The SMR are all well and good, but what about the cost! I have not seen any valid numbers from anyone. Maybe someone from El reg can provide a Cost Benefit Analysis for an SMR covering construction, operation and disposal?
The Australian conservative opposition (the coalition) have been pushing these as a low carbon solution. The issue is they can't/won't provide costings.
They also cannot get any private companies to commit to building them so they when they get into power they (a conservative government) will build them.
A couple of things stand out.
1/ If these are that good/great and will make money why aren't the private sector interested?
2/ And why would a conservative government that like small government and privatise everything suddenly what to commit to spending money on public infrastructure.
The only answer is that the SMRs are a non starter because they will never be financially viable, hence no private interest and it means the the coalition can say oops we tried and then keep their promise to the fossil fuel industry to keep burning coal and gas.