* Posts by Furbian

200 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Feb 2010


RIP Psion PLC: You're with Motorola now

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Re: an excuse to post my PDA collection pictures again

I was going to have a go at naming then, and then I saw an Atari PDA (!?) and gave up!

Nice collection, thanks for sharing the photos.

Now let's Google 'Atari PDA'.

New I-hate-my-neighbour stickers to protect Brits' packages


Re: Oh come on

It's even worse for us, I have a camera on my front door and inhabit the attic, I can SEE the ones who run off in the time it takes me to rush downstairs, or drop a card as I'm watching before I start the mad dash. Miss it and it's a mile down to the local sorting office that has LONG queues, and shuts at 12.45.

Thank goodness that this neighbour drop off scheme is about to start, but I fear that most of them are usually out to work, and as I do most of my work from home, I'll be the one with the extra interruptions for their mail. But I'm fortunate to have neighbours who even assign one of theirs to stay in our home when we're away on holiday, so I won't mind receiving their parcels.

TalkTalk somehow retains most-complained-about-ISP title AGAIN


Better the devil you know?

I've been with them for a few years, and have almost switched every time my contract renewal comes up.

Last time Orange were cheaper, I told them, they gave me discount to match Orange, I stayed.

About 2 years ago we had some connection problems, a few day a week for a few weeks. Then only a two hour break we noticed about half a year ago.

The Huawei HG532 router they gave us needs a weekly reset, so bearable. As I have a family, we tend to hit 120GB a month, so Plusnet didn't want us. BT offered the same deal, but wanted more money.

My biggest bugbear, one that has lead to rather argumentative exchanges with them is that I get a lot of nuisance (PPI etc.) calls, not only for me, but also for some other chap. I want to change my number, but they won't do it unless I file a Police report, or pay them monthly for extra call baring. I bought a £40 box for line blocking, which has helped, but I'd still rather change my phone number. So coming January, I'm probably switching to Orange just to be able to change my number.



... and then there was Populous: The Beginning...

This was an already great game perfected. Both were just amazing ground breakers, but the second one was spectacular with the followers suffering all sorts of torments, being swept up in the air by hurricanes, being set on fire, drowning etc. The best was the preacher type character, who would cause the opposing sides followers to sit down listen, and then swap sides.

The Jupiter Ace: 40 years on

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Re: Forth Vs Machine Code

Indeed Sir, which is why I learnt Z80 Assembler...

... did part of my O-Level Computer Studies project in it....

... learnt 68000 Assembler on the back of that knowledge, but never quite wrote an Atari ST, or Commodore Amiga Program...

... which also meant that when I was working on a financial company's DEC-VAX system (early 2000's I kid you not) that had Macro 32 Assembler that needed fixing, I could...

... and I now (part time) tutor ARM Assembler at the University of ...

Oh The ACE? Bought a pair of books on Forth (Language Library's Fundamentals and Techniques, I can see them in my bookshelf!), but never bought one in the end. Shame, would have been an interesting experience. However I did use Forth, beats me what it was on.

Anyone remember 'Fifth' by some chap for the ZX Spectrum, was that related in anyway?

LONDON iPHONE 5 MADNESS: 'You must be CRAZY to buy Apple'


There's a 'queuing' paradox here.

I for one cannot understand why anyone would want to queue for anything, because I hate queuing, unless I have company. On occasions I have even left queues after running out of patience or buying something else with a shorter queue, when it comes to food that is, not phones. I buy on-line, so the only queues I face in my life are for food, or passport control, 'security' etc. at airports.

So these Apple fans are actually showing a great deal of patience, which I do consider admirable in an odd sort of way.

Manchester is 'PIRATE CAPITAL of the UK'


Re: It's all good

Britain's prison population is second only to Turkey's, so this is one way to take the Turkish crown from them. Not forgetting that they are fighting a Kurd insurgency, and insurgencies, like the one that used be over 'ere (Northern Ireland), tend to result in a lot of extra people in jail.

The punishment may not quite fit the 'crime'. You might want to seize dual tape decks while you're at it, a copy is a copy, no?

Oh and you'll need some extra legislation to get those pesky teenagers into jail too, they surely won't have '25k euros' lying around.

etc. etc.

Hackers leak '1 MILLION records' on Apple fanbois from FEDS


.. and people think I'm paranoid for not giving Google my passport...

Apparently some people think that I'm being unreasonable for not sending Google a photocopy of my passport, document which in the long term is far far worse than your credit card in the wrong hands.


Oddly enough, Amazon, Apple, Sony (PSN), Xbox Live are just some people I do have paid accounts with, and do not want a copy of my passport.

So, just what is the ultimate bacon sarnie?


Two empty slices of bread...

... with possibly a spread applied, if you're an observant Jew or Muslim.

British Minister likens Anonymous to fascists and racists


Re: Wrong Simile

.. and it's not as absurd as it sounds. the Lockerbie accused were tried in the Netherlands (Camp Zeist), by a Scottish court, and the media made a great deal about how that part of the country had become British, sorry Scottish (in case a referendum goes the SNP's way), soil for the duration of the trial.

Former Gov.UK sweetheart Logica evaporates after CGI swills it down


Almost sad to see it go.

As an ex-employee who saw it going from someone competing to becoming a major powerful British IT company, to one that ended up shifting most of its business to India, it's still sad to see it being de-listed from the LSE. End of road. Alas poor Bogica as it was affectionately known at times. On reflection my career their had its ups and downs, but I have fond memories, and I always found the atmosphere to be 'proper' and above board, with only the occasional hiccup.

Ubisoft: 'Vast majority of PC gamers are PIRATES'

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Here here! But...

There's one great thing about Ubisoft, rather ..

Stargate - Ubisoft - Circle


No I have nowt to do with him, but my kids and I just love those videos.

For the record, PC games worth buying (according to self centred me).. Dragon Age (all of 1, 1.5 and even 2), Starcraft 2 (Wings of Liberty), Skyrim. Can I even remember a Ubisoft game? Oh yes, Assassins Creed 1, that's it. If it was their franchise back then.

eBay invites mystic wrath over ban on spells, potions and lotions


Re: ethereal transport

Nah, it alludes to a possible future escape attempt. It was meant to move him to a actual South American country, but instead it shunted him into another South American country's embassy... clearly the potion maker was a bit lazy and put some London tap water in, instead of some water from the North and South Atlantic oceans. He should use this assumption when updating the open dispute in eBay's resolution centre.


It's probably the refunds...

eBay probably got sick of bearing the transaction costs of refunds, I'd love to read the reasons for the requests if they exist and look like what I think they might look like, I demand a refund because:-

.. the hex on the barking dog next door didn't work, it still barks, louder if anything.

.. I used the spell to get an attractive man, and now I'm being stalked by a lesbian.

.. I did NOT win the lottery, this elixir of perfect number choosing did not work.

.. despite drinking the wisdom potion my IQ is still 90, I can provide transcripts of my before and after tests.

.. I immersed my dead hard drive in the water of Asmodeus as instructed, it made lots of pops and bangs, and even smoke came out when I plugged it it, so it appeared that it had worked like most magic does, but it still didn't show up when I plugged it into the USB port.

.. the potion of ethereal transport didn't work properly, I'm now stuck in the Argentinian Embassy instead.

Amazon UK to offer collection service at corner shops

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Alas poor Royal Mail...

... we knew and loved you well.

However they are busy shooting themselves in the foot. Our local sorting office, one of the larger ones in the country, is about a mile down the road. They cut their hours from about 9 to 4 to 9 to 12. Every now again I have seen (we have a camera) a postie with a parcel (not out regular one who has letters and small items, he's excellent) throw a card in and not ring the bell, or ring it and dart off before someone reaches the door. Oh did I mention queuing at the sorting office, takes up to half an hour to get through the dozen or so people there?

Collect+, not bad, round the corner, next door to the Post Office, but longer, much longer, hours, however one big caveat, they have a wireless scanner, and it doesn't always work. So it's always hit or miss, scans and connect, hooray, if it doesn't, then get in the car and drive a mile and a half to the next closets one (in that radius there are five others), Failure rate to date is 50%.

'$199' Surface tablets: So crazy it might work, or just crazy?


No fan of Windows 8 etc. but...

A loss leader might be the only way to get a foothold in the market. Look at the Xbox 360, a grossly unreliable poorly made console rushed out to get a lead on the Sony PS3, they then spent billions fixing those that died (own experience, over 5 years still on first PS3, Xbox 360 is number 5 (6?)).

But it worked, you can get away with selling an unreliable consumer product, if you time and price it right, etc. Xbox live provides a steady income, that Sony have failed to match, though being first on the block is not necessarily the reason for why Sony's PSN doesn't make it as much (if any) money as Xbox live does.

If the hardware is reliable, I doubt one could mess up designing a tablet (hostility to Windows 8 UI not withstanding) in this day and age, then why not make a loss on the first iteration, and then price the second revision to make money, having got a foot (toe?) hold in the market?

Besides M$ have a huge amount of money to burn, selling these at a loss might still be cheaper than what they overpaid for Skype, and make more economic sense for example.

PC manufacturers, they won't be happy, and will be thoroughly shafted in the process, not sure that will help M$ in the long term.

Apple 'offered Samsung $30-per-mobe' patent licence truce


Re: Delenda est Pupillam

So did I, but I can manage a little more.

Ego circumspectat : I look around.

.. and of-course, abuse, which appears mandatory when learning a new language...

Tu est furcifer : You are a scoundrel.

Tu est canis : You are a dog.


Don't get sued or cuffed on Twitter: Read these top 10 pitfalls

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Don't use ...

Right on Sir, right on!

I opened an account when it came out, visit it twice a year, have left four tweets.

I just don't get it. Though I must confess to a near daily facebook visit, with even a post every now and again.

Oh another even more damning confession, I write Rails applications, and give Twitter as a popular and

successful example of one at times. Naughty me.

Blizzard pwned: Gamers' email, encrypted passwords slurped


Oh not again...

So I've had e-mails telling me to change my password from...




But not from Sony after their grand hack, but I changed it anyway on my ancient PSN account.

I have a trial WoW account, so maybe I can expect and e-mail from them too, or I'll do it myself.

With these on-line services, many of which even keep your credit card details, (Google Play want to keep a copy of my passport too because I updated an expired credit card), leaking credentials like a sieve, this is becoming tiresome.

The future, a digital economy where the gates are left open every so often for a quick mass account grab by some thieves.

Microsoft: It's not Metro, it's Windows 8



... and wasn't that a rip roaring success.

Oooh-la-la! 'iPhone 5' bares all, strokes tiny nano-SIM in pics


I hate micro SIMS, and now this!

That's it, I hate them. I bought a stapler like cutter to do the job, but it's still annoying. My Sony Xperia-S has one, for no good reason, there's empty space galore to it's left. Yes I had an Iphone 4, that's what made me having to keep a SIM adaptor and an iPhone ejection pin in my wallet.

Why do I need to switch SIMs? Because every time I travel abroad, I obtain a local SIM to avoid paying for roaming. So yes call me cheap if you like for saving money being my main reason for hating micro/nano and probably eventually, pico SIMS.

Irony. The phones become larger, and the SIM size shrinks, fantastic.

Android app DRM quietly disabled due to bug


Even Worse than Apple.

I can't even begin to imagine what happens when your phone dies (I had three Motorola Atrix's and I am not on my second Sony Xperia S).. do Google Play sort this out for you? I don't think so...


Or do you contact each software developer, giving them your new IMEI number?

Our whole family shares an Apple Account (for iPads), and the only limitation appears to be the maximum number of PC's we can sync with, i.e. 5. Having Apps locked to your phone alone is obviously more restrictive. Being restricted to an account, and all phones registered to that account, would be bearable.

Ice Cream Sandwich still a no-show for most Android users


Oh I do miss Apple at times...

My ragtag experience since my Android switch has been as follows...

Motorola Atrix, Gingerbread released on its US phones, 'reaches' UK phones some 6 months later. My son has it now, waiting for ICS.... Turns out the unique selling point for their new phones is that they are on ICS...

Wife's HTC Sensation XE, came with ICS, which obviously meant that everyone else could see the improvements they weren't getting any-time soon.

Yes that included me on my Sony Xperia S, my first one had Gingerbread and the yellowed-out screen problem, they sent me a replacement after waiting a few weeks for spare parts that were 'delayed'. Even though ICS was now available for it in Europe, the replacement was still on Gingerbread. Eventually I saw my IMEI number turn up on their update website, but my 'phone is up to date' claimed the phone, the website, and the PC update software.

So I downloaded a European copy of ICS for it and promptly flashed the phone with a config file! Fortunately it was not bricked, flashed it properly and it worked. Only annoying thing being that a so called full 'backup' program didn't quite work as it should have so I lost some save games.

Then there's the sole iPhone user in the house, who will just plug in, backup, update and restore when the iOS version is released. Or just do it over wif-fi. Bliss.

The Dragon 32 is 30


Green ..... with envy perhaps?

I remember a quiz in Personal Computing Weekly, I think, it was along lines of ..

What is a Dragon Users favorite colour:-

(a) Green.

(b) Green.

(c) Green.

I still remember my mates having with it's black on green editing screen. Being a Z80 Spectrum guy, I was really impressed with the 6809E having TWO accumulators, it was like wow, hats off to my mate, his machine's has two, A and B. Sad, geeky childhood, but I'm the better for it.

More reports that Apple plans iPhone 5 September surprise


Probably not too little, but definitly too late.

Samsung introduced, and then made larger the 'plus' sized phone a desirable item, which has sold very well, and made others follow suite (mine's the Sony Xperia S 4.3" screen by the way). I personally know a number of iPhone users who were so disappointed with the 4S not having a larger screen, they jumped over to Android phones (various brands mainly Motorola and HTC), because of their screen size and price, despite having had iPhones for years. I don't see them switching back any time soon.

Personally I can't imagine how anyone could use a Galaxy S3 easily on the move, never mind a Galaxy Tab, but I've met people who are quite happy with their purchase, even two chaps who use a Tab as a phone.

Then again the iPhone '5' maybe revolutionary and not evolutionary, and may turns heads.

Google: Oops, we've STILL got Street View's slurped Wi-Fi data

Black Helicopters

They want my passport and bank statements too...

... because an 80p Google Play app I wanted to buy revealed that my credit card had expired, so I updated it, and that triggered the request. But as they probably have access to my wi-fi network, they can easily find a scans of them on my PC, no?

How Google 'ask' for your 'details'....


Apple's new Safari snubs older Macs, drops Windows version


Wot? Not for Windows...

.. come on, I thought a bit of development effort would be worth when hoards of Windows 8, rather Metro, users look for a desktop experience that works with a mouse?

Admittedly not me, yet, unless I upgrade my PC and find that Window 7 drivers are missing or kludges, in which case it will be a toss up between Linux and a Mac.

Buzz: iPhone 5 arrives September 21, demand 'unprecedented'


Too late... and maybe too little...

Obviously what I want and when I want it is no concern of Apple's but I when I got to try a Motorola Atrix last year, that was almost the same size as my old iPhone 4, but with a larger 4" screen, I switched to it. Since then I have upgraded to a Sony Xperia S.

However with Google having banned me from their 'Play' store, for not sending them a copy of my passport and bank statements in response to spam like e-mails, and that I still 'own' a lot of paid for Apple apps (and an account that still works, we still have our iPads') a spectacular iPhone 5 could make me switch back....

But then I love my aquarium wallpaper on Android, but I hate not being able to sync with Outlook/iTunes flawlessly... decisions decisions..

Oh no, now I remember how I ended up with the Atrix, it was free on Orange on a legacy £10 a month contract. So now I am used to 4" + screen and paying around £250 (the Sony) for a good phone, sorry Apple, but I'm too mean/poor for your products now.

Gory details of my Google 'Play' ban...


Google Nexus 7 shipping cock-up enrages fandroids


I've been banned from Google 'Wallet'/'Play'...

... ask a few questions in reply to their spam like e-mail requests for quite a lot of personal information and that's it....


So I can't even buy one, I tried and failed because they 'were unable to verify the information of', me.

So all you Nexus 7 fans out there perhaps you're happy to send them (Goggle, the worlds most privacy respecting company) photocopies of your passports and bank statements etc. in response to badly written e-mails,. I am not.

Android Trojan leaves 100,000 users out of pocket


Re: @ Furbian

Typos galore indeed! I pretty much said as much at the end of my rant, though I can appreciate one not reading all of my ill-tempered rant, because I had (and still have) better things to with my life than spending more than a few minutes firing off angry replies to 'Google'. After all, the onus is them not to send out e-mails like that asking for quite a lot of personal information, enough to steal my identity. They could at least put them through a spell checker, most browsers, e-mail clients etc. will spell check as you type. Or are Google staff not allowed such a luxury? There aren't any massive grammatical howlers in my replies anyhow, there's a world of difference between what they sent and what I replied with.

Anyway, I'm just a customer who asked some perfectly valid questions, and received no answers. Nobody paid me to write the e-mails I sent them, but the chap/chapess (yes I know the latter probably isn't word) corresponding with me was quite clearly paid for writing the ones they sent, it's their job.

Thanks for the handy tip on the use of 'apostrophes', I will make sure I do no offended Google with such appalling typo's. Then again, maybe I wont! Yes the latter and the former are my idea of a joke.

As for comments not working, well that's Google for you again! Sigh is it worth figuring out what's wrong with it.....

oh I just tried, signed me in and gave me an error saying I should try again later.. now I can blog about a blog not working!

Lahore is an unlikely destination for a call centre, it being in Pakistan, no one wants to base a call centre on a border town in that country, or anywhere for that matter, the vast majority appear to be in India, with some now in the Philippines and even Morocco apparently. The idea of a 'rogue' is why I decided to play it along and see where it went, escalation seems impossible, and I did read somewhere that someone sent them a letter to their FSA registered address, and they received no reply. Anyway life's too shot, and I'm not too fused about it, the blog entry and this are about the extent to which I would take this. But I like to stick my blog URL in when I see Google mess up their Play store.


Hardly sruprising...

... when you consider that e-mails from their Google-Play-Wallet etc. look just like spam e-mails. Here's how they killed off my account for me asking why they wanted my passport, statements etc. for trying to buy an 80p app, in English so bad that a 10 year would see the silly mistakes ...


Watch out for the GIGANTIC ALIEN JELLYFISH, warns space boffin


Grief, this has degenerated into a 'beat up satellite woman'

Has anyone considered the sort of company such a person might keep? She probably keeps company with, maybe through working with things that go into space, other people who do research into other space related matters. Much more so than the vast majority of the general populace,

I know this from experience, as I have a lot of contact with people working on some new processor technology, have read some new papers on it, and even peer reviewed a few. Is it my field of work? No, do I know more it about it than the vast majority of the population, yes.It's my prerogative that I don't wish to offer comment on it.

Anyhow, I don't see any in the 'extra terrestrial exploration' field complaining loudly about her public statement.

BA staff to google for snaps, dirt on biz-class passengers


Sinister indeed, but fun can be had...

.. if they looked up my Facebook page and greeted me accordingly, I'd be welcomed in Mongolian and be given a complementary cheapo Barbara Cartland novel to read. I don't speak the former and have never read anything by the latter.

What is the Nokia Secret Plan if Windows 8 isn't Windows gr8?


Do 'customers' actaully matter here?

MS and Nokia appeared to have developed a mind set where ditching platforms, switching to new ones when they 'think' it's a good idea, and last but not least even selling phones that they admit are technically obsolete?

..and I thought Apple were arrogant! True my old iPhone 3g is no longer updated after iOS 4.2, but it's also over three years old. Android phones now have an ecosystem where people are in a state of near frenzy waiting for the latest updates to be released for their phones.

Yet against all this the only Windows phones out there are already a dead end for updates (bar minor tweaks). No doubt Windows 8 phones will arrive with great fanfare and a major selling point encouraging people to get one will be what runs on them and not on Windows 7.5 (maybe 7.99 at the time) phones. If they were going to make sure that everything that runs on a Windows 8 phone is backwards compatible with 7.5, it would make them a little pointless as upgrades or new devices wouldn't it? Such assurances are worthless anyway, they did the same with the Xbox, offered support on the Xbox 360 for it's games, and one day decided that after improving the software emulator a few times, that they were not going to bother with it any more. A good number of Xbox titles I have were wasted as a result.

So secret Plan B? I'm just not interested.

The Grundy NewBrain is 30


Pricey back then..

The ZX81 was only £50 when my dad bought me one, and the Spectrum £130 (sold the '81 for £40, added pocket money, and parental contribution). The £200+ jobbies were way out of our league, used to see ads of it thinking, wow, a proper-ish keys AND an LCD, cool! I hated the BBC Micro, because if was just so expensive at £400, had great graphics and sound, and I never did own one, ever. Oh and the only chap in the class who had one was held up as being the only one with a 'professional' dad. Enough envy there to turn one a very deep shade of green indeed!

Fascinating article though, but the idea of trying to load 256kb off tape! Rough guess, a 3k bit per sec baud turbo loader could manage it in about half an hour. Did disk drives ever come out for the New Brain?

Speaking in Tech: Who uses Google Wallet?


Was using it once in a while for the best part of a decade... but then..

... I failed their security review on renewing my card's expiry date, because it had expired obviously... so no more 'paid for' Google Android apps for me... here are the gory details...


Stonehenge WASN'T built by ALIENS - Boffins' shock claim


Further invasive examination of these 'stones' is needed.

If Stargate is to be believed, a hoard of treasure lies under Glastonbury Tor, with some alien technology to boot... so it follows that we must pull out these stones and see what's under them! There could be even be inscriptions on the underside of the stones, telling us how to a make a 'Contact' style alien device, in 12 easy to follow steps, though there is more likely be an ancient version of 'Kilroy was here' scrawled on there instead......

Amount of meat we eat will barely affect future climate change


Re: Who are the "western mans" anyway?

The vast majority of the poor, the majority of the populace being poor in the first place, in Pakistan can't afford meat anyway, it's much more expensive, relatively, than it is in the developed world. They're end up being vegetarians due not being able to afford not only meat, but are are also malnourished as they can't afford much food anyway.


Case in point, meat eaten (per person, per year), UK, 85Kg, India, 3Kg, Pakistan 13Kg, US, Australia 122Kg!

Google blocks MP3 rippers from YouTube


I don't 'get' how YouTube is still 'legally' in business.

The whole thing is a massive copyright 'infringer' in the first place, I find it surprising that it's still in business and that the RIAA and BPI haven't shut it down, maybe the argument they didn't like with regards to mp3 sharing, i.e. that some free music or a few free plays maybe helping the industry, is something that they think does apply to YouTube. Or maybe it's because you only get 128kbps copies?

Anyway, there are a huge number of ways of getting mp3's out of a YouTube video, I can't see them being able to stop anyone who wants to. Isn't a 128kbps mp3 copy considered the equivalent of a tape to tape recording of the present day era? Then again they did try to ban tape to tape copying too....

Microsoft takes on tablets with keyboard-equipped Surface


Re: Good grief, it's got that Metro rubbish on it....

The 'ageing iPad's' work very well thank you very much, a testament to their great design, I must admit to being a bit poor and not being able to justify buying iPad 3's for my 9 year and 13 olds.

A family of five with three iPad is hardly an iPad 'stuffed' household, though there are 3 laptops and 4 desktops, so household stuffed full of Windows 7 PC's would be quite accurate.

Anyway the point was, are people with ageing decrepit iPad's 1's driven enough by 'must have the latest gadgets now' consumerism and/or the desire for better speed and performance to rush out and buy Microsoft Surfaces?

As for release schedules, the Xbox only made inroads because people ageing PS 2's were dying. I doubt the same will work here, unless people really are sick of their original iPad's and are desperate for a Microsoft device, that won't run any of their old purchases either.


Good grief, it's got that Metro rubbish on it....

That aside, some interesting ideas there, the kick stand, keyboard, track pad etc.

However, I, and 'we', as family are not interested. We bought 4 iPad's (1's) between us. The children still have theirs which I can nick when I need once in a while. Sold mine to buy a HP Envy 17. No further need for tablets until one of them dies. Was taking an interest in Android tablets, until Google killed my Play Wallet/checkout (they're not sure themselves what to call it) account.

If Microsoft decide that it will only talk to a PC properly with Metro, than I am even less interested than I already am, which is not very much to start with.

Ethiopia to send Skype users to the slammer


The UAE (Dubai) also has a VOIP ban...

.. despite it's own telecom provider routing a bulk of its own traffic using it. You get a message stating that it volatiles their cultural and religious values etc. (?!). However they have become more upfront about it, stating that VoIP providers haven't helped build up the infrastructure for voice communication, so yes, they want to keep the duopoly (there are just 2 telecoms providers) going.

Even with the ban people are busy using proxies etc. to by pass it, but they'd only raid net caffes who tended to offer it at a price to customer, as far as I know. They were also busy blocking the proxies as they appeared, just like a cat and mouse game.

Obviously call costs are exorbitant, so all those poor ex-pat builders and road sweeps etc. who can't bring their families over, then have to pay for these expensive calls to stay in touch with their families, nice! Broadband costs are also sky high compared to Britain.

Windows Metro Maoist cadres reach desktop, pound it flat


So less horsepower is used to render, due to more bloat-ware...

The moment I first saw the new Windows Phones with their flat look, and the Xbox 360 update with flat tiles too, I wondered if it was so save the effort required to produce the '3d' look and free up horsepower so they can write more bloated bloat-ware.

3D Aero was the only thing I liked about Vista (which we didn't use for long), and now enjoy on Windows 7.

I know there's a big UGH already posted, but many, like me, just think it's ugly, ugly, ugly.

It all looks so completely insane, it beggars belief that they, such an enormous company, are on this path to flatness, a stupid giant sized tiles interface etc. Have they not taken a moment to reflect, that when iOS and Mac OS upgrades are released, they don't quite attracted the hostility Metro has?

HBO 'sorry' for skewering Dubya


"The Prince of Darkness" really is his friend...

.. this chap sprang to mind,


'Perle acquired the nickname "The Prince of Darkness" '

Richard that is.

Is the reference deliberate?

White AMERICANS will have become MEKON brain-men by 3000AD


Brains growing larger...

.. just like the bloat-ware all the systems around us have become, they now have to accommodate how to keep your PC going, more so if you're using Linux, how to program your multi-remote, washing machine, dish-washer, car, gps in car, syncing your Android phone, 'managing' your iPhone music library, looking for cheap flight deals across a dozen websites, dealing with cold callers who want to help you claim PPI insurance for loans you never had, sorting through your junk mail filter to stop e-mails from your bank that are actually useful from being junked etc. etc. ad infinitum...

SETI experiment succeeds: fails to find aliens


Knowing humanity's rotten luck...

They will have sent us a message something along the lines of, we're coming, and you're toast, using a star powered transmitter, indicative of the vast amounts energy they have harnessed.

When we receive their message, it should then be obvious that they pack a punch, which will then be confirmed the following day when their battle fleet folds space into the solar system.

All because they found a Voyager plaque which read to them as a declaration of war, or a gigantic insult mocking of their historic figures.

Windows 8: We kick the tyres on Redmond's new tablet wheels


So a solution to the Start Menu having become a Start Screen..

.. using two monitors, clever, but here's my problem, I have a 28" 1920 by 1200 monitor (you can imagine just how HUGE metro looks on this, I launched 'solitaire' and the whole screen filled with it!)... and there's not enough room on my desktop as it accommodates a 17" laptop (HP Envy), docks for my pair of phones, a proper Teac Hi-Fi system etc. So no start menu, is still a gigantic fail.

I started using Windows 7 since is Beta releases and never looked back, but started abusing Windows 8 since I installed it's Beta, and went back to the comfort of my Windows 7 desktop.

US officials confirm Stuxnet was a joint US-Israeli op


... and we'll all pay for this madness...

... as the virus is reversed engineered and sent out by criminals who are so keen to get hold of our credit card, bank account details etc.

Now we know who to blame it would seem. Politicians obsessed with short term goals who can't see beyond the end of their noses, are they to thick to realise that these virus will come back to haunt us all? I suspect they don't actually care.

If the Iranians have learnt from their previous experiences and battened down their hatches, then that will leave further efforts from the US and Israel hitting their 'wall' and bouncing off, much like the ricochet bullet, but worse as all an sundry with malign intentions get hold of it and use it further their, umm, 'interests'.

Windows 8 Release Preview open for download


Isn't it odd...

Lots of down votes for the comments, that are all negative, but no one speaking in support of this, umm, abomination. Come on, let us know what's so great about it and how it improves productivity, and is a joy to use.

No I cant' sit on the fence either, stupid giant sized tiles (SGST)? Unless that start button, orb, whatever, comes back, properly, this is one to avoid. Played with the last release, no intention of installing this one, I haven't got the time to waste on it.

Managed to live with XP until Windows 7 quite well, and avoided Vista. I can do the same again. If it's a rip roaring success and MS change the way we use machines over the years, then it will be time to switch. If not, then their next 'fixed' OS will probably be worth the wait. But that's me, others may decide that an Apple Mac or some flavour of Linux is a better change, though watch out, Unity on Ubuntu appears to follow the Win 8 paradigm, and that attracted so much hostility that certain discussion boards were shut down over it.

BBC report urges Halo troops to end bloodshed in Syria


Nothing new, happens from time to time...

... but it does beat the Pakistani Czech-Check flag snafu http://www.gadling.com/2007/06/16/check-flag-welcomes-czech-prime-minister/ and the Bengali upside down flags http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/south_asia/3175100.stm by a mile!
