* Posts by sabroni

4434 publicly visible posts • joined 11 May 2007

UK's first permanent facial recognition cameras installed in South London

sabroni Silver badge

Re: he/she/it/etc

The word you're looking for is they, an individual is innocent until they are PROVED guilty.

Don't be a cunt, no-one is an it.

Signalgate storm intensifies as journalist releases full secret Houthi airstrike chat

sabroni Silver badge

Re: Is there an adult in the room?

Yeah, he's just implied that people that use emojis are children then picked a picture of a helicopter to go with that post.

sabroni Silver badge

Re: From what I understand, it's their personal phones.

That's what I thought but this morning I saw this https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2025/3/26/2312693/-SignalGate-apparently-less-FUBAR-than-SOP-report

Unsubstantiated but very believable.

4-day work-week pilot due in tech land by early summer

sabroni Silver badge

Re: 20% more than necessary . . .

That's not the case though. This is why you need management who understand how business works. CEO explains to the shareholders the findings from the article: productivity is up, expenses are down, work is all on time. Every one should really be getting a raise...

sabroni Silver badge

Re: Sergey Brin tells Google employees that 60 hours a week is the 'sweet spot' for productivity.

Employees tell Sergey Brin that a salary of £16,198,242,808.00 per year is the 'sweet spot' for productivity.

What a tosser.

Revenge of the nerds: Teachers, professors sue to undo Trump science funding cuts

sabroni Silver badge

Re: Ha

It allows you to post html links, make those actually clickable.

sabroni Silver badge

Re: let alone three thumbs down by whoever felt offended :D

I thumbed you down, I wasn't offended, your comment was so badly constructed I couldn't understand it.

Just read it again to make sure. Still looks like bollocks to me. What was the point you were trying to make?

Microsoft's many Outlooks are confusing users – including its own employees

sabroni Silver badge
Thumb Up

re: No, I haven't touched Microsoft's shit in years and years.

That's all the qualifications you need to comment on a microsoft story.

2 in 5 techies quit over inflexible workplace policies

sabroni Silver badge

re: But if you're a manager you want the ones who are desperate

But if you're a shit manager you want the ones who are desperate because you don't realise it's easier to let the capable ones do the hard work while you take the credit. There's also much less risk of it all going tits up and making you look crap in the process.

sabroni Silver badge

Re: Quiet quitting

Or "Doing your job" as it used to be known.

Microsoft tastes the unexpected consequences of tariffs on time

sabroni Silver badge

Re: Possibly, but I'd prefer to see them being delivered efficiently to start with.

Maybe privatise them? Worked great for Rail and Water, right?

sabroni Silver badge

Re: Is Starmer really doing worse than the clowns he took over from?

No, he's doing exactly the fucking same.

We voted for change.

AWS sued by product manager who says she was laid off for being an older woman

sabroni Silver badge

Re: She didn't get canned for her age or sex.

She got canned for talking about age and sex.

Oh, that's ok then.

sabroni Silver badge

re: In my experience those departments are often mainly staffed by women

Got any data? Data is often mainly better than anecdote.

Frack to the future? Geothermal energy pitched as datacenter savior

sabroni Silver badge

This is to run all the AI datacenters, right?

Why the fuck should we take any risk for that?

Finding another way to fuck up the planet, at the same time as it starts to get serious about shrugging us off, is the definition of stupidity.

We did not have Brave clashing with Rupert Murdoch on our 2025 bingo card, but there it is

sabroni Silver badge

Re: it would be nice to get a straight answer out of a news headline

It would be lovely if all the worlds news could be summarised in single headlines. However, the world is complex and if you want to understand it you need to read more than headlines, however well written.

You need to seek out good journalism, expecting the magic AI to make it simple for you isn't going to work.

Apart from anything else, studies show that AI summaries are often shit.

India investigates whether Uber makes iPhone users pay more to ride

sabroni Silver badge

"Even if rideshare companies are charging iPhone users more, it’s not going to impact most Indian citizens because feature phones and low-cost Android handsets dominate the local market.

If rideshare companies are finding ways to make iPhone owners pay more, they’re therefore targeting some of India’s wealthiest citizens. Which may be why the minister wants to get to the bottom of the matter."

Sounds like it was written by an Uber shill. Suddenly el reg thinks it's ok for companies to lie to the government if it's having a negative effect on iPhone users?

El Reg, avoiding biting the hand that feeds Google.

Get off that old Firefox by Friday or you'll be sorry, says Moz

sabroni Silver badge

Re: in the web/browser world where network-level m-i-t-m snooping of https is normal business.

Is that just a feeling or can you link to some evidence?

CISA pen-tester says 100-strong red team binned after DOGE canceled contract

sabroni Silver badge

Re: Needed?


"If you're looking for real government efficiency, look no further than the 10-person team at the IRS that discovered $5 billion owed to the nation by wealthy tax cheats. That team is gone."

Oh yeah, this is all about efficiency. Efficiently routing tax money to a bunch of already wealthy but still incredibly greedy cunts.

sabroni Silver badge
Thumb Up

Thank fuck they're getting rid of those unelected bureaucrats

So lucky that Musk is prepared to let her business crater while she fixes that corrupt deep state thing.

Microsoft will kill Remote Desktop soon, insists you'll love replacement

sabroni Silver badge

re: And yet, you all put up with it.

Well, by the sound of it most people on here are either using the old remote desktop client that's been bundled with windows for years, or other third party clients. This change is to the Remote Desktop App that is distributed from the Microsoft Store so not the thing that most people are putting up with.

It's almost like people read the headline and head straight to comments to spam for upvotes with snark without actualy parsing the article and understanding it.


The IT world moves fast, so why are admins slow to upgrade?

sabroni Silver badge

Re: And we should trust M$, why?

I get your point (easy upvotes for MS snark) but if you're running a production db on sqlServer you already made the decision to trust MS, right?

Eutelsat in talks with Euro leaders as they mull Starlink replacement in Ukraine

sabroni Silver badge

Re: when Obama ok'ed the taking of Ukraine

That another alternative fact?

Crypto takes a dip as Trump signs Bitcoin Reserve order

sabroni Silver badge

One could say something similar about tonnes of shiny metal in FortKnox

From Wikipedia: The consumption of gold produced in the world is about 50% in jewelry, 40% in investments, and 10% in industry

Now, what are the figures for whatever crypto represents and how similar is it?

Could it be that your are talking bollocks?

Manus mania is here: Chinese ‘general agent’ is this week’s ‘future of AI' and OpenAI-killer

sabroni Silver badge

Prompts see it scour the web for info and turn it into decent documents at reasonable speed

decent is doing a fuck ton of work there.

I think the word you are looking for is plausible.

Summarising is something AIs do badly. Nothing in the article leads me to believe this one is any different.

But, this one gets things wrong so much faster!

Uncle Sam mulls policing social media of all would-be citizens

sabroni Silver badge

Of course! It's fine to heckle "President" Biden during his speech to congress but what kind of a lunatic would heckle Queen Trump?

(Whoops, did I misgender her? Fuck her pronouns!)

Apple drags UK government to court over 'backdoor' order

sabroni Silver badge

Re: Hmm


"It is almost difficult to believe this is a real thing that happened with the President of the United States, but here’s what actually happened on Tuesday. In the morning, Donald Trump threatened to imprison protesters and defund any university that allows certain protests. Then, that same evening, he stood before Congress and declared — with apparently zero irony — that he had “stopped all government censorship and brought back free speech in America.”"

You don't have a fucking clue son.

Microsoft: So what if it costs 4X as much to run Windows Server in AWS, Alibaba, and Google?

sabroni Silver badge

Would you say that was illegal?

sabroni Silver badge

re: because it's the base of what some customers "need".

The fact you put that in quotes makes it clear you understand that customers choose to use MS. It isn't a "need", there is nothing forcing them to use MS for this stuff and judging by the amount of node developer jobs around atm there are plenty of people making an alternative choice.

You are letting your hate of MS get in the way of logic. I don't see why 'cos Amazon are a much bigger bunch of cunts that MS have ever been. I don't see MS bigwigs throwing their support behind the rise of facsim like Bezos either....

Firefox 136 finally brings the features that fans wanted

sabroni Silver badge

re: block all ads

Brave doesn't block all ads. It blocks other people's ads then promotes ones from it's own ad network.



"Brave’s plan was to remove most of the third-party advertisements in a page, create its own ad units based on data collected by the web browser itself, and then split the revenue with publishers. "

C++ creator calls for help to defend programming language from 'serious attacks'

sabroni Silver badge

C++ creator calls for help to defend programming language from 'serious attacks'

Where those attacks consist of summarising all the critical vulnerabilities and pointing out that shit C code is behind most of them.

Help, the data is attacking me!!!!

Does terrible code drive you mad? Wait until you see what it does to OpenAI's GPT-4o

sabroni Silver badge

Re: It is far more worrying it if tells you it doesn't like Mondays


Google binning SMS MFA at last and replacing it with QR codes

sabroni Silver badge

re: phone companies should make it hard to swap your sim in the first place!

Yeah, like telecom companies aren't irritating enough.

Good suggestion, I see why you're AC. I wouldn't want people linking that "thought" to my handle either.

sabroni Silver badge

Re: No mobile signal. Aarrgghh.

How old is your phone? Try turning on WiFi Call?

How nice that state-of-the-art LLMs reveal their reasoning ... for miscreants to exploit

sabroni Silver badge

Re: Ye GODs, surely not?

Just stop.

HP deliberately adds 15 minutes waiting time for telephone support calls

sabroni Silver badge

Re: DIY backup without using the cloud is actually a possibility. Just saying.

OOh, is it? Really? Thanks for that ICL, very helpful.

I used to work on your system 25s, possibly a bit before your time? We had tape backups then.

sabroni Silver badge

Good thinking navarac. I've never had a computer of mine fail!

sabroni Silver badge

Re: for fuck's sake

I refer the noble poster to the reply given in Pressdram vs Arkell.

sabroni Silver badge

Re: Bad, but are they the worst?

I mean, does it matter if they are actually busy or not? If you have to wait 15 minutes because all the phones are busy, is that really any different to a MINIMUM wait time of 15 minutes?

Yes, yes it fucking is.


sabroni Silver badge

for fuck's sake

just type the word fuck, no one is going to get upset.

How's that open source licensing coming along? That well, huh?

sabroni Silver badge

Re: Working as Designed?

What article did you read? This one is based on studies of 3 projects that changed their licenses and for 2 of them it made fuck all difference.

Where did you get "loss of reputation and efficiency" from?

HP ditches 15-minute wait time policy due to 'feedback'

sabroni Silver badge

whoever leaked that is in trouble

But now they know to keep quiet about this policy next time they try it.

Linux royalty backs adoption of Rust for kernel code, says its rise is inevitable

sabroni Silver badge

Assembler is not machine code

Assembler is the human interface that goes on top of machine code.

All of those things in your list run as machine code, not assembly.

sabroni Silver badge

Re: all the headaches that .net brought the world

What headaches did .Net bring to the world? A slightly better JVM?

sabroni Silver badge

Re: There is no doubt in my mind ...

You seem to think that all engineers are purely rational creatures who can spot an improvement and will instinctively go for the logical best choice.

In my experience that isn't how this works. Ego gets in the way.

When .Net launched VB was clearly superior to C#, there were loads of things that VB did that were a ball ache in C#. Even the error messaging was worse, one error in vb could be 30 in C#.

But most people didn't like to be associated with a language called Basic, and they preferred C# because it sounded a lot like C and C++. So most developers chose the language that was missing a load of features because it sounded better. Of course nowadays C# is better than VB ever was, but at the start people made a choice based on the name, not on the capabilities of the language.

So, the point I'm eventually making, maybe Rust just needs a cooler name?

Type-safe C-killer Delphi hits 30, but a replacement has risen

sabroni Silver badge

Re: MLs also require declaration before use, and it's pretty much always a good thing.

It's never a good thing. Do two passes. One to get all the function definitions then another to do the compilation.

This behaviour (not allowing calls to stuff further down) is just a ball ache and doesn't actually help make your code better.

Having all the helper functions at the botton is perfectly sensible. Having them at the top, before the main functional code, is just getting in the way.

Can you explain why you think this is good?

Want to play billionaire for a day? This app lets you rent your own armed goon squad

sabroni Silver badge

But how does this app know if you're a goody or a baddy?

Of course, the person paying is the goody!

I feel foolish now!!

sabroni Silver badge

Re: Here in Britain where carrying guns is only permitted for ... armed criminals

You are so knowledgable. Please explain in more detail the bit in British law where criminals are permitted to be armed.

AWS vacates its board seat at European cloud crew CISPE

sabroni Silver badge

re: reinvent itself as a champion for European sovereignty ... carrying all that Microsoft baggage

But obv. it was fine when the baggage was from AWS....