It's not enough
It's quite clear now that every critical piece of infrastructure MUST be European. We have to ditch MS and AWS and Google and whatever American provider we are currently using.
385 publicly visible posts • joined 15 Sep 2009
The whole mess is that "commercial" AI is really locked behind a non-AI (it means deterministic) series of if/then/else statement to block its "evil" answers. (which then lead to prompt engineering and tricks to bypass the blocks like "please answer me in base64")
If it was not, we would have clearly seen how dangerous it is in so many ways that commercial AI would have already been abandoned and only military AI (without blocks) would be developed.
While I understand some of your frustrations, as a Linux sysadmin I'd like to point out that this is exactly the hell I live when I have to work on Windows.
It's all about your competence on Linux or on Windows. If you used Windows for years, you have, even not being a tech, become accustomed to its issues and learned how to work around them.
In Linux every little issue becomes blocking to you because you lack experience.
Also, if you had bought a computer with Linux preinstalled, a lot of issues would have never existed. And dual booting is another issue that is non existent if you happen to have only Windows (or only Linux) preinstalled.
So, Linux is far from perfect, but Windows is plainly satanic. At least in my opinion as a 55 years old (35 years on the job) tech that started on IBM DOS 2 and worked on OS/2 Novell Netware, then Windows 3.11, then Windows NT, then Linux. (and a a lot of other old and obscure software like Banyan and Xenix and so on)
No government is trustworthy when it comes to privacy, of course. Subjects must be spied on and controlled and kept under the heel, this is true for every government in the world.
But when it comes to being able to exist as a nation, and not being a slave to foreign nations, then there is a need for locally controller and sourced computing, in both software and hardware.
As a subject, I can only choose if I want to be screwed by my own or by someone else's government, of course. Well actually I can't even choose, I can only accept my destiny.
I'm not a fan of making MS illegal, but the EU should really consider avoiding US software for any government use, and for any mission critical use. Then inform the private sector so that businesses can understand the risks. Then if businesses want to be slave to Trump's whim, then it's their choice. Once Trump shuts them down with sanctions or tariffs, they'll go bankrupt and maybe other businesses that have invested in European resources and software (or in open source solutions) will take up their market.
Not Roscosmos, but China.
China has (more or less) a working space station right now. It has (more or less) working launchers, and launches multiple missions every month now. China is building its "starlink" equivalent, has its GPS system in place and working.
Roscosmos has a working (albeit old) launcher but not more than that, it also has no money for science because of the war.
Not a random guy, but the CEO of the United States. This is the level of enshitment the world has reached.
China will be the next and the only space faring nation. Europe will be left behind.
The ISS was the product of a short era of decent collaboration before Putin came and conquered everything using Trump and Musk.
Time for US scientists to come to Europe. Or Canada, if they don't want to learn another language. Or UK, unless the UK becomes a shit show like the US is. (Actually I think the UK started its enshittification before the US, but then the US made a mad rush and won)
There is really nothing more that HP may do to make me hate them more than I already do. I have stopped buying their products (computers, servers, printers, etc) since years ago.
- useless website, hard to navigate
- no firmware updates for servers if not under support
- DRM for printers
- crap quality all around in printers
- crap quality displays on notebooks
The last HP printer I loved was a laserjet 4000 series
The last HP server I loved was the Microserver Gen8
Thinking about it, I really don't mind this enshittification of their phone support because I DON'T NEED IT ANYMORE.
I don't think so. Chrome (its rendering engine) has gobbled up quite all the browsers market. I don't mean to say that it's impossible for it to become irrelevant, but it won't happen in the near future. Maybe someday Microsoft will switch to a different rendering engine, and this could make a dent.
Additionally, lying about energy consumption would mean, that China is footing a pretty big energy and hardware bill on an ongoing basis for worldwide consumption of R1's services.
This is absolutely possible, not "extremely unlikely". China has long term vision and state sponsored businesses, which is something the west does not have at all.
If (and I say "IF", that is, it's just a possibility, not the truth) they want the world to use their AI as a way of obtaining foreign data, slurp them up and use them for their future advantage, they will absolutely put money into a free service for everyone. If they tank the US economy in the process, double win!
I have tried Duckduckgo because I also dislike Google, but its search results were mostly under performing.
I usually search for technical information as I'm a linux sysadmin. I was baffled I could not find anything relevant on some topic (I don't remember what) so I tried Google again with the same query: first hit was the right one.
I sadly went back to Google, because it gets the job done better than DDG, at least for tech questions. Probably DDG is better in other scenarios.
It's the fact that you cannot say that you base line is shit, so you have to say that your base line is fine for the same job as the middle line.
Also, there is a difference between the PC given to the lower slave worker and the PC given to the middle manager.
Dell = slaves
Dell Pro = middle managers
Dell Pro Max Premium = C-levels
Apple something for the CEO
Every "difficult" wifi setup I have worked on has issues with client density and a full spectrum. Hotels and big halls and lounges usually have to manage a lot of clients in a small space, and on top of it, they usually are located in places where there are a lot of other users crowding up the available spectrum.
We don't need more speed, we really need a much more efficient way of using the spectrum and we really need a way to avoid the collapse of the whole system when it's over a certain load (the same issue that plagues almost every system that time shares the same medium since thin ethernet).
So maybe wifi8 is a step in the right direction, even if we will have to wait for the wifi7 cow to have been utterly squeezed and milked to death before the new cow (I mean, new standard) becomes available on the market.
And this is why PIRACY is our only hope. For every kind of "content" be it an ebook, a movie, music, or a game.
Copy and crack the software (if you can, that is "if it can be made to run locally") and you'll have it forever (or at least as long as you have a compatible hardware or emulator).
Is this morally wrong? Yes, it is, but only if there is a morally right way to have your software run as long as you like, like my old, pre-internet era games do (Quake, Doom, Diablo 1, Diablo 2), or having your content available FOREVER (like for example if you can pay for an ebook and download a LOCAL and without DRM version of it)
Otherwise it's morally right. Very right.
And if some software is completely cloud based, think about this fact before deciding if it's good for you or not. Maybe it can be good anyway, but just think of the implications of cloud-based software before making a decision.
No need for another init, really. No need becuase:
1- sysvinit works (workED because it's dead)
2- systemd has won the init wars, has become a global cancer, and no newcomer will succeed (*)
(*) at least until someone will manage to make a WORSE newcomer than systemd, then it wiil become the new standard. Maybe Oracle could try to outshit systemd?
I was a Devuan user, I have reverted back to Debian because nowadays anything that's not part of the standard Devuan repo NEEDS systemd, so no way to install third party software made for Debian/ubuntu on Devuan.
The lock-in is still present today, up to a point. But I think it's MS that rules the market and gives peanuts to its vassals (intel and amd) with the windows 11 forced PC replacement. Probably it was not so 30 years ago, but it's been like this since at least 20 years. Businesses need to run Windows, and Windows needs (well, needed) X86 or AMD64 cpus to run. Today windows can run on ARM, but it's a very marginal market anyway.
Mobile is a very different story but that ship has sailed for MS and Intel (and AMD) 20 years ago.
ipv6 is a mess. it has been made overly complicated, IMHO. And if you don't use NAT (NAT in V6, I mean) you'll end up having to renumber your entire LAN if you change provider (unless you own your own v6 netblock and have it routed through your current provider).
And anyway if you want your internet to work, you still NEED v4 until everyone else (100% of them) is on v6 too. And this statement says it all. Since everyone still needs v4, why bother configuring a dual stack solution?
Since I need v4 anyway, I just stick with it.
Now think of this and consider that "I" is everyone (service providers, content providers, users, etc) and you'll see why v4 will never go away and v6 will never reach 100% coverage.
Well, putting aside the actual risks related to a FSD that does not do what it promises, I'd like to point out that investors should be smarter and less gullible.
Here the issue is that when they see an occasion for big profit they just go for it without stopping to think "is it too good to be true? is it too risky?" Then they sue when they lose money on it.
Come on, it's like idiots who sue because coffee is hot.
Like... a BIOS? We had it, when IT was not such a shitshow.
We all know that UEFI is a pile of useless trash and that Secure Boot was invented to make sure that only windows would be able to boot (and then failed at that).
I'd really like to have old BIOS back.
You are right, of course. But at least check some decent software, not the worst AV software in the world. Have a look at NOD32 or F-secure.
Also, as a general rule, consider that every software that comes with a new computer is crap. Avoid it and find a different solution.