* Posts by jonfr

482 publicly visible posts • joined 27 Jul 2010


BT to phase out 3G in UK by 2023 for EE, Plusnet, BT Mobile subscribers


Re: Hmm...

Both 4G and 5G can use lower spectrum than 2G and 3G. The limitation is the following.

4G (band by frequency in Europe).


5G (band by frequency in Europe as of 2021).

700Mhz/800Mhz*/900Mhz/1800Mhz/2100Mhz/2600Mhz/3500Mhz/3700Mhz/26.50Ghz - 29.50Ghz*

*Not supported by every 5G phone on the market as of 2021 in Europe.

3G (band frequencies in Europe)


2G (band frequencies in Europe)


Lower spectrum use allows for better coverage but at lower speed. This is the same for 4G and 5G.

There are more frequencies that can be used but have not seen any use in 4G or 5G as of 2021 or allocation by regulators* and those frequencies are not supported by mobile phones either. Most phones support more frequencies then are used in any market for reasons of travel between Europe, North-America (ITU region 2) and ITU region 3 (Asia, Australia and more).

*The reason for this is that spectrum is being used by something else. Military, government, private communication by companies and so on. Fixed links communication and more.




Dozens of Iranian media websites devoured by the Great Satan, apparently


Faking the takeover

This looks fake. As this is how the standard takeover message (see announcement from 2020 for actual takeover of domains used by Iran) of a domain looks like from the United States government. They don't write text in Arabic. It just doesn't happen.


Edit: Update, the takeover has been confirmed. But they are doing it differently now it seems.

Windows 11: Meet the new OS, same as the old OS (or close enough)


Windows 11 - Subscription only

The first thing I want to point out is that the main reason why Linux is not on Desktop computers is just because of companies and marketing. Most of the Linux distros don't have any marketing. Few do but that is just minor compared to what Microsoft spends on marketing Windows and other programs they make.

There are now clues that I am seeing that Windows 11 is going to be subscription only based on early requirement (among them is TPM 2.0). I don't know what other requirements are going to be for Windows 11 since this is just what I've found online so far. I guess TPM 2.0 is going to be added to all PC soon from TPM 1.2 (current) and it might not be possible to turn it off. The requirement of TPM 2.0 is what I consider the main clue on that Windows 11 is going to be a subscription only as it allows for hard drive encryption (enabled by default) and prevents hard drives from being moved between computers.

I guess that Windows 11 is going to be a hard pass or if required to use it from Windows 10. The cheapest option of Windows 11 that I can find (or closer to Windows 10 Pro if possible).

Everything else is going to be moved back to Debian or Gentoo Linux when I get me a new computer for that. I am only going to use Windows for games in the future. Its not suitable for desktop work anyway.

Bill to protect UK against harmful foreign investment becomes law


UK gets more irrelevant

This type of laws always result in one thing. UK becomes a place where no foreign investment happens. Unless the government begs for it. This is continued path of failure that current UK government has been following in recent months. Brexit being the largest of all failures in history.

JavaScript developers left in the dark after DroidScript software shut down by Google over ad fraud allegations


Nobody works at Google anymore

Nobody works at Google that handle this type of problems. The company is today just people that run stuff and nothing else. The rest is just stupid A.I bots that have two functions. Approve and ban in most cases.

Sucks to be you, any aliens living anywhere near Proxima Centauri's record-smashing solar flare


Re: Red dwarf systems are always dead

The owner of the study refuses to release the data for everyone to look at (I've not read anything suggesting the data is pubic for now). The signal was detected in a study funded by a billionaire and I think he might be Russian or something. The project is called Breakthrough Listen Initiative. Here is their website, https://breakthroughinitiatives.org | The Wikipedia page, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breakthrough_Listen

I wish I would be able afford several 30 meters radio telescopes around the world. But I am nothing but a poor man so that is never going to happen.


Red dwarf systems are always dead

Red Dwarf systems are always dead because they are too cold. However there is possibly life around one or both stars in the Alpha Centauri A/B systems based on the mysterious and unexplained signal from the direction of Proxima Centauri at 982.002Mhz (known as BLC1). There have been no other explanation that point to the radio signal to be Earth created since it didn't move as any nearby object would have moved. Scientists are as always busying denying that this might even be a slight possibility that this signal is not from Earth. The radio signal was detected several times over a time period of 30 hours. While confirmation is good it is a bit difficult to get that with random signals that are detected on Earth by random chance.

Its going to be a long while until we accept the fact that the human race is not a lone in the universe. This is true even if claims otherwise are being told in the media and by scientists.

Microsoft issues emergency fix for Wi-Fi foul-up delivered hot and fresh on Patch Tuesday


Windows Update Catalog

There is always possible to download all of Windows updates in a offline file.

The update mentioned in the news above can be downloaded from here.


UK on track to miss even its slashed full-fibre gigabit coverage goals, warn MPs


England soon going to be slower than Germany

At current level of incompetent England is going to be slower than Germany when it comes to internet speeds, 4G speeds there won't be any useful 5G in England for a long while.

HP bows to pressure, reinstates free monthly ink plan... for existing customers


Never buying HP printer

This makes that clear that I am never going to buy a HP printer. This is just blackmail the buyer of the hardware to their subscription service. This needs to be made illegal.

Google Cloud (over)Run: How a free trial experiment ended with a $72,000 bill overnight


Re: The cloud is a scam

@SecretSonOfHG Depending on the hosting provider you either have unlimited traffic or you have traffic limit in the TB's of data. Last dedicated server I was hosting on had 25TB data limit.


The cloud is a scam

There isn't much more to it than the cloud is a scam. Just get a dedicated server with a monthly fixed price and never have to deal with this type of problem again.

Cops raid home of ousted data scientist who created her own Florida COVID-19 dashboard


Made up charges

When this whole thing is over it is going to come to light that the whole thing is based on fabricated evidence and bad actors in Florida government. Those alert systems in the United States have also been proven to be widely insecure in the past based on news reports and I don't think that has changed in recent years because of Republican incompetence. The government and the police of Florida need to be sued over this case.

Nokstalgia: HMD Global introduces yet another homage to the past – a 4G rework of the Nokia 6300


2G and 3G are going offline for good

Everyone using 2G and 3G phone today is soon going to find them without any signal. Plans are different between countries but 2G and 3G are going to be gone by 2030. The upgrade of simple mobile phones to 4G and 5G is going to happen because the mobile networks are getting permanent upgrade.

Around 2030 the new standard of 6G is going to be released to the market and then it is going to be 4G and 5G that is going to be turned off.

Yes, we have a 5G iPhone now. But that doesn't mean 5G has arrived


Re: Bad coverage limited to UK?

If you have not been in Iceland since the late 1998 or about that time then I understand why you think Iceland still have bad coverage.

I live outside of Reykjavík and I have for most of my life. The future plan in Iceland is the closing of 2G and 3G networks in next few years to make space for 4G and 5G networks and start of 6G around 2030's.


Bad coverage limited to UK?

It seems to me that bad coverage is a rather UK specific problem. I've not been having 4G coverage problems in Iceland, Denmark or Germany. In Germany I have a speed problem with 4G because that's a country wide problem. Currently the change now is that in the Nordic countries and Germany they have started to shut down the old 3G networks and replacing them with 4G network and 5G networks.

I don't know how well UK is doing in this.

NASA hires Nokia to build first 4G network on the Moon as part of plan to boldly go back to lunar surface by 2024


Re: No risk of signal detection on Earth from the Moon

When I was writing the comment it was meant as FM and VHF/UHF signals from Earth to the Moon. I don't think however that such station would be able to be picked up on Earth if it was broadcasting on the Moon. But radio armatures have been doing signal bouncing off the Moon for few decades, it works but not without a lot of problems and signal pathway problems.

NASA won't have any problems getting signal from the Moon since they can get a signal from beyond Pluto from a 12W transmitter that New Horizon uses at 8 - 12Ghz.


No risk of signal detection on Earth from the Moon

At the distance of 384.400 km on average there is little to no risk of signal interference from Earth or towards the Moon with my best knowledge. With no frequency plan for the Moon, NASA is going to have a wide range of frequency to use. I am guessing NASA is going to use something that is used in the United States already or is going to be used by 2024 and has high data ability for 4G network and that is up to 1Gbps speeds locally.

There are some clues that FM and Television signals might be usable on the Moon. But looking for an answer for that question didn't give me a clear answer for that question.

Brexit travel permits designed to avoid 7,000-lorry jams come January depend on software that won't be finished till April


Re: Scaremongering

This is not scaremongering. If you live in the UK prepare your self for the fact that food costs is going to increase. If you travel abroad (after covid-19 has ended), you are going to be required to fill out forms and pay travel visa costs.

Enjoy your Brexit, as it is self imposed lock-in into England. Scotland is leaving England soon to rejoin EU.

Backup a sec – is hard drive reliability improving? Annual failure rate from Backblaze comes in at its lowest yet


I doubt the story above

I have to doubt the story above because best I can see on Backblaze website there is no form to add an address. Just the zip code and region in my part of Northern Europe. I recently started to use them again after a time period of extreme being broke. That might still not be over because of incompetent politicians in Iceland. But that is outside of this topic.

I also find it strange that you can't provide a case number since most people today use email services that store email for what amount to forever in most cases unless manually deleted from the inbox.

-- I got a title too long error message when I replayed to the above comment. I don't know why that happened since other people have been using that same title without any problems.

Analogue radio given 10-year stay of execution as the UK U-turns on DAB digital future


Re: Depends on your definition of North

You can use your old VHF antenna on your house to get DAB/DAB+ signals. It has better reception than indoor antenna any day. The old VHF (channels 5 - 13, only ch 3 to 12 where used for analogue television) are now used for DAB/DAB+ radio. It looks like that the bandwidth for DAB/DAB+ in Mhz is just 1,712Mhz and that is why there are so few and poor quality in both DAB and DAB+ channels. Normal DVB-T and DVB-T2 channel is 8Mhz and supports several HD channels or one 4K channel.

I don't know if DAB3 standard is on the way. I doubt it though since IP radio is making its way in the world.


Signal strength in the UK on DAB and DAB+

According to German radio people the reason why people in the UK get bad signal is that the transmitters are at low power compared to elsewhere. For London as an example the largest transmitter I can find on this list is 10kW and some are even as low as 0,003kW in transmission power.


Compared to Berlin where the largest transmitter is 25kW and the smallest is 1kW.



Re: The future is behind you ....

That is what you think. With a modern computer and a good SDR it is easy to create a DAB Mux and DAB+ mux and broadcast on the VHF channels for anyone.

Forget about those pesky closures, Windows 10 has an important message for you


Windows is not for anyone

I don't know when it happened but Windows is a disaster and has been for some time. Forget running a older version of Windows even if it is EOL because now Microsoft has turned off activation for anything older than Windows 7. I run software that doesn't work so well with Windows 10 just because and I have been using older versions until they just stopped working. I was able to move the software to Debian Linux and use Wine to run the windows programs that I am using. Turns out that works better than using Windows (even older versions).

I don't think stores like IKEA and many others don't bother with updates on the machines that have their only job is at running one thing forever. They would be better to use Linux for such a task.

Eggheads have crunched the numbers and the results are in: It's not just your dignity you lose with e-scooters, life and limb are in peril, too


One death in UK because of electric scooter

There has been one death in UK because of electric scooter. The YouTube person Emily Hartridge died in July 2019 in a electric scooter accident with a car. I think the problem here are the cars not the people on e-scooters but they should have some type of clear marking to make the noticeable (light or such).

I don't know if there have been any more deaths with e-scooters in recent months when it comes to e-scooters.

Huawei 5G kit in Faroe Islands: Chinese ambassador 'linked Huawei contract to ... trade deal' – report


Re: Can anyone explain ...

Faroe Islands are not part of the EU. As they are independent nation in the Kingdom of Denmark they have some chose in the deals they make with other countries.

UK Home Office primes Brexit spam cannon for a million texts reminding folk to check passports


Re: Visiting multiple Schengen countries

You can be dismissed at the border of an other Schengen country inside the Schengen area.

"[...] If you intend to visit several Schengen States and the stays will be of equal length, you must apply at the Consulate of the country whose external borders you will cross first when entering the Schengen area. [...]"

Source: https://ec.europa.eu/home-affairs/what-we-do/policies/borders-and-visas/visa-policy/how_to_apply_en

"[....] Your short-stay visa does not automatically entitle you to enter the Schengen area. At border or during other controls you may, for instance, have to provide information on your means of support, how long you intend to stay in the Schengen State, and why you are visiting the Schengen State.

In some cases, such checks may result in a refusal for the visa holder to enter the Schengen State or the Schengen area. [...]"

Source: https://ec.europa.eu/home-affairs/what-we-do/policies/borders-and-visas/visa-policy/schengen_area_en

Equally. Visa permit is going to be required for EU citizen to enter UK from 1st November 2019. I don't know what the visa policy of the UK is going to be for people from EU/EEA. If they have any visa policy. I am not sure they have a visa policy.


Re: First problem, right here ...

Schengen is part of EU. It is a EU law.

As explained here on EU websites.



Since UK was never part of the Schengen area it never took part in its polices and laws related to the Schengen area.


Re: First problem, right here ...

I have few corrections for the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.

Entry into Schengen area for a country without an active agreement with EU on visa free access means that visa is required for entry into Schengen area. You have to apply at minimum fifteen days before arriving to the consulate in the country where you are going to. If you are travelling to many countries in Schengen you have to apply for an visa for each country within the Schengen area.

This is all public information on EU website, https://ec.europa.eu/home-affairs/what-we-do/policies/borders-and-visas/visa-policy/how_to_apply_en

Now on Amazon Prime: The Amazing Shrinking UK Tax Burden


Tired of tax avoiders in form of a company

I am really tired of tax avoiders in form of a tax company. This is costing the public a lot of money and this needs to change.

Microsoft takes ExpressRoute to orbit to sling Azure services at backwaters via satellite


Data over satellite

They must be using Ka band for data. It is on 26,5 to 40Ghz and is only used for data transfers. I don't know how much coverage they have or if this band is in use in the United States. This band is used in Europe for data transfers over satellite.


Can't bear to part with that well-worn copy of Windows 7? Microsoft might let you keep it updated an extra year


Re: The cost of Win10 is far too high.

Then you have to install some type of Linux or a *BSD to stay secure and private at the same time. Added benefits include no licence headache and related issues.

Dear hackers: If you try to pwn a website for phishing, make sure it's not the personal domain of a senior Akamai security researcher


Re: Informative blog link

No problem for me. I am not using proxy, vpn or anything of that to access the internet.

Low Barr: Don't give me that crap about security, just put the backdoors in the encryption, roars US Attorney General


Other countries

Just watch other countries not give a dam about what happens in the U.S. This stupid ignorant people are just about to ruin current dominance of U.S Technical companies and that means competition is going to appear rapidly and it's going to be encrypted*.

* Unless you happen to live in the following countries.

- Any country with a dictator.

Out of Steam? Wine draining away? Ubuntu's 64-bit-only x86 decision is causing migraines



Steam can always support ReactOS and help them to get out of their current beta status.


It works more or less like Windows 2000 today.

Shameless Facebook treats its poor human moderators like absolute dirt. But y'know what it does treat right? Robots


Re: advance its goal "to develop embodied AI systems..."

"Skynet" was here five years ago. You don't keep up with what is going on. The end of the world just hasn't happen. Since all that skynet has to do is to wait until humans extinct them self. That's far more efficient than to start a war that creates resistance, uses resources and all that stuff.

Three planets and two stars adds up to one research team made very happy by Kepler's unique discovery


Good chance for Alpha Centauri planets

There is a good chance that Alpha Centauri has plants based on this discovery even if none has been found today.


Google Pay tells Euro users it has ditched UK for Ireland ahead of Brexit


Re: @iron

After Brexit, then yes. Today that's a no.

Boffins baffled by planet nugget whizzing round white dwarf that should have killed it


Re: Here's an idea...

Those are already dead stars. This are the leftovers. Just wait 9 billion years and this is going to happen to our solar system. Earth has only 700 million to 2000 million years left and then everything is going to be burned off planet Earth.

Estimation of what is going to happen in the far future.


Pre-checked cookie boxes don't count as valid consent, says adviser to top EU court


Re: Let's report every case of this to the ICO

I was not aware that Scott Adams was a Trump supporter. Thanks for letting me know about this. I have done the correct thing (best to my ability to do so) and removed his work from anything I used to follow him on (Facebook/GoComics). I also removed the books I was planning on buying that he had made on Amazon.

I also invalidated everything I had considered worth listening to from him. Because being a Trump supporter is just really (^9) stupid and only stupid people (and evil) support Trump along with stupid nazis.

Overhyped 5G is being 'rushed', Britain's top comms boffin reckons


Re: If governments really cared about the welfare of the people...

There is no shortage of bandwidth for WLAN. At least not on 5Ghz. What is missing is some type of management because people don't know how to manage their wireless hardware.

Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_WLAN_channels#5_GHz_(802.11a/h/j/n/ac/ax)

Dear Britain's mast-fearing Nimbys: Do you want your phone to work or not?


Re: Backhaul...

The problem here is two things. This is not a back-haul problem. This is that 3G has bad speed because its ancient technology today. Then there is also the issue with distance, speed drops off quickly as more distance you are from the transmitter. At 30 to 50 km distance the best you can expect is good 3Mbps connection. At 50 to 100 km if you get a signal the best you can expect is 1Mbps speed and lower.

Weather is also a factor in this when distances are this great.


Re: More fear mongering on the way about 5G

The newest in this is that she is now running a sign list that claims 5G causes infertility. This is not surprising giving that daily-fail (daily mail) is running fear mongering news in the UK and spreading them to other parts of the world in the process (this person is not located in UK).

The irony is that in her country there are no major 5G installations at the moment or any at all. They are running 4.9G in Denmark, were she is living (and were I am going to be living again soon).

https://www.mobilsiden.dk/nyheder/telenor-og-telias-forste-5g-mobilmast-med-1-gbits-er-klar,lid.40137/ (September 2018, Danish)


Re: More fear mongering on the way about 5G

I did that, told her at what power levels are in use with a good signal on a mobile phone and less signal means more transmission power from mobile phone and that didn't change anything for her. Facts were completely ignored.


More fear mongering on the way about 5G

I had a conversation with a woman on Facebook about the claim that she was sharing about dangers of 5G radiation. I politely pointed out that is not how this work. I explained that 5G is just more efferent modulation of the signal that allows for faster speeds. It was in no way dangerous and all the radio spectrum that is now used for 4G is going to be used for 5G later. I also explained that this radiation wasn't dangerous because that's not how physics work. Was I listened to. No, I was not listened to. If I remember correctly, something similar was shared around the time 3G and 4G started being rolled out.

This are the same people that fight against mobile masts and do not realize they have maybe been living next a television transmitter for 30 to 40 years broadcasting on the same frequency that is now being used for mobile communication.

ReactOS 0.4.11 makes great strides towards running Windows apps without the Windows


Re: What is the purpose of this?

When Windows turns into subscription only. People can move to an alternative. What is missing for ReactOs are more developers and money. Same goes for Haiku OS. Both are alternative to Linux and *BSD.

So. To the question we really wanted answering: How real is 5G?


Re: No VoLTE/VoWiFi on many networks

You are going to get 5G signals before that. The current situation is to clear 700Mhz (this has only happened in some countries) and even go down to 600Mhz (maybe 450Mhz) in next few years. Television and radio is going to IP broadcast networks at the same time, so bandwidth is not an huge issues in the long term future.

Current delay for 4G networks is the use of 2G and 3G networks in 900Mhz band. It has helped that 800Mhz is only used for 4G networks and soon 5G networks. The change of technology always takes time to happen.

In Europe 4G and 4G+ coverage is good in the countries that I know (Denmark and Iceland). Denmark has close to 99% coverage an Iceland has close to 80% coverage (this numbers are just estimates based on the coverage maps that I can access). In Iceland the 4G coverage now is closer to 95+% if only counting towns and villages. Many areas of Iceland have no service or just 2G/3G service due to how remote they are.


No VoLTE/VoWiFi on many networks

The problem is that many mobile networks don't support VoLTE/VoWiFi (4G) yet and route their calls over 3G or 2G (GSM). That adds a lot of extra hardware to their infrastructure and that is a hardware that needs to start going down soon. Running 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G networks at the same time just can't be smart or cost effective in any way. There is a benefit in using VoWiFi since it allows calls to be routed over the internet instead of the mobile network in case of bad signal coverage inside a home.

Some mobile network companies have started shutting off 2G and 3G networks. Some news suggest that 3G is going to be turned off earlier than 2G in Europe due to 4G network data speeds. Since 3G isn't that good for internet connection and 2G is only useful for voice and slow data connection.

I am expecting to buy a 5G mobile phone from 2024. I am going to allow early adapters to figure out all the bugs.

Amazon Prime Air flight crashes in Texas after 6,000ft nosedive


Re: We all thought the same!

More people are born than die each day. This accident is terrible and something did go wrong and should not be mocked.

World statics, http://www.worldometers.info/

Now you've read about the bonkers world of Elizabeth Holmes, own some Theranos history: Upstart's IT gear for sale


This was always a scam

It is clear on this news that Theranos company and everything connected to it was always a scam.
