Re: Vaping is NOT smoking...
"Would anyone talking about vaping 'carrying on the addiction' care to actually define addiction, and apply that to e-cigs?"
Absolutely, it's the physical addiction to nicotine. The cravings do subside after using an ecig so you are absorbing some nicotine. 40 roll ups a day is mighty impressive though.
"As for drug addiction, @lost all faith, the first time a vaper is caught mugging an old lady for the £10"
There are differing levels of addiction. For cigarette smokers they aren't likely to mug an old lady for a tenner, but they can be very very unreasonable when they haven't smoked, and they can't quite put a finger on why.
Then they smoke and they are suddenly reasonable again. The harm here is to relationships in the immediate term, but nicotine long term can also be damaging, even without smoke;
(Incidentally the same source as above!)
I guess this is similar to the original problem with smoking, "well it won't kill me immediately so why bother about the harm, I'll just enjoy it and quit later".
It can be said that people get unreasonable when they are hungry too, but that isn't the same because everyone needs food to survive. No one needs nicotine to survive. Non smokers don't feel better for having smoked, they never get that weird feeling that something is missing and they can't be satisified until that missing thing is fulfilled.
Would anyone (Aaron Eckhart excepted) ever encourage their children to start vaping and/or smoking?