You also could not download from the website if you had one of their new 2024 Kindles before they dropped the hammer on everyone else.
Posts by Chet Mannly
753 publicly visible posts • joined 27 Jan 2012
101 fun things to do with a locked Kindle e-reader
Mozilla flamed by Firefox fans after promises to not sell their data go up in smoke
Re: Benefit of continuous improvments?
The problem with that for browsers is that they have always been free, and there are no new features to add for a browser.
It's the same problem Adobe faced when they inflicted subscriptions on the world - Photoshop had gotten to the point where it did everything people wanted it to do and didn't want to pay for new versions (heck I'm still on CS6 and frankly there's still no new features I'd pay for...) so from a corporate perspective their revenue dried up. S***y deal for users though...
Murena kicks Google out of the Pixel Tablet
Privacy doesn't have to cost extra...
"Privacy costs in inconvenience as well as financially. The de-Googled version of the Pixel Tablet costs rather more than the ad-subsidized version from Google"
Privacy doesn't have to cost. OK I get this is a Murena puff piece, but you can buy a normal Pixel tablet and install GrapheneOS for free.
uBlock Origin dead for many as Google purges Manifest v2 extensions
Amazon puts an $8.5bn MGM in its shopping cart, clicks on checkout
AI summaries turn real news into nonsense, BBC finds
Re: LLMs cannot summarise
"Often it will drop something in the summary that I look at and decide "no, that bit is important, I really want that in" and I put it back in"
Serious question - if you have to review things in that depth anyway, and it's only 100 words, is it actually more efficient?
I could do a 100 word summary of a doc I wrote in about 2 minutes and not have to revise it - is the AI really helping all that much if you have to apply so much effort into review? Let's leave aside the nightmarish reality that probably 90% of people wont bother to review output at all...
Trump's Dept of Transport hits brakes on Biden’s EV charger build-out
TSA’s airport facial-recog tech faces audit probe
Re: Privacy?
Every person who enters a US airport is run through facial recognition and identified by the system - that mass surveilance is the problem.
What you linked to is opting out of that identification being then used for things like boarding, not from being identified and tracked in the first place.
Why users still couldn't care less about Windows 11
Tesla's numbers disappoint again ... and the crowd goes wild ... again
Europe, UK weigh up how to respond to Trump's proposed tariffs. One WTF or two?
Re: And
No, you were a citizen of what was an EU country thereby making you a citizen of the EU by extension. Now your country is not part of the EU ergo you aren't an EU citizen.
If EU citizenship is important to you them become a citizen of an EU country. In most EU countries that means living there for 5 years.
US AI shares battered, bruised, and holding after yesterday's DeepSeek beating
Re: Too early...
"Students all over the world already recognized that writing "good" prose and correct grammar has become as easy as using correct orthography."
Those students haven't learned enything except gto get a computer to do their work for them.
And I'd hardly call what GPT produces as good prose. It's grammar is hit and miss as well...
Words alone won't get the stars and stripes to Mars
Trump hits undo on Biden AI safety order, EV mandate, emissions standards, and more
Copilot invades Microsoft 365 Personal and Family for an extra three bucks a month
'Savvy' shortcuts produce near-instant speech-to-speech translation of 36 languages
Re: A few loose thoughts
"how do they 'know' what is 'reliable'?"
100% this. Skype builds language models locally for incorporation into MS' larger models. These local models are built on my language lessons in very rudimentary Italian and somewhat better Spanish. I can't imagine how horrific the models Skype is building based on my terrible 2nd and 3rd languages are...
Shove your office mandates, people still prefer working from home
Re: I'm surprised some companies don't want to embrace WFH...
I truly think in some cases it's down to manager's egos. Many spent their whole lives dedicated to their work so they could feel important, so they could have their egos stroked by people constantly kissing up to them every time they stepped out of their office and walked the floor. You don't get that when your minions aren't in the office - you are suddenly just another face on a zoom call just like all the others...
Europe hopes Trump trumps Biden's plan for US to play AI gatekeeper
Microsoft tests 45% M365 price hikes in Asia-Pacific to see how much you enjoy AI
Re: Perpetual?
I had one of those - and discovered that it's only perpetual for the computer it is activated on - buy a new laptop and you have to pay up again.
Or at least that's what happened with my copy of office 2019 when I got a new laptop last year and I doubt MS have gotten more generous.
It was around that time that I realised I didn't really need Office for my personal use and after a short learning curve Libre Office works just fine for word and advanced excel work.
Windows 11 24H2 hoards 8.63 GB of junk you can't delete
Yeah but it's not MS storage. It means MS have lower loads on their servers, lower costs for flinging out updates and that is all that matters to them.
The fact that it's your resources makes no difference to MS. They know 99% of users won't even know how to find the disk cleanup function, let alone figure out how much space is being eaten up by MS' updates.
Just like using people's PC's to build MS' generative AI models using local data then uploading the models to the main codebase (like they are doing with Skype). Using people's PCs is free, running the same process on MS hardware costs money...
Musk dreams of launching five Starships to Mars in two years
Windows 11 users still living in the past face forced update, like it or not
It's all about copilot
"23H2...introduced Microsoft's Windows Copilot AI assistant"
That is what this is all about - shoving copilot down everyone's throats so MS can get all those windows 11 pc's generating AI models in the background that can then be uploaded and added to the main codebase.
Skype has been doing it for months now.
Starlink U-turns, will block X in Brazil after all
Re: I'm no fan of the Space Karen but...
I assume it's aimed at journalists. If they quote something said on X, they get slapped with a fine for accessing it, as with the ban VPN is the only way they could do it.
That's really the point of this, to keep independent stuff about the government published on X out of the papers...
Console yourself – research finds gaming may actually boost mental health
Or is it more to do with winning the lottery?
The subjects in this won a lottery to get the console (run due to the shortage).
So just owning the console gave them a mental health benefit as it was something they won and probably also gave them a benefit from playing as it reminded them of the thing they had won.
I don't see how this has been corrected for in the article. It's plausible that this study found benefits while others didn't just because they were studying lottery winners...
Chrome Web Store warns end is nigh for uBlock Origin
Punkt MC02: As private, and pricey, as a Swiss bank account
Err why not just buy a Pixel and install GrapheneOS yourself...
As the title says, buy a Pixel, install GrapheneOS and add a double press action to volume or something to turn on flight mode. Alternatively you can just buy Pixels with GrapheneOS preinstalled. Add Proton Mail and calendar for free if you want to avoid using google equivalents.
Why pay such an expensive subscription for a phone and an OS that a Swiss company has wrecked when you can do all that for free?
Skype goes ad-free, which is unusual for Microsoft
Breaking the rules is in Big Tech's blood – now it's time to break the habit
Re: killing music...
The other issue I have with streaming services like Spotify is they change the mixes of songs from time to time - mostly for the worse. And once they are changed that's it, you can't hear the original/real version anymore.
Another good reason to have CD's or at a minimum buy a downloadable version of tracks you really like.
Police allege 'evil twin' of in-flight Wi-Fi used to steal passenger's credentials
American interest in electric vehicles short circuits for first time in four years
Re: Why make it personal?
Tesla actually bought the entire mechanical design from Lotus - it was a superceded model.
It's actually not unusual. IIRC the Chrysler Crossfire was a superceded Mercedes SLK chassis design, and half the small cars in Europe are either VW Golf or Polo designs underneath.
Re: The sight of a Telsa accelerating with a half million watts of power is heartwarming
"are these numbers from actual (impartial) studies or are they from (I have an agenda) studies?"
Where are the impartial studies? Pretty much every study I've seen has either been from an EV/battery booster or an anti-EV mob. There's very little research I've seen that appears impartial on this subject...