Re: Google analytics should be under the spotlight
Try these two for starters:
EFF Cover Your Tracks and Am I Unique
Merry Christmas everyone!
252 publicly visible posts • joined 17 Feb 2010
Try these two for starters:
EFF Cover Your Tracks and Am I Unique
Merry Christmas everyone!
Until people learn good IT hygiene...
When you have staff that are exhausted, over-worked and under-resourced with Windows 7 machines in front of them, this will continue to happen.
Especially when the general attitude is 'the IT department are supposed to stop these sorts of things from happening, so it's their fault, not mine'...
I seem to recall some of the original ransomware criminals promised not to touch healthcare systems, but that seems to be ignored more and more now...
Personally, I think anyone attacking healthcare systems should be strung up by the unmentionables and left to rot.
Anyone attacking childrens healthcare systems I have no words for. Lower than low.
the birthday cake.
Earlier this morning, no transactions were showing up under the 'All' tab (Android app, so not just an ios problem), but as stated in the article, they showed up under the September and August 'tabs'.
Just tried it again and all seems to be back to normal.
Technology - marvellous when it works...
We've just bought my wife a 3.5-year-old EV. It would have been ~£67k new. We paid £23k. That's about £1k/month depreciation. Why would anyone buy a new EV with that level of depreciation?
Also, if you can't have home charging, public charge rates are often greater cost per mile than the equivalent petrol or diesel. 85p/kWh? - I'm looking at you Shell...
I've only had a quick look for long-life certificates, but one of GlobalSign's root certificates expires on...
Tue, 19 Jan 2038 03:14:07 GMT
Surely this FCC will be Plaid? (what are we going to call it once it's built? It won't be the Future Collider...)
Seriously though, it often strikes me that we haven't 'discovered' Dark Matter because we don't actually know what we're looking for or how to detect it despite some of the best boffins on the planet using all their collective brain cells to try.
I don't disagree that there were 'better' programming languages by 1981, but the beauty of BASIC was that it appeared to the layman that you could write programs in plain English and they would (mostly) just work. Although admittedly 'Syntax error at line 30' isn't the most informative of error messages!
I'm pretty sure there were other language ROMs you could plug in to your Beeb if you wanted C, Pascal, Forth etc, but I don't think they were aimed at 'beginner' programmers.
Wireless was refusing to work on my laptop the other day. A quick dive into Device Manager, disable then re-enable the wireless adapter worked for me.
Checking Windows Update, I do have both '228 and '375 installed.
Wireless is normally pretty faultless, but it could have been a coincidence...
My son's sleep pattern started to deteriorate during 2020, when he was about 14. After several false starts with medical professionals, he was finally diagnosed with delayed phase sleep wake disorder. He usually goes to bed at ~11pm, but is never asleep before 3am*. We have to wake him at 12.30 to try and keep some routine in his life otherwise his sleep could end up all over the place.
One of the treatments suggested by a sleep doctor actually made his sleep patterns worse.
There is a risk that he could fall into a 'Non-24 hour' sleep cycle, there is also a slim chance he will grow out of it.
He's also been diagnosed with ADHD, but it's not clear if the two are related.
* Yes, we've done all the screens off, no blue light etc. His bedroom is as dark as we can make it. He just lies there in bed and can't sleep.
Open source hardware would be good.
Would that be the hardware that a certain company dissed using
Going OT for a bit...
It's a bit like certain drivers not using their indicators (blinkers). I think they assume that you are telepathic and automatically know which way they want to go. They think they don't need to use their indicators because they already know where they're going...
That reminds me of the BBC network we had at our school. It wasn't Econet, but very similar.
A friend of mine (yes, really, it wasn't me) reverse engineered the sideways ROM for the network and it turned out that user authentication happened on the client - it looked up a four character (!) password in a special file on the server based on your user number. Cue various students using teacher logins and kicking other users off their machines remotely...
As a right-pondian I worry about the US-ification of almost everything. Having been a regular visitor to ElReg since 199x, I am disappointed. My tutting shall become slightly louder, lest I disturb anyone from their Times crossword...
'I realised that this also means El Reg is now likely to visit the horrors of "thru" and "pants" on me, and even worse - may well start using Americanisms that are either unknown to me, or which have referents unknown to me, or which have the opposite meaning to that which I'd expect.'
I expect there are some who could care less...
The one with the Kentish hops, please -->
I think that was Happy Eater.