* Posts by Jonjonz

258 publicly visible posts • joined 20 Apr 2010


Why did your outsourced IT fall over? Cos you weren't on Twitter


Worst Powerpoint Chart of the Week Award

Just look at that supposed info-graphic. Doe it make any sense at all? Does it convey any useful information?

All it needs is a foot note: This article is proof you should not outsource your business research. If you do, you will get useless drivel like this.

Star Trek saviour JJ Abrams joins the dark side: Star Wars VII


One More Corporate Monopoly In Place

Just one more corporate monopoly established. The corporate money counters have consulted their spreadsheet oracles and they all get the same answer, min/max the bottom line, go with what works.

Abrams is really Michael Beye with more shaggy dog endings.

Disney World slaps pay-by-bonk stalker cuffs on grown-ups


Re: I like it

Hope you like how it makes it much simpler for a crook to completely clean you out.

Feeling poor? WHO took all your money? NOT capitalist bastards?


Complete Rubbish

This is complete rubbish.

It is a zero sum game, the point this rube misses is that corporations and the richest individuals convert resources (i.e. your productivity) into assets (real estate, stocks, bonds, derivatives) which are hardly taxed at all, yet consume the most resources (all that military and police to prevent the theft of said private property.)

Fantastic deal if your the 1% holding 80% of the assets.

Hmm, I think I'll order an iPad Mini on Amazon ... Oh no I won't


Oops Your Fanboy is showing

A straight up comparison is dirty? Fanboy denial is more like it.

Consumers win, Snarky turtleneck and jeans posers lose.

Dr No, Thunderball, Casino Royale? Vote now for the best Bond film


Craig is no Sean

I will give Craig his due as a workman's effort at the role, but he is and never will be numero uno JB, that will always be Sean Connery, hands down.

Polls like this tend to reflect that moronic youth assumes that whatever they have seen is better than what they have not seen. Their loss, Goldfinger and Thunderball, it's all downhill from there.

Live Chat: Windows 8 and Surface unboxed at last!


This is classic Microsoft how to take over a market in a few easy steps (if your a well funded multinational corporation.)

They are doing exactly what they did with the game console market.

1- Introduce a device that is superior and initially has a slightly higher than average price for the market.

2- Wait untill prime consumer mass buying frenzy times like Christmas season rolls around, offer a discount, proles gobble them up thinking they are getting a great deal.

3- Sit back and watch market share go from 0 to 50%+ in a short time.


Microsoft Surface: Designed to win, priced to fail

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Xbox Anyone?

Duplicate of the xbox pricing story.

At introduction the xbox was more expensive than competitors.

Once distribution channels were fully established, 'sale' pricing and price 'cuts' magically appeared as sales picked up due to customers feeling like they were being smart by waiting for the bargains.

A couple of years later and they own the market.

Same exact deal here.

The surface is going to be a good thing for consumers, driving down the price of the products while increasing the value given.

Microsoft plans midnight launch for Surface


Dullards Make Themselves Obvious

Dullards make themselves obvious when they mistake Crapple's hype for reality and then fail to apply the same moronic faith in the PR spouted by Microsoft.

Facebook's latest brain wave: Flogging REAL fluffy tat


Lazy Jerks Will Love This

How nice, little Johnny is sending us, his favorite Auntie, some chokies on our birthday, except he was too lazy and inconsiderate to even know where we live, so if I want the sweets I have to enter my address for him.

Sure to be a hit with the farcebook banboies but for the rest of us who left that cess pool years ago, just one more thing to despise about the whole churlish venture.

Don't forget 90% of Zukies income comes from Farmville. Yes sir, asian pay to win digital paper dolls is going to make the world a better place.

Surface slab WILL rub our PC-making pals the wrong way – Microsoft


Go talk to Detroit

Detroit has played this game profitably for years. 2 models on the show room, one is the top of the line and costs say 40K. The other is the economy line with a base of 30K. The top of the line comes with all accessories standard. On the economy model these are costly add ons. The top of the line model is structurally superior and a safer product. The economy model is less robust, and a more dangerous vehicle to be in.

Detroit makes their money off the consumers who fall for this charade, get the low priced model, and then add accessories to the point that they are spending very close to the top of the line model. They have succeeded in getting the rubes to pay for an inherently inferior product practically the same amount they charge for their best product.


2 Ways

MS can go 2 ways with this:

1. Sell it cheap, and take over the market like they did with Xbox. This good for consumers, at least in the short run.

2. Sell it high, grab some of Crapples market.

Either way, PC makers have all the more reason (due to Win8's pure awfulness) to switch to the Linux desktop.

The surface it self is a good thing. That it is a container for the Win8 poison is a very bad thing. Win8 is a self inflicted lethal poison that could mean the end of MS. It is so stunningly wrong on so many levels it is a testament to management hubris and bad design.

McDonalds staff 'rough up' prof with home-made techno-spectacles


Jerk Reaps What He Sows

No doubt this guy thought the no cameras rule did not apply to him, because according to him, he is special. Just your typical sociopath expecting the world to adjust to him.

The facts so far is that no one this guy has come in contact with has reacted positively to him, including the authorities, which leads me to believe his version of events is only so much sociopathic QQing.

I hope he brings his stupid attitude to someplace in the US where fast food employee's will not be so gentle.

You know those areas of town where fast food companies are forced to put people with gang tattoos on the register cause no one else will take the job.

Yahoo! Poaches! New! CEO! From! Google!

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Kind of pointless

Yahoo has been foundering about for years now. Totally directionless while halfheartedly trying to add me-too social media functions. They basically gave up on search, gave up on being a directory, and now hang on mostly out of the momentum of people over the years who use their free web email accounts, which Google is now chipping away at with the superior Google mail.

She's no doubt a smart girl/woman now looking squarely into the mouth of middle age and eventual retirement, so she has to be doing her spreadsheets on how to maximize her earning potential to provide for herself and her offspring. She has also concluded that she has no further promotion opportunities at Google, so why not take the position at Yahoo. She finally gets to be the big cheese with the best parking spot, office and perks and only has to suck up to and charm a board, who most typically are completely clueless and more often a simple challenge of massaging overblown egos once a month.

She has never impressed me as the vision type, more the office politics corporate ladder climber, so other than cementing her political house within Yahoo staff and board, I doubt she will make any significant improvement to Yahoos value. Yahoo lacks vision, they simply have no clear objectives.

Nexus 7 and Surface: A bonanza for landfill miners

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Another Spoiled Crapple Fanboy

Another spoiled crapple fan boy spews the same old drivel: It it hasn't had billions of PR over several years positioning a product as the next best bit of hipster tech paraphernalia that is more fashion statement than substance, he won't be seen with it.


Deja Vu, Nintendo and Sony, Apple next

When MS introduced the Xbox, Nintendo and Sony sounded much like Apple today, smug and snobbish in their supposed market domination.

We know how that played out.

The minute they lower the Surface price to X-box mass consumer range, it's game over for Crapple.

Apple wins US ban on Samsung's Galaxy Tab 10.1


Hypocritical Fruit Company

For a company founded on stealing/copying the work of others, Crapple is totally the hypocrite for turning around and whining about some one else doing the same.

'Unnamed' HP biz unit developing mystery object storage



Looks like the only remaining staff at HP, the sales force, are going to try to package and sell what was open source name value pair tech that has been around for some time now.

Windows 8: Not even Microsoft thinks businesses will use it


Ugly Sharp Corners

The razor sharp edges and corners of the Metro GUI are so bleedingly awful. It is like they asked some interns to design the worst GUI they could. Any side by side tests against Crapple in focus groups surely would inform MS is is a huge loser. I think the other comments about 'good, bad' release cycles is spot on.

Dad sues Apple for pushing cash-draining 'free' games at kids


Please Nail the Gambling Aspect Too

The worst aspect of these freemium games is the blatant gambling. Many offer "surprise packs" that might contain something valuable in game, but 99% of the time just contain crap. Looks like a game of chance to me, if it looks like a duck. I am surprised the gambling industry is not on top of this like a ten ton hammer.



This has a few almost funny lines, but....

95% of it is crapoo-la.

We don't need more trust fund kids whining about their adventures.

Why Windows 8 server is a game-changer


Drink the Koolaide Much?

You want a total laugh and commentary on the 'success' of Win8, go watch Lockernome's Dad try and use it.

Those sharp corners are just plain UGLY, UGLY, UGLY.

Death to Office or to Windows - choose wisely, Microsoft


Crapple Fan boi Warning

I am Crapple FanBoi, hear me roar...

Why Amazon, eBay and Google are building bricks-and-mortar stores


Snake Oil Salesmanship

Those much lauded products are crap. The real reason for the success is the massive never ending hype/marketing effort honed to perfection by the master snake oil salesman and known liar and all around jerk.

The brick and mortal is all about vanity and hubris that infects those at the top when they strike it rich online. There is no bottom line justification for these ventures.

Nude lady recreates Star Wars tauntaun scene in dead horse


What a pair of tards

Major tards on the loose. Single moment of fame, grinning like maniacs holding horse offal. Now that's a real keep sake. Moe - Rons.

Zuckerberg's HTML5 Trojan horse play


Farcebook - dont use it, never will

Farcebook, Foolsbook, whatever, don't use it, never will. The bubble is very close to popping.

Narcissist-book is more like it.

This article says absolutely nothing, repeatedly. Waste of space.

Fire burns away the Kindle dream of interactivity


Total Fanboy Waste of Time

Give me back the 2 min. I wasted reading this fanboy screed.

Apple plan to rate shops etc by number of iPhones visiting


You've Been Sold

Crapple's whole point is not what they say, but mainly to sell this info to the highest bidder. Nobody told you Big Brother would be wearing a turtleneck and stonewash jeans.

We have gone from presumed innocent to presumed guilty in just a few years.

Hardware-happy HP has swallowed a Sun death pill


Carly Startend this Death Spiral

HP has been in a death spiral ever since that hag poser Carly Futz-it-even-more came in.

What a sad story. What was once the pride of silicon valley is reduced to reselling midwest accounting software.

I used to have a friend, a research scientist with several PHDs. who worked there. He ran all kinds of tests so they would have a handle on when and how their wonderful laser printers would fail.

If it had not been for affordable HP laser printers back in the 80s, Apple, Adobe, and a slew of other companies would have never made it.

This decline of US manufacturing prowess makes the fall of the USSR look like child's play.

Linus Torvalds dubs GNOME 3 'unholy mess'


Kettle Calling the Pot Black

O Really, you know that spiffy translucent plastic Fisher Price UI look that Apple likes to crow they invented, not so, It was a Windows Windowblinds skin long before ever showing up on any of Mr Copy Kat Job's kit.

Do you keep your job when your IT is in the cloud?


Zero Experience Lacky Hack Mouths Off

This git has no experience outside of sucking rears at the big M, got a job hawking MS cloud products and has no idea how the real world works. You can see the contempt practically drip off the interviewer for this clueless snobby jerk. The cloud is just one more way to eliminate jobs. You know how a cakewalk works. Same deal, except the prize at the end is the last person sitting gets to keep/have a job at the same or better rate. The rest are screwed.

Apple eyeing Hulu acquisition, insiders say


Crapple At it Again

Remember that 'Big Brother' add that crapple wore on its sleeve letting them pose as the defenders of democracy, choice etc.

Fast forward to now and crapple is doing everything it can to become Big Brother. With crapple you have choice, choice of which crapple product service will drain your bank balance the fastest.

X-COM UFO: Enemy Unknown


Computer turn based is an Oxymoron

Turn Based anything is just way too geeky for me. You have a bloody computer, this is not a table top. Playing anything turn based on a computer is an oxymoron.

Weeners who grew up playing table top D&D will fall for almost anything turn based.

Doom guy: tablets, phones to be gaming platforms of the future


Count there be anything worse than a console port?

And you thought good PC games had to be dumbed down to be ported to consoles. Wait till you see how dumb mobile ports will be.

Shame to see a once gifted dev get mesmerized by the Farmville profits.



Your only as cool as your last release. Vain hot air trying to pass as wisdom. You want to sell out to making Farmville clones for mobiles over developing real games for PCs, no good luck with that. In fact I hope his raft falls apart long before the food runs out.

It started with dumbing down decent PC games for the console markets. Console = how fast can I 'beat' this game. Die, cheese maker die.

ANONYMOUS: Behind the mask, inside the Hivemind


0Oh nice jubs

Nice jubs, why does any article with nice jubs and anything remotely lefty bring out the raving Thatcherite richboy wannabees? How quaint trying to shout down criticism when democracy died to fascism a lifetime ago. Keep up the good work wannabee, maybe someone will give you a gold star.

Amazon throws tax hissy-fit, dumps California affiliates


Korporate Welfare

No one wants to pay for infrastructure, and guess what, now it is decaying at an alarming rate. You dont get working sewers, roads, fire, police, and social amenities for free, but hey things are not so bad in China...


Taxes 101

For most of the dim bulbs out there. Guess what the greatest expense of local government it? Police and Fire. I.E. providing security for everyone's assets.

Think about it. The more assets you have, the more value you derive from the US security system. Taxes then should be based soley on assets, not income. Do do otherwise is pure wage slavery.

The Cube: Apple's daftest, strangest romance



Crapple stole the whole transparent liquid look from Windows friends. That whole design concept had been floating around for YEARS before as 3rd party Windows skins. Any tool can did up that prior art. Mr Snakeoil was a master at stealing the work of others and making the big lie that crapple invented it. Fanbois lap it up.


2nd Hand Fischer Price Design

I laugh at the posers here so desparate to be seen as cool that they fall for this 2nd hand Fisher Price cheap transparent plastic look. Thats for babies, and toddlers. Yes fanboies love to suck on that crapple transparent pacifier.

Microsoft patent points to Skype snooping


Speak for Yourself Dickless Hack Wannabee

Sure, you are a worthless hack with wannabee dreams of breaking into TV journalism, so you will take whatever the man rams up your backside.

A few with more spine see this for what it is, Fascism at its worst. Give up your liberty for security, NEVER!

Apple, Google, Microsoft seek gargantuan tax break


More Korporate Welfare...

Just more of the same old Fascist Korporate welfare, in this case giving companies a tax break for shipping jobs overseas.

Congress, that bunch of lawyers, loves to call things the exact opposite of what they are. The only jobs this will create are sweatshops in China and similar fascist loving regimes.

Apple will 'own games industry'


Take the Console Market, please

Console games are a plague, so please Steve open wide and swallow hard.

A match made in Hell. Good riddance to them both.

Try and imagine a console version of WOW or any other top of the line MMORPG. Pretty ugly right.

Long live PC games.

Facebook: 'We should've been more clear' on face-scanning tech

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The Attention Deficit Generation Bends Over and Spreads...

Big Brother never had it so easy. The attention deficit generation bends over for big brother and spreads. Idiocracy was/is NOT fiction.

Oxfam's 'Grow' world hunger plan: More peasants


Multi National Apologist At Work Here, move on...

Multi-national corporation apologist at work here, nothing to see, move on... Yes they have been in the drivers seat ever since the US Civil War, hows that working out for the worlds poor? Screw Monsanto and their ilk.

Dynamic ninjas kill off free DNS service


Scumbags Get Just Rewards

This is your typical pointy hair boss who know nothing about or groks how the whole thing works. They think they are being so clever, but screw them, they just bought 100% ownership of zip. We get the last laugh. Eat red ink Scumbags.

Wake up, Linux hippies: No one 'morally obligated' to give back


Blah Blah, Woof Woof, Me

Blah blah, woof woof, my company, blah blah, woof woof, me, blah blah, woof woof, nothing conseqential...

Apple nemesis sues iOS, Mac, and Android devs


Perfect example of broken law and broken execution

Try reading the so called patent in question. Perfect example of what is wrong with the system. The so called patent is so generalized and vague it could cover anything while actually not bringing anything new or original to fore.

I am sure they paid dearly to ram this through, and civilization will pay dearly for the years it sets us back.

Zuckerberg: Give me your children


Chackbook legislation

So the pols are salivating while Zuck takes out his checkbook. Fascism at it's worst.

Apple to support reps: Don't confirm Mac infections


Pathetic Usual Jobs con/scam

As usual, CRapple scams it's hoodwinked sheep and screws them over, in a losing attempt to forstall the media from reporting massive CRapple malware attacks.
