* Posts by Victor Ludorum

252 publicly visible posts • joined 17 Feb 2010


UK ICO not happy with Google's plans to allow device fingerprinting

Victor Ludorum

Re: Google analytics should be under the spotlight

Try these two for starters:

EFF Cover Your Tracks and Am I Unique

Merry Christmas everyone!


Australia moves to drop some cryptography by 2030 – before quantum carves it up

Victor Ludorum

Re: Australia has always done things a little “differently”

Or maybe the Australians were worried about someone using Qantas computers to break encryption...

$373M ASML chipmaker shrinks to $228 – but it's made of Lego

Victor Ludorum

There's aways one...

Who didn't R T F A....

ASML also assured us there are no export restrictions on the Lego TWINSCAN EXE:5000.

Ransom gang claims attack on NHS Alder Hey Children's Hospital

Victor Ludorum

The problem is...

Until people learn good IT hygiene...

When you have staff that are exhausted, over-worked and under-resourced with Windows 7 machines in front of them, this will continue to happen.

Especially when the general attitude is 'the IT department are supposed to stop these sorts of things from happening, so it's their fault, not mine'...

I seem to recall some of the original ransomware criminals promised not to touch healthcare systems, but that seems to be ignored more and more now...

Personally, I think anyone attacking healthcare systems should be strung up by the unmentionables and left to rot.

Anyone attacking childrens healthcare systems I have no words for. Lower than low.

Will passkeys ever replace passwords? Can they?

Victor Ludorum

Re: Lose your device, lose your access

Plain text? Are you mad? Double ROT-13 at the very least!

Datacenter developer says power issues holding up new builds

Victor Ludorum

Hang on a minute lads, I've got a great idea

Given all the nimbyism about pylons through Norfolk/Suffolk/Essex etc, why don't they build the datacentres on the coast where the powerlines come in from the wind farms?

I made this network so resilient nothing could possibly go wro...

Victor Ludorum

Reminds me of

the birthday cake.

Game of phones: Voda-Three merger left rivals dialing for help

Victor Ludorum

BT are opposed to the merger

Curious that BT should be opposed to the merger given that they own EE - the merger of T-Mobile and Orange...

Black horse down: Lloyds online banking services go dark

Victor Ludorum

Thought it was a glitch

Earlier this morning, no transactions were showing up under the 'All' tab (Android app, so not just an ios problem), but as stated in the article, they showed up under the September and August 'tabs'.

Just tried it again and all seems to be back to normal.

Technology - marvellous when it works...

EV sales hit speed bump as drivers unplug from the electric dream

Victor Ludorum

Re: Several factors come to mind...

That may be true, but somebody somewhere must have bought it new?

Victor Ludorum

Several factors come to mind...

We've just bought my wife a 3.5-year-old EV. It would have been ~£67k new. We paid £23k. That's about £1k/month depreciation. Why would anyone buy a new EV with that level of depreciation?

Also, if you can't have home charging, public charge rates are often greater cost per mile than the equivalent petrol or diesel. 85p/kWh? - I'm looking at you Shell...

What a glimpse inside the Black Hat NOC reveals about infosec pros' security habits

Victor Ludorum
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I wonder how much of the plaintext was actually 'honey' (for want of a better term, I'm still learning the cyberz lingo...) to see who was sniffing it for pleasure (or profit).

Interesting about the VPN GPS leakage, I wonder what the vendor will have to say...

Wells Fargo fires employees accused of faking keyboard activity to pretend to work

Victor Ludorum

I just pulled these out of my arse

Congratulations, you have just passed the middle management initiation!

Analysts join the call for Microsoft to recall Recall

Victor Ludorum

Re: "letting the user scroll the archive of snapshots"

Where did you get the script for the Microsoft Copilot+ PC ads from?

What do Europeans, Americans and Australians have in common? Scammed $50M by fake e-stores

Victor Ludorum

Here's one...

I saw this posted the other day on road.cc.

Apparently they offer discounted Giro goods, but they often don't turn up, or the payment gets 'declined'.

Giro have said that the girouk[.]com website is not them. It's hosted on Cloudflare...

Prolific phishing-made-easy emporium LabHost knocked offline in cyber-cop op

Victor Ludorum

Re: Good but...

Of course it is, but it serves two main purposes:

1. Joe Public feels reassured that the authorities are cracking down on this sort of activity.

2. It sends a signal to the ne'er-do-wells that the authorities will find you.

Techie saved the day and was then criticized for the fix

Victor Ludorum

Re: Locks.

Try Covert Instruments for a good selection of quality tools.

'This is the Lock Picking Lawyer, and today I'm going to show you how to open a data cabinet with some simple tools...'

Is Jake the LPL?


Good news: HMRC offers a Linux version of Basic PAYE Tools. Bad news: It broke

Victor Ludorum
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Glad to hear you got it sorted.

It does seem a little odd that it was a locale issue as the software supports at least one other language - Welsh... (which admittedly is a Latin-based language/locale, but still...)

Victor Ludorum

it switched from launching the internally bundled web browser to launching the system browser as a front end. No idea why.

I remember reading somewhere that the switch was to improve accessibility and compatibility with screen readers etc.

Crowning glory of GOV.UK websites updated, sparking frontend upgrades

Victor Ludorum

Re: If they *really* want to improve the experience....

Maybe the DVLA's database has unionised and only works specific hours?

Or the last person to leave the office (at 8.01pm) manually starts the overnight backup, and they don't want any stray records appearing overnight...

Curious tale of broken VPNs, the Year 2038, and certs that expired 100 years ago

Victor Ludorum

That might explain why...

I've only had a quick look for long-life certificates, but one of GlobalSign's root certificates expires on...

Tue, 19 Jan 2038 03:14:07 GMT


CERN seeks €20B to build a bigger, faster, particle accelerator

Victor Ludorum

Re: Collide at insane speeds

Surely this FCC will be Plaid? (what are we going to call it once it's built? It won't be the Future Collider...)

Seriously though, it often strikes me that we haven't 'discovered' Dark Matter because we don't actually know what we're looking for or how to detect it despite some of the best boffins on the planet using all their collective brain cells to try.

At last: The BBC Micro you always wanted, in Mastodon form

Victor Ludorum


Never saw a C compiler for the BEEB (well, I may have seen a TinyC compiler, but I can't remember much about it).

For some reason, I thought there was a C compiler ROM for the BBC. A quick bit of sleuthing turned up BeebugSoft's Micro-C. There may be others.

Victor Ludorum


I don't disagree that there were 'better' programming languages by 1981, but the beauty of BASIC was that it appeared to the layman that you could write programs in plain English and they would (mostly) just work. Although admittedly 'Syntax error at line 30' isn't the most informative of error messages!

I'm pretty sure there were other language ROMs you could plug in to your Beeb if you wanted C, Pascal, Forth etc, but I don't think they were aimed at 'beginner' programmers.

WTF? Potty-mouthed intern's obscene error message mostly amused manager

Victor Ludorum

I presume

It's to do with speak and speaking, which should in theory etymologise speach.

Microsoft offers rollback for those affected by Windows wireless futility

Victor Ludorum

Did I have the issue?

Wireless was refusing to work on my laptop the other day. A quick dive into Device Manager, disable then re-enable the wireless adapter worked for me.

Checking Windows Update, I do have both '228 and '375 installed.

Wireless is normally pretty faultless, but it could have been a coincidence...

You don't get what you don't pay for, but nobody is paid enough to be abused

Victor Ludorum

Re: is 10x $$$ normal?

But do you get a business grade SLA?

Money-grubbing crooks abuse OAuth – and baffling absence of MFA – to do financial crimes

Victor Ludorum

Can someone cleverer than me...

Please explain how MFA would stop this. They're capturing session cookies/tokens through a proxy/relay. Even if MFA is enabled the victim could unwittingly use MFA to log in to the account and the MITM relay/proxy would still capture the cookie/token?

Remembering the time Windows accidentally sent Poland to the bottom of the sea

Victor Ludorum


Plus ça change...!

Why have just one firewall when you can fire all the walls?

Victor Ludorum

Given the corrent state of the economy, maybe the phrase should be exchanging your labour for cost of living vouchers

You snooze, you lose? It's not quite as simple as that

Victor Ludorum

Non 24 hour sleep cycle

My son's sleep pattern started to deteriorate during 2020, when he was about 14. After several false starts with medical professionals, he was finally diagnosed with delayed phase sleep wake disorder. He usually goes to bed at ~11pm, but is never asleep before 3am*. We have to wake him at 12.30 to try and keep some routine in his life otherwise his sleep could end up all over the place.

One of the treatments suggested by a sleep doctor actually made his sleep patterns worse.

There is a risk that he could fall into a 'Non-24 hour' sleep cycle, there is also a slim chance he will grow out of it.

He's also been diagnosed with ADHD, but it's not clear if the two are related.

* Yes, we've done all the screens off, no blue light etc. His bedroom is as dark as we can make it. He just lies there in bed and can't sleep.

Mozilla's midlife crisis has taken it from web pioneer to Google's weird neighbor

Victor Ludorum

Re: Thunderbird Calendar

Haven't used Thunderbird for a while, but ISTR you need the Lightning plugin for calendar functionality.

The home Wi-Fi upgrade we never asked for is coming. The one we need is not

Victor Ludorum

The majority of non-technical customers just want a router that they can plug in and it just worksTM.

The majority of ISPs want as little as possible (with the minimum of configurable options) connected to their service so they don't have to support an endless combination of devices.

Arm's lawyers want to check assembly expert's book for trademark missteps

Victor Ludorum

Re: Time to walk away.

Open source hardware would be good.

Would that be the hardware that a certain company dissed using riscv-basics.com?


Want tech cred? Learn how to email like a pro

Victor Ludorum

Re: Which question did you answer ?

Going OT for a bit...

It's a bit like certain drivers not using their indicators (blinkers). I think they assume that you are telepathic and automatically know which way they want to go. They think they don't need to use their indicators because they already know where they're going...

RIP Kevin Mitnick: Former most-wanted hacker dies at 59

Victor Ludorum

RIP Kevin

The world would have been a much duller place without you.

Apple pushes first-ever 'rapid' patch – and rapidly screws up

Victor Ludorum

The problem was...





Yes, yes, I'm going...

Thanks for fixing the computer lab. Now tell us why we shouldn’t expel you?

Victor Ludorum

Re: How secure *IS* your system

It was 35 years ago - I just remember it was a BBC network but wasn't Econet.

Victor Ludorum

Re: How secure *IS* your system

That reminds me of the BBC network we had at our school. It wasn't Econet, but very similar.

A friend of mine (yes, really, it wasn't me) reverse engineered the sideways ROM for the network and it turned out that user authentication happened on the client - it looked up a four character (!) password in a special file on the server based on your user number. Cue various students using teacher logins and kicking other users off their machines remotely...


Namecheap admits 'unauthorized emails' pwning its customers

Victor Ludorum

Whose account?

I got the 'DHL' email apparently from Namecheap and ignored it. Headers show it was sent through SendGrid.

Just guessing here, but is it possible Namecheap's SendGrid account was compromised somehow? Weak password, credential stuffing, 2FA fatigue or something else?

Cloudflare engineer broke rules – and a customer's website – with traffic throttle

Victor Ludorum

Poor engineer

The post does not mention what, if anything, happened to the engineer who applied the throttle.

He was throttled?

Here's a list of proxy IPs to help block KillNet's DDoS bots

Victor Ludorum

Use a script carefully

I've just taken a look, it's now up to 17920 entries, BUT some of them are in 0.x.x.x subnet...

And there's at least one in 10.x.x.x.

Sanitise the list before using it.

Twitter tweaks third-party app rules to ban third-party apps

Victor Ludorum
Thumb Up

Re: Plummeting sperm whale?

I came to this comment just as it had received 42 upvotes...

KmsdBot botnet is down after operator sends typo in command

Victor Ludorum

I was going to say

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha...

But you basically beat me to it.

Hot, sweaty builders hosed a server – literally – leaving support with an all-night RAID repair job

Victor Ludorum

Re: around ten meters worth

American ones I expect.

Singapore to phase out checks for businesses by 2025

Victor Ludorum

Re: Just realised I DO care about the US spelling, after-all

the meaning of the comment is made ambiguous

That's kind of my point.

I was giving an example of opposite meaning between English and Americanese phrases.

Victor Ludorum

Re: Just realised I DO care about the US spelling, after-all

As a right-pondian I worry about the US-ification of almost everything. Having been a regular visitor to ElReg since 199x, I am disappointed. My tutting shall become slightly louder, lest I disturb anyone from their Times crossword...

'I realised that this also means El Reg is now likely to visit the horrors of "thru" and "pants" on me, and even worse - may well start using Americanisms that are either unknown to me, or which have referents unknown to me, or which have the opposite meaning to that which I'd expect.'

I expect there are some who could care less...

The one with the Kentish hops, please -->

Loathsome eighties ladder-climber levelled by a custom DOS prompt

Victor Ludorum
Black Helicopters

Re: Crashed most of the time.

Was that your flying or the game?

Senior engineer reported to management for failing to fix a stapler

Victor Ludorum

Re: But I DO want to know!

I think that was Happy Eater.

Linus Torvalds's faulty memory (RAM, not wetware) slows kernel development

Victor Ludorum

Re: Hang on..

There is a possibility it's not the DIMM, but a component on the motherboard that has failed. Soak testing the new memory will help to eliminate that possibility.
