic Silver badge

Re: Ironically...

The firefighters would know where their drone is, and they'd keep it out of the path of a firefighting aircraft.

But doughboy here didn't use the brain he had... and damaged an aircraft (and endangered not just the crew on board, but also the firefighters on the ground).

That in itself should be instant jail time... and maybe some time on the firefighting line along with those prisoners who end up doing that hard work alongside career firefighters.

anothercynic Silver badge

Another pasty doughboy avoiding jail... Should've gone to the clink IMO.

Stupidity deserves that.

Boom's XB-1 jet nails supersonic flight for first time

anothercynic Silver badge

Ditto... I had several opportunities to experience Concorde betwixt Paris and New York thanks to a relationship I had with Air France, but silly hubris of youth, like "Concorde flies to New York, and I'd have to change there to fly to Chicago" stopped me from ever paying for a flight, even though it would've been a first class return by normal standards.

It used to be enormous fun and a great thrill to arrive into CDG early enough to deplane and do the bus tour from one side of CDG to the other via the Concorde gate... watching her get prepped and then, around 25 minutes later, see her taxi to the runway and roar off towards New York. I kick myself every time I see the sad BA Concorde parked at the maintenance hangar at LHR. She deserves so much better than growing algae and lichen and moss on her skin, and then getting the occasional wash from some sympathetic BA engineers.

anothercynic Silver badge

Re: Well done to Boom

This. I join John here in congratulating Boom, because this is a great step ahead, especially if, when the scale model hits M1.7, the bangs are negligible (or non-existing).

The engine is indeed the important bit, and interestingly, none of the big names in this space are interested (at least officially and openly). The Overture will have engines from an obscure name, which ought to be interesting to watch.

Looking forward to seeing more progress on this! :-)

VMware users gripe over 3-year commitment to renew licenses

anothercynic Silver badge

Re: VMware waz a rare beast in software dev...

It was so much fun to beta test the early releases of Workstation. They didn't have EPP on their parallel port emulation, so it took a little while to get it. But once it was there, it was a breeze to use my old Logitech PP scanner with Windows 3.11 to scan things whilst running everything on Windows NT.

Fusion was also fabulous (especially because it meant I could switch to Mac at home whilst hanging around Windows in the daytime), but I agree that Broadcom *really* screwed the pooch, and I'll see how long I'll last on the last version(s) of Fusion Pro I am licensed for. If Parallels manages to make it possible to run Intel x64 on ARM, I'm switching!

Boeing warns of more financial hits from strikes, costlier parts – and Starliner, of course

anothercynic Silver badge

Re: The new Boeing Air Force One

The airframes for the new presidential transport were completed ages ago... They were some of the last 747-8i frames built.

So that's not going to be the problem... I suspect there'll be other things, like... ohhhh... the orange one's obsession with McDonalds?

China claims major fusion advance and record after 17-minute Tokamak run

anothercynic Silver badge

A good achievement...

... If true. The data ought to show that, but whether that'll be made available is another question.

Either way... if it *is* true, it's pretty good going, and hopefully leads to longer runs and an actual net energy output that can be sustained.

This is how Elon's Department of Government Efficiency will work – overwriting the US Digital Service

anothercynic Silver badge

Re: While I'm asking questions ...

*EVERY* historian so far with expertise in the National Socialist era and inter- and post-war politics has branded it a Nazi gesture. If the people who actually *study* this stuff say it's a Nazi gesture, it most likely is.

Any claims of "Roman gesture" or "awkward gesture" are just dodging the elephant in the room. The ADL especially should be ashamed, given their purpose to call this kind of crap out.

anothercynic Silver badge

Re: While I'm asking questions ...

It'll be funded by MAGA magic, jake... get with the program(me)!

It's all the billions saved from cancelling all DEI initiatives, and booting out all the trans people and stopping all abortion services and and and that'll pay (for) the DOGE.

In all seriousness though - if it wasn't for the guy who signed the paperwork and the guy who is meant to run it, I would say that this might not be a bad thing... Killing off all the little fiefdoms with all their "not invented here so not a good thing" and "all the data is ours and ours alone" attitudes (*specially* the DoD, DoS and their sprawling mess of agencies) could be a more streamlined government experience. But, like I said in the beginning, if it wasn't for the guy who signed the paperwork and the guy who is meant to run it...

Developers feared large chaps carrying baseball bats could come to kneecap their ... test account?

anothercynic Silver badge

Re: Their mistake was...

I like to use 10 or 11 Downing Street, Westminster, SW1A 2AA.

Good luck to any wayward bayliffs wishing to speak to Mr Bob Builder about goods ordered and not paid for.
