This is how it usually is...
... Every major implementation of something in the public sector that has gone south involves a form of inability to know/evaluate something while the vendor/implementor runs rings around the civil servants tasked to deliver it. There is a fundamental distrust by higher management of the experts in one's department/ministry... "oh, they just want to keep the status quo". Yes, sometimes the status quo is *good*. Sometimes the status quo is "keep the lights on and the services running smoothly and saving the council/department/ministry money". And yes, when the experts in your IT department say "oh God, don't use Oracle", they often have good reason to say this!
@Doctor Syntax said further up "I can't help feeling that the ideal solution would have been to have a real consultant on their side". He is absolutely correct in this. Sometimes, that's exactly what you need... someone who *is* an expert in negotiating the complexities of a new system, someone who understands the complexities of usability and a need to sometimes avoid changing processes just to suit the limitations of the software instead of the other way around, and someone who can read through the potential suitors' bullshit. And that's likely what got the Brum CC into this mess - not having someone like that on their side to call out Oracle on their bullshit.
It saddens me really... Brum could ill afford the ballooning costs of this mess, given how they've been taken to task over their selective remuneration policies, and they've had to flog off assets that were a good earner for them (involvement in the ICC and the NEC, amongst other things). And meanwhile, the Oracle consultants smugly smirk into their after work drinks knowing they've taken the council for a nice fat money ride.
I used to work as a contractor in the public sector, and it really got my hackles up to see how consultancy companies took the proverbial piss, and the ministries involved had to just shrug and say "we can't do much about it, guv, it's above our paygrade". It is *our* money, for Christsake... it's *our* taxes that are being wasted. As a consultant/contractor in the public sector, you should be fully aware that this is money *you* and millions of others paid to the council/department/ministry, albeit not directly, and you should maybe be prudent in how the money is spent/billed, not just sit back, smirk, and just let your employer take said council/department/ministry for a ride.