Re: Neville Chamberlain
Modernish irregular verbs:
Zelensky fights
Chamberlain appeases
Trump capitulates
It's just shameful
175 publicly visible posts • joined 26 Jun 2007
I remember in a previous life attending a talk on financial modelling, stochastic differential equations and all that stuff. Not my thing at all, but I do remember one interesting observation which was along the lines of financial modelling is unlike climate modelling and weather forecasting because the outputs of the model can directly and measurably affect the thing that is being modelled. Looks like that's no longer true.
This is a very strange article. The offence is abuse of a software licence - in particular not obtaining one to use the software. This is an important issue, and IMO the world in general and academia in particular has got to learn that software doesn't just come out of thin air, if you want high quality and especially if you want maintenance you will have to pay for or contribute to it in some way. But then the article goes off talking about access to academic publications, a totally separate issue. It's of definite importance but I fail to see how retracting a paper due to breaking the law connects with it.
Some years back I was visiting a sub-Saharan country in Africa and got talking with one of the locals over a coffee about how corruption affects their democracy. I can 't remember exactly how he put it, but the essence was that if some local bigwig comes by and says to a villager "I will give you a cow if you promise to vote for me" the villager will take it and vote for the bigwig, because the central government is totally divorced from his existence, while a cow will make a real difference to his family. Then the local finished off by saying something like " but of course that wouldn't happen in a developed world democracy." For some reason I've been thinking about that little encounter more often recently.
A genuine laugh out loud moment that one ...
The doubly worrying thing is that a *good* sum() function is non-trivial, especially if dealing with floating point. So much so that I will roll my own if I really need accuracy, who knows who wrote the library functions for all the compilers I need to support?
Note both Oxford and Cambridge give BAs for all their first degrees - I hold a BA (Oxon) in Chemistry
But a large part of the problem is successive ministers have seen the science and technology budget as there to fund their own pet projects, rather than supporting any coherent national plan. IMO millions have been hived away and wanted that way. Boris Johnson and George Osborne are especially at fault here.
No. Some MPs form the government, but not all. Quoting https://www.parliament.uk/about/how/role/relations-with-other-institutions/parliament-government/
"Parliament and the Government are different. They have different roles and do different things."
"HM Government consists of the Prime Minister, their Cabinet and junior ministers, supported by the teams of non-political civil servants that work in government departments."
"Parliament is there to represent our interests and make sure they are taken into account by the Government. The Government cannot make new laws or raise new taxes without Parliament's agreement.
Parliament is made up of people we have elected and people who have been appointed. They sit in two separate Houses:
The House of Commons, where all the people we have elected at the General Election work, as MPs, for the next five years. This includes people in other political parties, as well as those in the winning party who were not chosen to be ministers."
Thus all MPs are members of the House of Commons, but not all MPs are members of the Government
More than that, it's quite possible that the games are analysed afterwards by some software to find indicators as to whether it is a human playing, or if there is computer "assistance". I can't tell you about the Go world, but this certainly happens in Chess - any rated online tournament will likely be sent for analysis, and yes, people have been disqualified and/or banned for use of a computer having been detected by this method. Ken Regan (https://www.buffalo.edu/news/experts/ken-regan-faculty-expert-chess.html) is probably the best known researcher in this area.
Yes, Priti Patel is evil She wants to kill people (https://www.indy100.com/news/priti-patel-resurfaced-clip-death-penalty-ian-hislop-question-time-video-home-secretary-9020006) unlike mini-Trump who merely colludes in trying to get them beaten up (https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2019/jul/14/black-eyes-boris-johnson-plot-attack-reporter-darius-guppy). Both liars though. And these are the people wanting to hand over our personal data ...
I remember that day. I remember as a student sitting in the common room watching the television footage. Crying. Crying for the people of China. Crying for a people being told lies. Crying for all of us whenever we unquestioningly forgo freedom for security. World, don't forget this. This is what the Chinese government is all about. Every time you have dealings with the Chinese government remember Tiananmen Square.
Macho flops/£ and achieved flops/£ are very different things, especially once software development and maintenance costs are factored in, and also electricity bills. But the honest truth is for this project the vast majority of users didn't need or want GPGPUs to do their science, and in many cases GPU versions of the applications just don't exist, so early on a decision was made to be purely CPU based - the machine is there to do science, and if it can't do the science the user base needs it doesn't matter how many macho flops it can do. As a result I can't answer your question as we never did that calculation.
Sigh ... To all those who don't understand the archaic temperature units which are the primary measure in the article can I remind you of
so they can be converted into something more comprehensible. For starters 120F=2.9Hn
Just to add some numbers over the period 2014-2016 UK researchers and Innovators received 15.2% of the Horizon 2020 funding, for a total of just under €3.8bn funding. This was the second highest in Europe, just behind Germany (16.7%): https://ec.europa.eu/unitedkingdom/news/horizon-2020-three-years-uk-tops-league-participants_en
"To be sure, 6 minutes instead of 16 years is quite the improvement, but only some cases ?
I do hope that they know which cases, because it would be a shame if they applied it wrong yet still used the answer that their statistical analysis machine gave them."
Well speaking as somebody who develops DFT codes on HPC machines I would use the following technical term to describe their comparison: Bollocks. You can solve systems with a few thousand atoms relatively easily on a few 10s or 100s of cores on a modern HPC machine, maybe 1200 hours is fair, but 16 years, WTF are they on?
Oh, and of course out of a quantum mechanical calculation you get the wavefunction which allows deep insight into the properties of the system under investigation. Out of curve fitting you get the fitted curve. Don't get me wrong, this can be extremely useful in certain circumstances. But what is being presented here is complete over-sell - "News: Drawing a line through some points is quicker and easier than solving the fundamental laws of nature, film at 11!!!"
"We want people to be able to take advantage of the wide choice of communication services available and shop around with confidence, so that they can get the best deals for their needs."
On the other hand we could have a situation where companies don't have the right to rip the customer off the moment they put a foot wrong. We could have a situation where the default is that companies can not rip off consumers at will. Maybe governments could understand that while representing me one very important responsibility is to spare me working through a plethora of compare the market type sites and rather let me HAVE A LIFE. But no. As long as their hedge fund managers maximise their profit that is all that matters. I am just a working droid to maximise somebody else's profits. Fuck 'em.
Great, we can build these machines on some kind of timescale. But without the applications that can exploit them what is the point? Where's the funding for the software development, especially if novel architectures require a large overhaul of existing million line codes?