* Posts by hmw

4 publicly visible posts • joined 26 Jan 2012

Oregon can't stop people from calling themselves engineers, judge rules in Traffic-Light-Math-Gate


Re: Great for this Engineer

'very little actual core information' ?????

What course did you do? "Avoidance of Computer Engineering"?

Basic CS courses have plenty of lambda calculus (aka denotational semantics) - and that's a SOLID body of theory - not just "descriptions of programming languages"

Databases, Information Retrieval, Non linear optimization, Operations Research, Graphics (2D & 3D), not to mention Digital Signal Processing ...

And don't even get me started on compilers and processors ...


Re: Great for this Engineer

Speaking of CompSci and Sanitation Engineers - my supervisor proudly showed the class some pics of a group of research students (from my alma mater and working for Sun on the JVM) wearing boiler suits emblazoned with the following logo: Sun Sanitation Engineering

After all, they were working on the Garbage Collector for the JVM

Adobe sucks on Oracle brain drain for HTML5 game gain


Sad day for Oracle. Tony Printezis was one of the best PhDs out of Glasgow Univ and one of the brains behind the later HotSpot garbage collectors.

Of course, what else would one expect from a company that values lawyers and managers much more than techies ? James Gosling didn't last very long did he ? And now these guys. Anyone know if Guy Steele still heads up Sun ... oops .. Oracle Research Labs on the East Coast ?

I bet Oracle launches patent wars on people for doing some arcane garbage collection routines :)

Telly makers aim to put OLED in your lounge in 2012


Does the 55" OLED really have a 3840x2160 resolution ? At that rez, $10k sounds good.