* Posts by sms123

36 publicly visible posts • joined 14 Mar 2014

UK signs deal to share police biometric database with US border guards


*Cough* - From wikipedia:

"On January 22, 1973, the Supreme Court issued a 7–2 decision holding that the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution provides a fundamental "right to privacy", which protects a pregnant woman's right to an abortion."

The only thing that the reversal did was pass responsibility back to the US states to regulate. I'm not making any judgement on if it's right or wrong (I am not USAian) but facts actually do matter.

and: "thinking a law written in the 18th century on the right to have a gun, has any relevance in modern society."

It's not an 18th century law it's part of the US constitution. The process of changing the US constitution is not exactly easy (especially for this issue). From: https://www.whitehouse.gov/about-the-white-house/our-government/the-constitution/

"An amendment may be proposed by a two-thirds vote of both Houses of Congress, or, if two-thirds of the States request one, by a convention called for that purpose. The amendment must then be ratified by three-fourths of the State legislatures, or three-fourths of conventions called in each State for ratification."

Given that one side of politics has control over >50% of the state legislatures even if they can pass the proposed change federally they aren't going to get 75% of the states to agree.

If it was a law I expect that it could have already been repealed**

**But probably not since the democrats had a super majority during at least some of the Obama years and had control of the house and senate for the last two years and have always promised to actually codify Roe v Wade into law but never actually did it. You almost think that they continually ignored as a future wedge issue to fire up the base if ever reversed (they are politicians you know).

If that happened the supreme court could not have reversed Roe v Wade - or would probably have refused to look at it as it would have been moot if there was a federal statute that codified it.

HPE Spaceborne Computer-2 slips off the shelf – and off the planet: Boxen heading to ISS


RHEL 7.8 is already out of support and doesn't have extended update support.

OpenZFS v2.0.0 targets Linux and FreeBSD – shame about the Oracle licensing worries


Re: "acting within the rights granted"

I think you can drop at least Red Hat from that list, they do not ship or support ZFS (registration and support subscription required):


Amazon makes big bet on New Zealand to crack Indian market


Re: Wait...what?

With a little google search:


The country cricket boards and sometimes the ICC sell the rights (they own them). The Indian cricket team doesn't own the rights to their broadcast matches (BCCI does in India). New Zealand's cricket board is able to sell the rights for matches occuring in New Zealand to whomever they wish.

The above URL does have some extra information about India but if Amazon only has streaming rights (even if live and on-demand) it will still be shown on terrestrial broadcast TV (perhaps only live though - who knows unless you want to find extra information about the actual contractual agreement).

Australian regulator slams Google ‘misinformation’ in pay-for-news-fight


In terms of: "this is exactly what Google is doing." I beg to disagree. I regularly look at news.google.com.au (being in Australia and all) and it does not show any part of an article. It gives you sections containing only the headlines and clicking on any link takes you to the news web site.

That may be diffferent on mobile and who knows what happens when AMP pages are being shown (the news on android usually takes you to an AMP version of the site). I would hope that the original web site gets the ad revenue for the AMP version. If not you may have a point but the desktop web browser version of google news doesn't at all show you any article text or attempt to pass off the original web sites content as having anything to do with google.

Record-breaking Aussie boffins send 44.2 terabits a second screaming down 75km of fiber from single chip


I have FTTH it just depends on where you live.

Californian chap sets his folks' home on fire by successfully taking out spiders with blowtorch


Re: blow torch... pfft



Suggests that number is ~1000 per year, accounting for population (which india has about 53x the population) would be the equivalent of 19 people a year in australia dying. Instead very few people die in Australia:


The important part is: "Wide access to antivenom and adequate medical care has made deaths exceedingly rare with only a few fatalities each year.". 5 people died in 2018 making it ~4 times less likely to die from a snake bite here compared to India.

Australia's 'snoop minister' wants crypto-busting law probe wound up, proposals back into parliament


Re: There's an easy solution to this stupid law

If you're using those apps you are using the wrong apps. Skype already has a backdoor for interception and facebook is under pressure to do the same (if they haven't done so already). You want an app from a company that only does that one app where the reputational loss of caving would end the company if found out.


There's an easy solution to this stupid law

When someone receives a request for technical assistance the solution is to remove the app from download from Australia or replace it with a dummy app that says that it's been removed because of the Australian government (obviously you cannot say why because the stupid law prevents you from doing so) and give details on who to contact to lodge a complaint (perhaps just the local member) and watch them back down.

Australia - where the laws of mathematics are apparently not stronger than national laws (stupidity always trumps common sense).

Alexa heard what you did last summer – and she knows what that was, too: AI recognizes activities from sound


Alexa hears shouting and a dropped knife.

Says: Would you like me order you a shovel, lye, and a body bag from Amazon Prime?

Australia won't prescribe its national broadband network a high-fibre diet


I live in country Victoria and get 50/20 FTTH (I decided against ordering 100/40), took a shift in home location though since in Melbourne I got 3/1 over ADSL 2+. There's no comparison - FTTH rules!

South Australia bins emergency alert app, contract


Re: Ripe for ridicule

It's OPM (Other Peoples Money - aka the taxpayers) what does any government care.

nbn™ to ISPs: share your speeds or we'll share 'em for you


Re: ADSL2 user here (wave)

Fingers crossed, we have a RFS date of the 15th of December (Outer eastern Melbourne). They're pulling new HFC cable underground at the moment (we never had it before) and running it through the existing phone conduit to homes.


> ADSL2 already got the minimum 25Mbs he promised for FTTN.

(Cough splutter expletive ROFL) Minimum 25Mbs? You do realise that the maximum theoretical speed for ADSL2+ is 24Mbs and in reality most people get a fraction of that (usually a small one). That's m-a-x-i-m-u-m, sorry I had to spell it you didn't seem to understand that was maximum not minimum. I for one look forward to you explaining in a follow up post explaining how my 3Mbs ADSL2+ is in reality a minimum of 25Mbs. If you can explain that I'll be impressed.

If you're going to put forward an argument that the NBN is a waste of money please only use real facts instead of alternative facts.

Teensy weensy space shuttle flies and lands


Re: How teensie weensie exactly?

See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dream_Chaser

"... while maintaining the relative outer mold line-6.9 m (22.5 ft) in length with a wingspan of 5.5 m (18.2 ft), ..."

Your boss asks you to run the 'cloud project': Ever-changing wish lists, packs of 'ideas'... and 1 deadline


The real question for me is the name of Bob's wife Alice?

Retailers would love an NBN backhaul tariff restructure


Re: Move to charges based on contention instead of mb/s

| The post assumes that plans should include unlimited data.

No, that's your assumption.

What I am trying to get across is that the formula used by the NBN is overly simplistic and doesn't deliver any reasonable outcome for anyone other than the NBN. CVC pricing could be based on a tier system such that providing less than 5Mb/s per user was penalised for example (warning made up figures change them to suit what you want):

1-4 Mb/s 15.75 per Mb/s

5-9 Mb/s 25.00 + 5.00 per Mb/s above 5

10-14 Mb/s 30.00 + 2.00 per Mb/s above 10

15-19 Mb/s 35.00 + 1.50 per Mb/s above 15

20-29 Mb/s 40.00 + 1.00 per Mb/s above 20

30-50 Mb/s 45.00 + 0.75 per Mb/s above 30

50-100 Mb/s 50.00 + 0.50 per Mb/s above 50

100+ 70.00 + 0.20 per Mb/s above 100

If as an RSP it was cheaper to provide 5Mb/s per user for CVC than 2Mb/s and perception of your service was significantly better why wouldn't you (assuming you had the backhaul from the POI)? You could also announce that the 1-5 tier would no longer be available for purchase from Jan 1st 2020 and as time moves on you drop off the lower tiers and lower the prices if the ARPU got past certain benchmarks.

For at least some ISPs that would probably provide a higher ARPU for the NBN and penalise someone who wanted to provide on 1Mb/s per user. If your AVC charge was $20 you'd get at least 35.75 per user at 1Mb/s per user and more than likely it would be 45 or 50 based upon someone choosing to provide 5Mb/s per user or 10Mb/s per user (which is better than it is currently - the ARPU that is).

If they come with NBN mandated quality of service descriptions (something other than the meaningless speed tier) you'd know what the provided CVC was for an ISP which would allow you to choose one that provided the CVC bandwidth you were willing to pay for. You can play with the values to provide different price signals that guided ISPs into providing something other really poor outcomes.


Move to charges based on contention instead of mb/s

That's a relatively easy issue to fix. Have a fixed price CVC based on an contention ratio per ISP instead of a per mbs per user charge. For example:

Cont./CVC/ACCC required description for marketing

100:1/$15/Unusable performance at peak times

50:1/$20/Really slow performance at peak times

20:1/$25/Slow performance at peak times

10:1/$30/Adequate performance at peak times

5:1/$35/Reasonable performance at peak times

2:1/$40/Fast broadband at any time

1:1/$45/Superfast Broadband all the time

The trick being get the ACCC to force the ISPs to use those descriptions as a headline description for the quality of the service. I can't see anyone providing other than Adequate or better if they are required to describe the service with a defined term as a headline description of the quality in their marketing materials.

nbn™ is installing new hybrid-fibre coax cables


The only direction is up from what I can tell with ADSL 2+ that connects at around 3Mb (so that's the max I get ever).


Re: Thanks

Cable was always overpriced in Australia and the bundles weren't great value. Free to air was also more ingrained here and there are laws protecting the siphoning of some sporting events to stop them from being cable only:


Since digital TV started in the early naughties we've gone from 5 analogue TV channels in some markets (to 30+ in metro areas of which about 15 contain anything remotely watchable). Compared to the US we also get a fair amount of free to air content that is cable only in the US (e.g. Archer on SBS). Now there's Netflix so cable here has no where to go but down.

The story may have been different if cable had started in the 70s instead of the middle 90s.


Many thanks for your help with this Simon. I'm much happier to be getting cable instead of what I thought I would be getting (FTTN).

If nbn™ can't say when it will arrive in your street, you're getting a Telstra HFC connection


Hmm I'm listed for 2020 which should mean Telstra cable. One problem with that is the Telstra cable system ends about 200m from where I live. It was never rolled out where I live because the area was an infill development after the cable rollout finished. I can look forward to a NBN connection over the non-existent HFC infrastructure. I'll roll my eyes and watch the train wreck in progress.

The case for a police-civilian cyber super-agency in Australia


Sounds like you're suggesting a cut in funding

Quote: "Conventional wisdom puts the FBI with 10 times the resources of the AFP, ..."

A well put argument for cutting funding to the AFP,. Considering that the USA has more than 10x the population that would equate to a 10-20% cut for the AFP wouldn't it?

Australia teases binning x86 for Power CPUs in new supercomputer


Coming soon (courtesy google translate):

Das Register

Beißen die Hand, die IT speist

There's no other reason for having "ist" in the article is there (I mean apart from a typo)?

Paying a PoS*, USA? Your chip-and-PIN means your money's safer...


Re: Remembering PINs is difficult

Why should you have to remember the PIN? In Australia you can have your PIN changed to be whatever you want (you aren't allowed ones like 1234). Assuming you haven't shared it with someone else or been robbed and been forced to give it to someone else you can keep the same PIN for life. My PIN hasn't changed since I first got some kind of card to use it with.

Microsoft's Windows 10 nagware storms live TV weather forecast


don't do it!

The best part was the lady saying don't do it at the end (referring to the upgrade)

The gear I use in my test lab: A look at three Trident+ switches


Re: Quotes

On a lighter note after reading http://www.trevorpott.com/about/

"My comapny is currently on sysadmin contracts for:"

This would be work you can do in your sleep (insert comedy drum rimshot here)?

Netflix launch brings Australia's biggest ever download deluge


Re: From 30GB per person to 110GB per person

Because it accurately reflects the state of broadband for most ISP customers.

Also it's rather advanced since not every place (in Victoria at least) had subscriber dialing until some time into the 80s. In a very small mallee town from 1979-82 our phone had a knob of the front that you turned to get the operator to answer and you told them what number you wanted to call or the town and number you wanted in the case of another manual exchange. The operator was a very nice lady who everyone knew because of the size of the town so you usually had a chat with her before your call went through.

Australian court slaps down Hollywood's speculative invoices


Its worth less than A$9 a copy on a commercial basis

Presumably you could avoid at least paying the cost of downloading the film by finding a second-hand or bargain bin copy of the DVD and only be left on the hook for your share of the legal proceedings if the letters ever appear.

It's currently available for 12.98 as part of a buy 2 get one free offer at JB:


That values the movie at less than A$9 per copy if you want to get a few others as well.

Why are all the visual special effects studios going bust?


Re: there's plenty of people willing to see ads

Not necessarily. I purchased a computer there for my mother and after a bit of bargaining they actually were the cheapest place to get it. You just won't get anything cheap there if you're doing the xx months interest free thing.

Bank-heist malware's servers phone home to Russian spookhaus


Bad life choices

What happens if the FSB decide that they don't like that one bit and decide to track down who did it themselves ............ it won't end well.

No, Optus: don't try US-style net neutrality arguments in Oz


Re: Nothing wrong with Australian Internet...

Yes, and you probably live near the exchange and get 20+Mbps. You didn't stop to think about anyone else who may be further from the exchange (like me getting under 3Mbps down where a gig takes a long longer than you).

Basically you're saying "F everyone else I'm ok". Ever thought what may happen if you move and you find yourself unable to get cable, ADSL, or you're far enough from the exchange that you only get 2-3Mbps or (shudder) have to rely on 3 or 4G wireless at extortionate prices?

Australia's Akamai ranking has nothing to do with the NBN


Re: I just want 5mbs, relaiably

I think you missed his point. He seems to be arguing that Akami has a better idea of speed than most. It's less about ISP service and more about physics some people live a long way from their exchange.

The ABS statistics while interesting are somewhat misleading. They measure "advertised" speeds - ADSL2+ is almost definitely lumped into the 8-24Mb range. I have ADSL2+ yet my sync speed is 3 down 1 up because I'm 4.9km from my exchange (despite the fact that there are two other exchanges within 2km of my home - I'm unable to get service from those exchanges or at least unwilling to make the switch because there's no guarantee that I will get ADSL2+ ports at those exchanges). There's no cable here because the estate where I live was created after the cable roll out.

It's not surprising that Akami's measurements are significantly worse than the ABS stats but the Akami stats are more likely to reflect reality that any advertised speed for broadband service.

Most people who bemoan the NBN do so because they live close to an exchange or are in a cable area and can get fast broadband (the amount of people who seem to think FU we don't need no NBN because I can get fast speeds therefore everyone else must be able to is astounding).

Review mass-snoop laws regularly, says RIPA daddy Blunkett


Re: Oh dear

> Not everything american is bad, that's a tad racist!

The comment is a tad daft.

The Americans are not a race of people. They are citizens of one country - the USA. Using the term racism in this way (by a lot of people) causes the term to lose it's impact and, to be honest, it's meaning.

Turnbull to add speed test app to MyBroadband web site


I've been battling with @CommsAU to have HFC downgraded to an E for availability for RWOD:166. It's available to ~6 properties out of the usual 150 that are mean to be in an area. Rating A/E for ADSL (~2Mb/s) but they have rating A for HFC (which implies that 80+ % of home can get it). Pity it's not actually installed for most places since the homes were built after the roll out finished.

The myBroadband site has abysmal quality data and the fact anyone actually made any original NBN decisions based on that data just astounds me.

Is the government's NBN policy changing your vote? Greens Senator Scott Ludlam thinks so


Vote greens never

If they were any significant power I doubt that I would be able to afford the electricity to turn on a computer to be able to use whatever NBN they put in.