* Posts by btrower

709 publicly visible posts • joined 9 Nov 2011

Harvard kid, 20, emailed uni bomb threat via Tor to avoid final exam, says FBI


Re: This is why Tor was/is never going to work

@Andy Prough:

I agree with you. I had higher hopes for Tor, but we need a much more comprehensive approach to secure communications. I am not sure why everyone cannot see the need for it, but we need pervasive encryption everywhere. Making point to point communication untraceable should be a fundamental part of infrastructure. Rather than aiding and abetting rogue regimes attempting to illegally monitor and control speech, network infrastructure companies like Cisco should be working diligently to ensure that intercepting communications is as difficult as they can make it.

The state is an adversary in any rational threat model. Creating a system that actually aids adversaries is poor security design indeed.


Need to stop more than Tor

Lots of things were involved in this incident. No doubt they used electricity during this time and were aided and abetted by food and shelter. The fact that they were not actively under surveillance was a contributing cause. I think if we do a little digging we will discover that he got tools and ideas from the Internet and somehow was able to make sense of them; perhaps by leveraging early terrorist training in reading and writing. No doubt we could have at least slowed them down by ensuring they did not have access to plumbing and sanitary facilities.

Many things are implicated in any activity. The emphasis on Tor is an attempt to make a case against personal privacy, not because it is peculiarly enabling of crime and of no value otherwise, but because it threatens the entrenched power structure.

Most people are not going to get it, but the Commentardia should be easily able to make sense of this and should be communicating this to their fellows. Stopping private communications is net detrimental just like pulling down any other necessary infrastructure; perhaps more so.

China turns screws on Bitcoin with third party payments ban


It's an error. Fix it.

What this means is that the BitCoin system has a bug or design error that makes it vulnerable to this type of attack. If it is to be a proper part of the Internet, it needs to be able to route around such attacks.

This is an argument in favor of Crypto Currency, not against it. The fact that they have control over other forms of exchange and don't over this is a bad thing for them but a good thing for us. Intervening like this is an admission that they can't control Crypto Currency.

I have some technical misgivings about BitCoin in particular and I think it should be replaced rather than upgraded. However, I think we truly need a strong assault-proof Crypto-Currency.

Beauty firm Avon sticks spike heel into $125m SAP-based sales project


Re: Typical

Re: "Pity that in the last paragraph you mixed a few unrelated concepts and confused others."

I must have communicated badly. The executive summary is this:

Programming language and programming paradigm are germane. When you start with a language that is not known for producing the world's working code, you start with a problem right off the bat. One of the issues I have with this is that a lot of the people producing code in these languages do not properly know how to program.

Most of the world's software is not written in HLLs like SAP's ABAP or whatever they are calling it these days. The people who know what they are doing enough to produce the actual working code we are all running use things like the languages I mentioned. Much of the world's code doing the 'heavy lifting' is old code, written in old languages by old programmers.*** To the extent that a lot of the modern systems work, they are relying upon older code in many places along the path from concept to a running implementation. The guys who built the stuff that works are retiring. Meantime, instead of properly advancing languages and training literate programmers to use them, we are squandering our resources and a generation of programmers on stuff like the SAP systems under discussion. The problem is, at the end of the day they do not produce real hard-core working systems we all actually use.

Re: "In the end, everything runs in assembly language (machine code, to be pedantically accurate), be it compiled or interpreted. Object orientation is more a matter of style than language. Yes, there are languages that make it easier, but C code can be object oriented just as you can write procedural C++"

In the long run, we are all dead. Ultimately everything is running in microcode on the chip. Unless we are building a chip, that level of abstraction is not where we work. Assembly language as a programming abstraction is not equivalent to machine code. It compiles to machine code, but it is not machine code, it is Assembly language. Similarly, languages which target C as an intermediate on the way to compilation (the old C++ did this), are not equivalent to C. They translate to C, but it is not C, it is C++. You can create object oriented code in C, native machine op codes or even lower for that matter, but at the level of C you are not dealing with an object oriented language. I am not crazy about any of the language alternatives, but some languages naturally support object oriented design and C is not one of them.

*** Things like the following are generally not written in the allegedly 'better' new languages, but rather the allegedly inefficient old languages: Operating systems, language compilers, database engines and tools, spreadsheets, word processors, drawing and document creation tools, typesetting, presentation software, browsers, search engines, Email systems, networking systems, web servers, virtualization systems, multimedia systems, security systems, archiving tools, translators and proofing tools, multi-tier architecture infrastructure, GUIs, expert systems, speech recognition and synthesis, etc. They generally trace back to someone scratching an itch and even though the research may have started with other tools and languages such as spreadsheet macros, Algol derivatives or scripting languages, eventually the hard-core production stuff we all use every day is written in languages like Assembler, C/C++, etc. Application stuff running on big iron was written in languages like 360 Assembler and COBOL.



This is typical of a bunch of the big vendors whose money goes into marketing, lobbying, lawyering and forms of bribery rather than the software they claim to have.

Like others here, I have worked on my share of big projects using stuff like this and the only reason any of them succeed is people like me spending long nights building work-arounds. In my case, a lot of it on my own dime just to maintain my own self respect.

The people at these places definitely know how to get success if you measure that success by their own growth and increasing wealth. Not so much for their customers. They are very good at balancing their take so they don't kill the host organism, but sometimes their calibration is off and the host company dies anyway.

Fortunately for them, a dead host is only a mere nuisance since the executives that acted as vectors into the host move to a new host and engage all over again. Ironically, this is often based on their (vendor issued) 'award-winning success' with the project that killed their former employer.

Most of the world's working systems are running on Assembly code variants, C, Cobol, Fortan and other old languages used by old programmers. God help us when they all retire. [Note that compiling what is essentially partially crippled C code with a C++ compiler does not make it C++ code, let alone 'object oriented'. Presenting screen-scraped results from CICS does not mean your application is written in the scraping language. That is, it is not going to replace the underlying COBOL code doing the actual heavy lifting. Shout out to Ada. Not sure how much code is written in this language, but a lot of important mission-critical code is written in it and it is (despite being a bit clunky) a sane and sensible language.]

Bjork, 500+ novelist pals ask UN for 1 bill of digital rights to RULE 'EM ALL


Re: It's no good moaning.

People are generally good and there is a *lot* of us good guys and we are very powerful as a group. We just need to realize this and get together. The bad guys are bad and they control the reigns of power, but there are not many of them and they are cowards.

This is what ordinary people do with one another when they have a chance:


French gov used fake Google certificate to read its workers' traffic


Re: Well, thats another authority removed from my trusted list.

@Crazy Operations Guy:

I concur. In fact, only a tiny handful of roots should be trusted and *all* of the current root CAs are not trustworthy.

Too long to go into here, but not only the practice of the trust system is broken. The design is as well.

As I have mentioned before, all of the big players are perfectly capable of giving you significantly better trust. They choose not to as a business decision. The cure to this is to make violating trust unprofitable.


Need a little clean up

Of course all this stuff was possible and we knew it was happening to some extent. However, the pervasive nature of this and the, if you will, blasé, 'laissez faire" attitude is troubling.

It is one thing for spies to be operating out of bounds, quite another for the entire regulatory apparatus, private, public, sovereign and supra-national to be shredding the rules at every turn.

We need to dig this all up, find the extent, close down the most outrageous stuff and remove the caretakers who have had such horrendous judgment to bring us here.

What you need to know about moving to the Azure public cloud


Re: "What you need to know about moving to the Azure public cloud"

@Steven Raith:

That was the answer I almost went with myself. Too true.


Re: Still not sure


You are correct to be unsure.

It does become very expensive very quickly and mistaken deployments could have a severe financial impact.

I am not sure where you are that you have weekly downtime. It is not nearly as good as they claim, but it is not that bad. It is true, though that some parts of scheduling are out of your control. I am actually going to have to leave a data center in a few months because of a scheduled change I can't live with.

Re: "if you shut down from within the server rather than the console,"

There are a bunch of "gotcha's like that" and they differ from vendor to vendor. You have to be extremely wary. I was charged by Amazon for a machine that was not even running. Mercifully it was small, but I got dinged for more than a month's worth before I got it, figured out how to fix it and then fixed it. It was due to a few hassles like this that I idled my stuff at Amazon.


Here is what I have chosen

I have been at this for many years now, starting with virtual servers in the late 1990s. Over the years I have gone for vanilla stuff at every turn and that has meant until recently things like CentOS.

I currently maintain servers in Data Centers in Florida, Washington and Toronto as well as servers in my local area. I have idled servers on Amazon's cloud system and at a company called 'GoGrid'. Most of what is running is still vanilla Linux of one flavor or another such as CentOS and Ubuntu. However, a few machines are now running Windows Server 2003 some client sites and 2008 and 2008R2 on others.

I have an account on Azure and have done for at least a couple of years. However, I have never even gone through the effort of deploying test machines for more than a short while (and on Microsoft's dime) because the cost structure has never been even close enough to viable to seriously consider. I will be returning to this in the spring but I am not optimistic.

I have also maintained a Google Office system and written test code in their Go language. There have been issues of one sort or another, but I will be revisiting this again. I am optimistic that Google will come up with something viable, but thus far they are not the answer.

The servers that I have committed to are generally Linux and generally run open source software exclusively. It would have been easy to move clients over to cloud offerings at Amazon, GoGrid or Microsoft' Azure except that the costs simply did not make sense.

I am confident that the cloudy universe will be the eventual winner and I have voted by keeping a number of live servers on various systems. It is only for limited production, though.

To the extent that it is prudent to move a client on to the cloud entirely, I need to make sure I am using a common vanilla subset that exists across multiple vendors so that I can set up adequate fail-over and so that clients don't end up captives of a single vendor. To a large extent, this rules out Microsoft because they have no real interest in supporting what we need.

Going forward, I am hoping to be able to cost-effectively have limited Windows Terminal Services facilities so that I can comfortably transition legacy applications. However, I am not confident that there will ever come a time when this makes financial sense to a client.

I will definitely be shifting function into the cloud on Linux. The direction is to do vanilla stuff with browser hosted stuff where possible and otherwise to use XDMCP or VNC to log into X-Windows.

My focus is on small businesses with less than 50 employees. Some of what I do may not scale well to thousands or millions of users, but I am fine with that. I would rather have a competent special purpose platform than an incompetent general use platform.

People who are serious about providing working systems at a cost that is viable should avoid the siren song of the many interesting but unusual applications available on these platforms. Certainly, you should avoid like the plague anything that would lock you into an ecosystem like Windows, MS Office, Outlook, Visual Studio, etc.

For the foreseeable future, mission critical applications such as banking systems do not belong on these cloud platforms. They cannot be sufficiently secured and do not properly support the types of sophisticated disaster recovery scenarios required by large companies who depend upon their LOB applications staying up.

YMMV. It is fairly easy and cheap to put up a cloud environment for testing. You can do that and if it seems to make sense you can prove it out cheaply on local systems and then deploy. Deployment is not as easy as they make it out to be, but it is still pretty easy to bring a live network up quickly.

Malware+pr0n surge follows police op to kill illicit streaming sites


Don't forget the Lemonade

The upside of this is that the Internet *always* routes around damage. The CoLP are an attacker and will eventually be rebuffed and kicked off of the Internet. Hopefully we will be able to identify other entities and individuals involved so the suspension from the Internet applies to them as well.

We need an equivalent to RBL that identifies these attackers so that their IP traffic only goes where it is welcome. Hint:It is not welcome here.

This one time at Apple Camp... Tech titan offers to school US fanbois on coding


Re: Well that's the problem, isn't it


Re: " this code... it does do what it is supposed to, right? The results make sense? Always?"

Unbelievably, yes. I can't tell tales out of school, so can't say much, but it used a clever technique to determine, at a distance, systems that were about to fail before they failed. That in turn allowed scheduling repairs prior to failure to ensure SLA uptime. The errors in the code were errors in software development, not in logical design. The program did what it was supposed to do. It would occasionally die and have to be restarted because my code was not able to entirely fix errors subsequent to invalid memory use.

Re: "Has this been adequately tested?"

Yes. In fact, that is the only reason it worked. Through a huge series of testing and repair iterations the software's behavior was brought into compliance with its design requirements. They could argue with me, but they could not argue with designers and users in UAT.

Re: "You don't work for RBS do you?"

No, but I think you get the idea. The reason stuff like this flies is because someone like me subcontracts to another sub-contractor that in turn contracts to the general contractor that has the customer relationship.

Deals are made between client and general contractor, sometimes a horse-trading deal for which the nominal contract deliverables are irrelevant. They are scratching one another's backs somewhat off the books and the nominal contract is one way to move things back and forth. The General contractor gets a piece of billed hours as does the sub-contractor. The final person doing the work (me) is encouraged to work long hours, and carefully bill every minute because only billed minutes result in money regardless of progress on tasks. These are usually in some type of regulated industry that is able to pass on any and all costs to the consumer. Everybody prospers except for the consumer.

In the particular instance above, this pro-active maintenance system saved a *ton* of money so what was being paid was out of value actually created by the work. Its quality was not much of a factor as long as it got the job done. Even though it was aesthetically offensive (to people like me who care), It got the job done.

Come to think of it, the above is not atypical across all of software development. No wonder it is all such a horrendous mess.


Well that's the problem, isn't it

You cannot teach people to program effectively in an hour, a week or even a year.

I once worked on a quarter billion dollar project with 165 other consultants writing code. The majority of those consultants had taken a six-week training course in the C programming language. Even ones with a few months experience had no idea what they were doing.

The system coded up by this enormous and expensive team had memory errors so severe that the system was not able to run. I put in library code of my own to wrap, partially mitigate and report on the numerous memory leaks and buffer overwrites, use of freed pointers or pointers never allocated, etc. It was ridiculous. I put in that programming harness to demonstrate to them the extent of the bugs in the system. They did not understand even when looking directly at the problem and continued writing code with the same types of bugs.

The thing I put into place eventually ended up sending Email messages to an account for the build manager. He alone understood the issue and so would make the bug fixes himself when he knew how.

The code could not run without my memory wrapping code. It would crash directly. Instead of listening to me about the bugs, despite the proof that with my code it ran, without my code it crashed, they would not believe me and made no effort to correct the issue.

This quarter billion dollar system went into production with my debug code still in place because it could not run without it.

I have been programming for more than thirty years. Chances are good that a fair number of people reading this exercise code written by me nearly every day. I am very good at my craft, but I am still learning. Programming is a very difficult thing to master. Pretending that you can even understand what is required in a day shows that you don't understand the subject even a tiny bit.

EC competition chief points troll-hunting guns at Nokia


Forbes can kiss my graminivorous quadriped

They are making their case on the a priori assumption that patents are good and necessary. If patents were net positive, they would show their proof. They do not show the proof because they have no such proof. They have no such proof because that proof does not and cannot exist because patents are not net positive.

If it looks like a troll, sues like a troll, and quacks like a troll, then it probably is a troll. Either that or a very ugly duck.

Cheap 64-bit Snapdragon hopes to blow Chinese middle class's SoCs off


How much?

These sound pretty cool, but the article fails to mention how much they cost. If they are cheap enough I would like to buy a bucket full.

CyanogenMod Android firmware gains built-in SMS encryption



Re: took "a substantial commitment of time and resources."

Gutsy move. It is devilishly difficult in practice to bake in security like this. Even if there are significant flaws, this is still really good news. As long as we establish the principle that security has this stature, we will eventually get there.

Oi, Obama. Rein your spooks in, demands web giants' alliance


Re: La Brea Tar Pits calling Governments Black.

@the old rang:

Re: "No innocents in these groups"

Sadly, too true. That includes even many of the losers and victims. They had and have a responsibility to protect their rights. They have abdicated their responsibilities and taken their neighbors down with them.


Re: Fox raises defense against another Fox

It is, of course, not entirely simple to accomplish the goals I set. However, it *is* possible to allow such processing to occur on the client and/or in a distributed system such that Google never has access to the clear text.

A lot of the security stuff is understandably difficult. However, difficult to understand does not mean impossible to do. I am not even a security guy as such and I could personally design and build a lot of this stuff.

Should I be hanging out a shingle?


Fox raises defense against another Fox

Their complaint is that the hens they raise and eat are theirs alone. As one of the chickens in this scenario, I am looking for a solution that does not involve getting eaten.

It is possible for all of those companies to blind data in such a way that even they cannot see it and hence cannot be induced to turn it over. They don't want to get into that solution because they want to snoop on us themselves.

We need to put in place protocols that make it impossible for any of them to snoop on us and then force those protocols into use.

In addition to a technical solution we need a social and political solution that says the use of ill-gotten data is illegitimate. The fact that they can use that data to your disadvantage should be removed. In the case of Law enforcement, I don't care *what* the charge is, if their evidence was obtained pursuant to illegally snooping the case should be tossed.

At the very least, we need to get joint custody of things such that a single corrupt judge or jurisdiction cannot obtain the data without convincing other custodians who may be more ethical.

Spinning rust and tape are DEAD. The future's flash, cache and cloud


Re: You are essentially correct


Again, architecture vs implementation. Somebody indeed has to look at particulars of sending signals down fiber, disk caches, etc. However, it is bleed between levels of abstraction that has gotten us in this mess we are in.

When writing or reading a stream I should neither know nor care where the bits reside, if anywhere. Eventually, just as we have already with the world wide web, we will specify the names of abstract things and read from and write to them the same way whether they are a middle tier that throws the bytes away, a local USB drive or an entire distributed network of server farms acting as a single storage entity.

Sometimes we have to make some pretty horrible compromises to overcome limitations. However, we have to recognize them for what they are. They are hacks to work around a deficiency. The course to take is to cure the deficiency, not canonize the hack.

It may take some time to shake out, but references to specific device details in application software is not the future.


You are essentially correct

The architecture would be more complex, but you are correct in the notion that as a practical matter storage will soon be lifted entirely off of specific media. People saying otherwise are confusing architecture with implementation.

When, at a high level, you make a call to retrieve something in software, it is only the API that matters. How it is implemented under the covers is irrelevant. A select statement in SQL, for instance, neither knows nor cares if the data is physically in RAM, on disk, tape, CD, floppy disk, coming from a middle tier, distributed and assembled by a middle tier or whatever. We are moving to similar abstractions for all data. It is high time, too.

To fel with you! There's an NSA spook in my World of Warcraft


Re: They got me

Re:"Will my door get kicked in or will I get drugged and questioned?"

Done already. Your memory was erased.

UK.gov declares digital success as PR, food shops redefined as 'tech' businesses


That's the way you do it...

Your money for nothing and your chicks for free.

PayPal 13 plead guilty to launching DDoS attacks


Personally Torn

I am personally torn over all of the stuff like this. As a Canadian, I am a compulsive rule follower. I find the notion of straying outside even illegitimate boundaries uncomfortable. As a developer, I take an attack on a system very seriously. It is not as dire now, but once upon a time even a fairly weak attack could take weeks to clear up and even destroy years of work.

The ultimate place to solve these issues is at the ballot box. First, though, somebody reasonable has to be on the ballot. Thus far, you get a choice of Stalin or Hitler.

We have, as a body politic, been badly used. Come the revolution as they say, we could create an amnesty for the good guys and round up the bad guys. Meantime, cyber warfare is a bad thing for everyone.

Microsoft tarts up software licensing to fend off 'a few clicks and a credit card' rivals


Voting with my feet

MS has more problems than just the complexity of their licensing.

I have been a Microsoft customer since 1984 when I purchased their excellent (at the time) macro assembler for x86.

I actually did a contract for Microsoft years ago. For a while I contented myself with the fact that I was sort of playing with 'house money'.

MS has always been fierce and predatory, but as long as they were going after someone else nobody seemed to mind. Now they consider the customer (at least my company) to be the enemy.

I actually had a vanilla VM move yesterday that resulted in a properly licensed Windows 7 Pro system claiming that the license had to be validated again and then claiming the license, which I got directly from Microsoft and has been working for years, has to be validated by phone. Anyone who has undergone the torture of validation by phone will understand that I elected to do otherwise. I used a (legitimate) hack to extend the license while I move whatever was on there to Linux.

I spent literally more than 12 hours upgrading a Windows 8 machine yesterday and the vast majority of that time is attributable 100% to Microsoft belligerence.

Microsoft will never stop until they have ruined you. I strongly suggest anyone do as I have done/am doing -- retire your MS systems entirely and move to open source.

Unlike my MS stuff, my open source stuff hums along smoothly. I have had my main Linux server crash only one time in the five years it has been running. Except for that one time, I have never been forced to reboot the system and it sometimes goes literally months without a reboot. It started as an Ubuntu 8.x server and has smoothly upgraded (except that one time) to 12.04. Meantime, my MS Server 2003 did not work at all due to an MS shipment error they refused to correct and the 2008R2 server I had to use instead failed so often I eventually virtualized it so I could just copy over the whole thing when it screwed up. OMFG. I had originally had Hyper-V machines, but transitioned all of them to VMWare.

Like many, I am stuck in the MS ecosystem. As someone else mentioned here, I am not a customer, I am a hostage.

MS has been such a bad partner for so long that I have largely moved off of MS Office, Visual Studio, Outlook, etc for day to day use. I am still obliged to maintain some sort of foothold in the MS ecosystem, but except for Win 7 Ultimate licenses on notebooks, I have begun virtualizing all of the MS operating systems and intend to keep one dual-boot machine for a workstation for performance reasons. Five notebooks here run the Windows OS they came with. All the rest run Windows 'something' on bare iron with most stuff virtualized under VMWare.

I actually have a new SSD expressly for the purpose of transitioning the first Windows 7 workstation to Linux. I was deferring the agony but since MS has been so incredibly bad recently, I am evaluating Linux workstation versions today and will install in a day or two.

MS Licensing is a symptom, not the problem. The problem is that MS is and always has been a predatory partner. It started with competitors, then large vendors and now it has hit the ground so it affects small consulting companies and their customers.

Part of the agony is blunted a bit because Windows 8 and its server equivalent is not a viable operating system for me. MS has forced a move off of Win XP and Win 7 but has not provided anything to which you can reasonably transition. They have basically 'end-of-lifed' their entire business as far as my company is concerned.

Windows 7 and even Windows XP is still superior to the Linux alternatives. As well, native RDP to windows (even from Linux to Windows) is superior to alternatives like XDMCP and VNC. Microsoft Office, at least the 2003 version I normally use is still superior to LibreOffice. The entire Windows ecosystem is still larger and richer than the Linux equivalents. Functionally, the advantage is almost entirely Microsoft's. However, operationally, the advantage is now with Linux. The only thing keeping some of us from moving is the cost of transition. Microsoft, for my company, has done several things of late that make it necessary to absorb the cost of transition. Microsoft has made staying with them costly enough that it outweighs the cost of transition to Linux.

I have taken a very long look at this. It has an enormous effect on me personally. Making Linux the primary environment is costly and difficult, but I am voting with my feet for Linux.

I can't say what will happen with the rest of the community, but for thirty years now I have been something of a bellwether. If others follow in the next few years MS will discover one of the cardinal rules of business applies more to them than anyone else: It is very cheap to keep a customer, but very expensive to obtain one or win one back. In this case, it would be virtually impossible to win me back.

FCC delays spectrum auction to 2015


Same wavelength

Nice to see that others are equally scandalized by this.

Re: "delivers spectrum for broadband while ensuring a vibrant future for broadcasting"

Why should lining the pockets of broadcasters be a goal? Why subsidize broadcasting if it is not naturally supported by demand? Why should these things affect the deployment of bandwidth?

These bandits have for much too long abused a monopoly they should never have had in the first place.

US Supreme Court to preside over software patents case


Don't forget

The Supremes are political appointees. They attempt to couch their prejudiced decisions in language that is legally plausible, but make no mistake, it is not law as such that they are interested in upholding.

Brit inventors' GRAVITY POWERED LIGHT ships out after just 1 year


Did anybody do the math?

I am not sure I have the figures correct, but it looks like after 10 hours of use this puts out one thousandth of a KwH. Assuming they keep that fired up 10 hours a day 333 days a year, they will put out about 10 cents worth of electricity after three years. Given a thirty year service life this $10 generator would put out a dollar's worth of electricity. That does not include the cost of hiring someone to keep lifting the weight.

Would it not be cheaper and more humane to simply sell them a couple of dollars worth of batteries?

I am sure I must have slipped a decimal point somewhere, but everyone should know that heat energy and electrical energy are equivalent to enormous amounts of stored kinetic energy. Using humans to generate power is a really big step backward.

'Copyrighted' Java APIs deserve same protection as HARRY POTTER, Oracle tells court


Re: I miss GrokLaw

@Real Ale is Best:

Me too. Sadly, PJ's reason for shutting it down makes little sense. We are all still under surveillance, we just have less information and contact with people who can help us out.

I visit Groklaw off and on hoping she has had a change of heart. I expect she will, but it has been a long wait.


For me, Java was already dead

I was never a big fan of Java anyway, but as long as it was 'owned' by a company it was always vulnerable to action by that company. I stopped development in Java the day Oracle gained control. When Oracle gets control of anything, it is bad for most of us. I stopped even using Java when it became clear that for practical purposes it could not be secured.

From what I can tell, the reason Java is so popular is because it requires a huge ecosystem to deal with all the buggy code built in it. I think Java got such a foothold because alternatives were not that great. Java's many libraries and existing code are compelling, but not enough for me to risk becoming Oracle's bitch.

Microsoft: C'mon, you can trust us... look at our gov spook-busting plans


Re: Security Theater Only


PFS is a good thing as far as it goes. However, it is tangential to the issue here. The issue is that nefarious entities (NSA, FBI and others) can gain access to private information by forcing Microsoft to hand over the ciphertext and keys.

As long as Microsoft is the sole custodian of keys capable of accessing my information I am as vulnerable to the NSA after PFS as I was before. It is fine that MSFT is going to serve cake to its customers. However, much as I am happy to have a slice of cake, it was not cake that I asked for. Whether I get cake or not has no bearing on whether or not MSFT has the ability and the will to turn over my private communication.

It is out of scope for a comment here to lay out how such a system would work, but essentially, since MSFT cannot be trusted with my information they should have no access to anything at all except on an as needed basis. When it comes to the actual need to deliver software, MSFT requires no personally identifiable information about me at all. Everything they need from me including information for payment, delivery of goods, support, etc can all be done through a trusted intermediary and that intermediary can, using sound cryptography, be an m of n collection of entities who in the aggregate are trustworthy.

The above is a bit complex for people without the necessary background, but it is pretty simple for those who do have it. Microsoft and similar companies all know how they can provide genuine privacy and security to their customers. They choose not to do it because at the end of the day they want to pry into your affairs themselves.


Security Theater Only

This is just smoke and mirrors. Any of these companies serious about real security would not speak only in terms of trusting them with data they can see.

I will trust them when they can prove that data access is through multiple custody of entities other than the big companies and government.

The current PKI, with companies like Verisign, Microsoft and a host of other unknowns is only as strong as its weakest link. When it comes to the government, the weakest link is too weak to be of any use at all.

I don't want to go off here, but suffice it to say that Microsoft's protests that they are getting secure is 100% hot air. There is no effective increase in security here. What we were worried about remains exactly as it was.

You do not have to know that much to know that Microsoft's plan here cannot be effective as security. Certainly Microsoft knows it. If they are lying about this one transparent fact, how can you trust them at all?

World's OLDEST human DNA found in leg bone – but that's not the only boning going on...


Interesting, but changes little

According to Ashley Montegue, The Theory of Evolution Through Natural Selection is "the most thoroughly authenticated fact in the whole history of science."

The 'Post Darwinian' refinements including the wonderful discoveries of genes and DNA help to explain particulars of mechanisms, but the Theory itself was entirely sound and whole when "On the Origin of Species" was first published around this time of year in 1859.

I cannot say why this simple and elegant Theory is so badly misunderstood, but it is. It seems to me that Darwin's contemporaries, without the aid of genetics, understood evolution better than most people today.

This article is about a refining discovery about a particular genetic history that interests us -- our own. This has no bearing one way or the other on the bedrock paradigm of Biology. There are more things we don't know by far than things we do know about the historical development of life on this planet. We do not have to know how a system of gases evolved in order to validate Thermodynamics. Were someone incorrect about the history of such a system it would say nothing at all about Thermodynamics. If you understand Thermodynamics, then you know that it is a logical imperative. The same is true of Evolution.

It drives me nuts that Biological discoveries are framed in such a way that laymen might think it says something about the correctness of Evolution. At its heart, Evolution is essentially a tautology. It is correct by definition.

Evolution, BTW, despite Darwin's own misgivings, says nothing at all about the existence of God either as a part of the holy trinity or as the deity in the more logically coherent Pastafarianism. Religious matters and Secular matters are orthogonal and incommensurate separate systems. Both are equally valid in their own right. Understanding the rules of the Universe as created by the Noodle in the Sky does not speak one way or the other to whether or not the FSM (or God, if you prefer) created it. The argument that the FSM does not exist from parsimony or "Occam's Razor" is a naive logical positivist point of view that shows a fundamental lack of understanding about the world. For atheists that just cannot let go, consider the sanctity of belief in the Saucy Master as a political necessity to prevent the total domination of the state. The personal relationship between a person and their deity is sacrosanct even in the event that, against all evidence to the contrary, they do not even believe in that deity.

Hear that? It's the sound of BadBIOS wannabe chatting over air gaps


Tragically funny

All of us receive security updates constantly. Why? Because yet another attack vector was exploited and our security people deal with security one patch at a time.

By their nature, security breaches happen along pathways that are 'improbable'. The fact that so many commentards cannot see why this is actually important to security makes me wonder.

Do the math. The ones who know what they are talking about have pricked up their ears because this is yet one more pathway that *has not been shut down* that needs to be shut down. The ones saying that this cannot be a problem and therefore we should not research and seal the breach will spend the rest of their days constantly being surprised by the ordinary.

A private Dell makes sense. Doesn't mean it'll work, though


Makes perfect sense

Re:"the price demanded was sufficiently low that Dell and Silver Lake make money either way"

Regardless of what they are planning on doing or what reason they think they had to take the company private, the low price is what was driving this.

Michael Dell has a good track record. He knows about making money. The company itself may crater, but I expect Mikey will do just fine with this deal.

Now that the company is private there are all kinds of things that they can do. Being fleet of foot for a company with this kind of critical mass is a very good thing. This should also be a lot of fun. There are lots of really cool things you can do when you control billions of dollars and tens of thousands of people.

Windows 7 outstrips Windows 8.x with small November growth


Re: @btrower -- ...Boring?


Sorry for the necro-post. I just wanted to respond to what you posted.

I like the fact that you don't mince words as to your displeasure with Microsoft. Although I would be inclined to be a bit less harsh (when able), I agree with much of what you say. MS has created a huge mess with their constant changes in the pursuit of mammon.

Although I agree with what you say, I think it is tangential to the point I was trying to make. If there are going to be more than 100 million XP holdouts then that represents an enormous marketing opportunity for anyone able to do a replacement. Maybe they might not go for a $100 upgrade, but they surely would go for a $9 upgrade. That would still mean there is something in the neighborhood of $1 billion dollars there. A billion here or there might not be that compelling to Microsoft, but even for them it is worth looking at. More to the point, this represents a competitive threat. In the event that someone does get in there and swaps XP out for their own product, MS will not just have lost $1B, they will have allowed a competitor to gain $1B for a net difference of $2B. Worse, even marginal success of the XP substitute would threaten the entirety of the Windows franchise and since MS products only run on Windows for the most part it threatens the entire ecosystem and strikes at the very heart of the beast.

Either XP users move upwards along a pathway provided by Microsoft or they will end up jumping ship.

Other things could happen, of course. Rather than staying on a PC platform users could just upgrade sideways to mobile devices or something. However, at least for a lot of individuals like me there is going to be a need for a local machine.

For clients that need stability over decades, XP may well stay in place on dedicated devices separated from the network by an air gap. Nobody in their right mind would take an XP system actually doing a job and replace it for no reason. That is true not just of XP, though, and these cases are not under consideration.


Re: ...Boring?


This is not going to be boring if the first part of your prediction pans out and there are literally hundreds of millions of XP Users out there.

If we find ourselves this time next year with more than 100 million XP users then either Microsoft will swoop in with a $99 Windows 9 lite or somebody else will. There is at least 10 billion dollars on the table and that *will* get someone moving eventually.

We will reach a point where XP just is not viable anymore. It will stop running and it will have to be replaced. Some of that hardware simply cannot run the resource hostile Win 7 or Win 8.

SaaS superstars' cynical sales schemes make them dinosaurs-in-waiting


They want too much

Whatever as a Service *should* be cheaper by virtue of spreading usage across idle or underutilized resources. Vendors should be able to provide the same function for less than half the cost and still take a profit from the savings. Instead, they take all the savings for themselves and resources end up costing as much as or more than traditional deployments.

It looks pretty bleak right now, but I am confident that competition will eventually bring down prices to something sane.


Re: IMO, all of *aas ...

Re: "anything out of gartner can be safely ignored"

Half of what comes out of Gartner is *only* safe if it is ignored. Gartner is 50% Motherhood statements and 50% Dangerous Bullshit.

Microsoft leaks reveal 'Threshold' projects looming in 2015


Put them all on a diet!

I beg of you, if you have any influence on this, trim the fat.

Once upon a time you could get a whole server operating system in the amount of RAM we now have in a CPU cache. I have seen the code and it is bloat upon bloat upon bloat.

My 6502 machines (Apple and Atari) with only kilobytes of RAM and with CPUs much less than one thousandth the speed of a single modern CPU core would boot instantly. You turned it on and by the time you got your fingers on the keyboard it was good to go.

With more than 20GHz of CPU, 8GB of RAM, my current machine takes about a minute to boot from an SSD when the stars are aligned and ten minutes or more if Windows is choking on its updates.

I don't care what is happening under the covers, it should not take more than a trillion machine instructions to boot a supercomputer let alone a modest workstation.

The insane bloat has consequences. For instance, it means you need a whole bunch of different codebases for what should be essentially the same thing.

In fairness to Microsoft, they *do* have to deal with byzantine machine architecture and standards that are not entirely baked. However, they are a big player in this game and responsible for much of the mayhem.

Chester Cathedral smites net in Wi-Fi SMUT OUTRAGE


Wrong people in charge

The people making such a decision are technically illiterate. Why would they have any say in this? Thank goodness they don't have control over the phone system... wait a minute...

China's Jade Rabbit takes great hop for mankind


Houston, we have a problem

Once we start sending people, what if they get there and some alleged patent holder gets an injunction? Are they allowed to come back first or do they have to hope their oxygen can last through trials and appeals?

You just *know* there is something in the Chinese space program eligible for patent harassment.

Half of all mobes sold in South-East Asia are now smart


Final push for IPv6

My ISP cannot provide IPv6 connectivity here in Canada, a former leader in communications. Why? They don't think we have a problem with the IPv4 address space. WTF? I will name and shame:ISP is Cogeco

IPv6 sucks barnacles and that is why after more than ten years we still do not have an IPv6 network.

The billions of smartphones online or coming online need their own IP address to get on to the network. NAT does not cut it, especially if it basically confines you to point to point communications within your ISP.

I am expecting that adoption of IPv6 will happen rapidly in the next five years or so and it will be driven by devices like this. The phones are a first-wave, but it will be followed by all sorts of other devices as the IoT emerges.

Meet the cluster teams: Can Slippery Rock or Sun Devils burn?


I'm on it

That cabinet is a thing of beauty! I am seriously going to copy that idea. I will avoid putting the 220W AMD parts in there, but otherwise, it's a go!

MPs back call to boycott low-taxed tat from Amazon over Xmas


If you can't beat 'em, join 'em

Amazon is doing what we would all like to do. We should look into that. I am a Canadian socialist, but I think federal level taxation has become completely insane.

Visual Studio 2013: 50 Shades of Grey not a worry for MONSTER dev TOOL


Re: I Confess


I could live with the tortured code if it was stable. Unfortunately, Microsoft breaks compatibility and orphans stuff faster than you can develop and deploy a large system into production.

FalconStor flyaways Chen and the Liu Tan clan uncloak new biz


Latency and bandwidth?

None of these guys, including oddly enough network people, spend much time addressing latency and bandwidth. This is a shame because the reason we have all of these shenanigans is that latency and bandwidth are hopelessly inadequate all around.

By the 21st century I would have hoped that a good portion of the resources we all used would be de-localized and distributed to the point where nobody even cared anymore.

You should never attribute to malice what you can attribute to incompetence. In this case, I am all for incompetence because the issues are pervasive throughout computing. The same issues they have in supercomputer fabrics affect us as well. Only the supercomputer guys seem to care and not even all them it seems at times.

One of the things driving this is, I think, a conflation of levels whereby things that should be exclusively implementation details end up bleeding over into the architecture standards.

Were a reasonable standard in place for communications most of the software written would neither know nor care where things were or what their characteristics were. Drivers should be taking file designations and credentials and figuring out how to contact the next step in the chain.

One thing that may be perverting this is that a secure location service and secure distributed data is not what some people (*cough* NSA) want to see us use.

As long as latency is low enough, bandwidth high enough and security sound, nobody would either know or care what back-end infrastructure looked like except the small percentage of people actively building the stuff.

Brit-boy Bates is Silicon Valley's pick for Microsoft's CEO


Vision: Should just have bought spectacles


EC trade secrets plans: Infringing kit may be DESTROYED by order


That's it in a nutshell

How insane does the patent situation have to get? This destruction of productive capacity cannot possibly serve thee and me.

What's next? Death sentences?

You should be suspicious that this odious cash grab requires that all major jurisdictions be convinced to sign on. If, for instance, Canada said 'nope', we would see within a few years that abolishing patents is highly beneficial for most of us. In fact, Canada *has* said this with respect to some generic drugs and there is no question at all that it is highly beneficial for Canadians.