* Posts by simonorch

7 publicly visible posts • joined 23 Aug 2013

Fortinet's week to forget: Critical vulns, disclosure screw-ups, and that toothbrush DDoS attack claim


To their credit, we were given a heads-up on the 6th to patch ASAP. A tricky balancing act for them 'Tell me I need to patch, without telling me I need to patch' sort of thing. By the way, no 7.0.14 patch as of yet for the brand new shiny 90/91G soc5 boxes.

BA's 'global IT system failure' was due to 'power surge'



It reminds me of a story from a number of years ago involving a previous company i worked for.

Brand spanking new DC of which they were very proud. One day the power in the area went down but their lovely shiny generator hadn't kicked in. No problems, just go out with this key card for the electronic lock to get in and start the generator manually...oh, wait..

Telia engineer error to blame for massive net outage


Punching monkeys

Would love to be a fly on the wall in the subsequent meetings at Telia.

Given my experience the last year with another large nordic ISP i'm not surprised.

Europe's new privacy safeguards are finally approved, must invade EU nations by 2018



Forcing companies, especially the mid to smaller sized ones to actually take security seriously can only be a good thing. From a consultants perspective all i can say is...happy days.

Ransomware scum sling PowerShell, Word macro nasty at healthcare biz



Using Word as your vehicle, epic fail. Excel on the other hand....carnage.

Hi ho, hi ho it's a consulting i will go.

US government's $6bn super firewall doesn't even monitor web traffic


Qui Bono

The public sector is about keeping people in work, anything useful that may be a result of that work is purely coincidental and should be considered as a bonus.

Holiday HELL: Pourquoi, monsieur, why is there no merdique Wi-Fi here?


Top tip

Next time, book through Gites de France (which doesn't translate to 'French gits' as you may well be forgiven for thinking), simply click the box for those appartments offering internet\wifi and search away...

Alternatively, holiday in Norway next year where you can revel in almost unparalleled wifi coverage, with many restaurants offering free wifi, not to mention airports, hotels and many other places...and at the same time pay through the nose for pretty much everything else.