Re: he/she/it/etc
The word you're looking for is they, an individual is innocent until they are PROVED guilty.
Don't be a cunt, no-one is an it.
4434 publicly visible posts • joined 11 May 2007
That's what I thought but this morning I saw this https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2025/3/26/2312693/-SignalGate-apparently-less-FUBAR-than-SOP-report
Unsubstantiated but very believable.
That's not the case though. This is why you need management who understand how business works. CEO explains to the shareholders the findings from the article: productivity is up, expenses are down, work is all on time. Every one should really be getting a raise...
Employees tell Sergey Brin that a salary of £16,198,242,808.00 per year is the 'sweet spot' for productivity.
What a tosser.
But if you're a shit manager you want the ones who are desperate because you don't realise it's easier to let the capable ones do the hard work while you take the credit. There's also much less risk of it all going tits up and making you look crap in the process.
It would be lovely if all the worlds news could be summarised in single headlines. However, the world is complex and if you want to understand it you need to read more than headlines, however well written.
You need to seek out good journalism, expecting the magic AI to make it simple for you isn't going to work.
Apart from anything else, studies show that AI summaries are often shit.
"Even if rideshare companies are charging iPhone users more, it’s not going to impact most Indian citizens because feature phones and low-cost Android handsets dominate the local market.
If rideshare companies are finding ways to make iPhone owners pay more, they’re therefore targeting some of India’s wealthiest citizens. Which may be why the minister wants to get to the bottom of the matter."
Sounds like it was written by an Uber shill. Suddenly el reg thinks it's ok for companies to lie to the government if it's having a negative effect on iPhone users?
El Reg, avoiding biting the hand that feeds Google.
"If you're looking for real government efficiency, look no further than the 10-person team at the IRS that discovered $5 billion owed to the nation by wealthy tax cheats. That team is gone."
Oh yeah, this is all about efficiency. Efficiently routing tax money to a bunch of already wealthy but still incredibly greedy cunts.
Well, by the sound of it most people on here are either using the old remote desktop client that's been bundled with windows for years, or other third party clients. This change is to the Remote Desktop App that is distributed from the Microsoft Store so not the thing that most people are putting up with.
It's almost like people read the headline and head straight to comments to spam for upvotes with snark without actualy parsing the article and understanding it.
From Wikipedia: The consumption of gold produced in the world is about 50% in jewelry, 40% in investments, and 10% in industry
Now, what are the figures for whatever crypto represents and how similar is it?
Could it be that your are talking bollocks?
decent is doing a fuck ton of work there.
I think the word you are looking for is plausible.
Summarising is something AIs do badly. Nothing in the article leads me to believe this one is any different.
But, this one gets things wrong so much faster!
"It is almost difficult to believe this is a real thing that happened with the President of the United States, but here’s what actually happened on Tuesday. In the morning, Donald Trump threatened to imprison protesters and defund any university that allows certain protests. Then, that same evening, he stood before Congress and declared — with apparently zero irony — that he had “stopped all government censorship and brought back free speech in America.”"
You don't have a fucking clue son.
The fact you put that in quotes makes it clear you understand that customers choose to use MS. It isn't a "need", there is nothing forcing them to use MS for this stuff and judging by the amount of node developer jobs around atm there are plenty of people making an alternative choice.
You are letting your hate of MS get in the way of logic. I don't see why 'cos Amazon are a much bigger bunch of cunts that MS have ever been. I don't see MS bigwigs throwing their support behind the rise of facsim like Bezos either....
Brave doesn't block all ads. It blocks other people's ads then promotes ones from it's own ad network.
"Brave’s plan was to remove most of the third-party advertisements in a page, create its own ad units based on data collected by the web browser itself, and then split the revenue with publishers. "
You seem to think that all engineers are purely rational creatures who can spot an improvement and will instinctively go for the logical best choice.
In my experience that isn't how this works. Ego gets in the way.
When .Net launched VB was clearly superior to C#, there were loads of things that VB did that were a ball ache in C#. Even the error messaging was worse, one error in vb could be 30 in C#.
But most people didn't like to be associated with a language called Basic, and they preferred C# because it sounded a lot like C and C++. So most developers chose the language that was missing a load of features because it sounded better. Of course nowadays C# is better than VB ever was, but at the start people made a choice based on the name, not on the capabilities of the language.
So, the point I'm eventually making, maybe Rust just needs a cooler name?
It's never a good thing. Do two passes. One to get all the function definitions then another to do the compilation.
This behaviour (not allowing calls to stuff further down) is just a ball ache and doesn't actually help make your code better.
Having all the helper functions at the botton is perfectly sensible. Having them at the top, before the main functional code, is just getting in the way.
Can you explain why you think this is good?