Re: Calling Mythbusters![*]
They tested it on Mythbusters Jr. when recreating the Breaking Bad electromagnet scene. It took a fairly strong electromagnet to do anything.
71 publicly visible posts • joined 26 Apr 2007
It certainly doesn't sound complicated, but I don't think Chrome has ever labelled the address bar. I find that people completely ignore the address bar and, having finally managed to open Chrome, type the internal hostname into the search box on the start page.
If they get completely stuck, I'll offer to help with Quick Assist. Generally that goes along the lines of:
"Click the start button"
"What's that?"
"The Windows icon at the bottom left"
"The button at very bottom left of the screen, it used to say Start, but now it's just a Windows logo"
"Ok, it says Apps and Features, Power Options..."
"No, left click"
"On what?"
"The start button"
"I can't see it, that list is in the way"
"Just click anywhere to close the menu"
"OK, it's opened Device Manager"
"OK, now left click on the start button and type Q"
"Where do I type it?"
"Nowhere, just press Q on the keyboard after you've left clicked on the start button"
"Oh, yes I see"
"Now click Quick Assist"
"Now it says Run as administator, Open file location...."
Every time, guaranteed.
The size is quoted elsewhere as 17 metres / 56 feet. 5 is above 2 on a the numeric keypad - this is commonly called a typo, an honest and simple mistake.
I don't know how big a meter you're using, but as the sub is 17 metres long I'm assuming your meter is about 2/3 of a metre, or 2.15 feet long.
Incidentally, Wikipedia states 17.76 m (58 ft 3 in).
Until recently I always had 60 tabs open, arranged into groups for daily reports, analytics + search console etc., payment systems, reviews, AWS consoles + reference guides, web interfaces for internal appliances, non-work stuff, and one for live projects (responsive web design at the time). I also have 6 pinned tabs for internal systems and customer facing websites I maintain, as well as database admin and a project management tool.
Unfortunately, the tab group implementation is crap so I got fed up and closed all the tabs. I haven't decided whether I'm more or less productive since!
I know someone who had 3 fail in a week - first with poor call quality and volume buttons not working, then the replacement wouldn't charge and the third one wouldn't even turn on.
As for selling well into the enterprise market, I doubt it as there's still no VPN (not that Android fares much better on the VPN front).
We send out a monthly email newsletter with special offers and new ranges etc. I wouldn't call that spam, and neither do the 40,000 customers that receive it (we have a simple opt out procedure in place for those that aren't interested).
It's not about spamming potential customers, and if you're not keeping in touch with your existing customers in this way then you're missing a trick!
@Rtdro: If you have a Maestro card at present, I doubt you will for long. IIRC all major banks are ditching Maestro.
I'm having to update a payment system to implement 3DSecure just because MasterCard have enforced it on Maestro transactions. I can only assume they've done this to increase 3DS use without harming MasterCard if it all goes wrong - which it is, considering that all major banks are ditching Maestro and many merchants are no longer accepting it (my PSP even has an option to refuse all Maestro payments).
As for being more secure, it's simply not and that's just a cover for its real purpose - it offloads responsibility from the card companies to customers if they're enrolled, and to merchants if the merchant isn't using 3DSecure.
Of course, once I've finished updating the payment system to handle 3DSecure, it's on to PCI DSS - another huge pile of crap from the card issuers.
@Why no C, C++ etc.
Because it's an article about scripting languages.
@"little or no experience of other languages" / "none of these languages are really suitable for enterprise-scale work"
I started as a C developer and moved on to C++. I still have a soft spot for them and occasionally enjoy scaring Java developers with tales of pointers. When I moved into web development, I started with ASP, moved to PHP, then had to go back to help out with an ASP / MSSQL project and cried myself to sleep. My right hand man is from a Java and Oracle background.
We use PHP across the board, with a few small exceptions. E-commerce web site - PHP, MySQL. CRM / EIS - PHP, AJAX, MySQL. Hand held computers - PHP, AJAX, SQLite. Even our cron jobs call PHP scripts.
We may not be on the enterprise scale, but using a scripting language is great when someone says "this doesn't work properly" - fix, test, update on server, job done. Especially when you're away for the weekend - find a laptop, download PuTTY, log in to server, vi... job done, 'nother beer.
/Mine's the one with a Nokia N800 running nginx, PHP & SQLite with files copied directly from my PC's test environment onto an SD Card. Did someone mention zero effort cross platform support?
"Why in the world isn't there a generic database interface such that code doesn't need to reference mysql explicitly every time a call is made? This is inexcusable and amateurish considering a correct implementation could have been so trivial."
Ignoring the pros and cons of abstraction layers... DB, Metabase, MDB2, ADOdb, dbFacile, PDO, Zend_DB to name but a few.
I use both PDO and Zend_DB, as well as straight mysql_.
@AC - "conviently failed to mention the difference between PSP2000 and PSP3000"
FTA: "The PSP-3000's brighter screen (bottom) cuts battery life by 20 to 30 minutes"
Is it just me, or does the bottom one look darker?
P.S. I'm fairly sure "conviently ", "sacrafice", "journellism" and "teh" aren't real words.
But the support is bloody useless.
I have a dedicated server support hotline number, whenever I ring it I get put in a queue for a few minutes, then it fails over to 2nd line support in India that check if dedicated server support are available, which they never are, so I get told to try again in half an hour "because there's only 1 engineer in and he's been on the phone for 20 minutes". Rinse and repeat.
Shouldn't really complain though, I'm paying peanuts for it.