the question is not if speed is good for you or if one saves some petrol why moving slowly. The question is how is it possible that we consider normal that government will decide and force us to save petrol we paid for.
If I buy a petrol, it is mine petrol, if I decide to burn it or spill it or whatever it is still my petrol and my problem. This is not recomendition or some compaign favouring conservation, this is use of police force. We save what we paid for to use or we pay fine or we go to prison. And prison part is very real indeed, just try not to pay few fines.
Why are we discussing diferencences between 65 and 68 mph and not talking about blatant take of spanish government on our basic rights, property right.
I realize it is not such news, all government try it all the time and green agenda is especially succesful, I am just shocked by the lack of oposition. Nobody is respecting the new law, but still nobody argues from principle.