Re: Software? Or maybe hardware. @Brewster
I'll have to join him in the hole then. His line of thinking/questioning seems sound to me. Maybe the milk isn't sour, but the article reporting on it certainly has a bit of a whiff to it.
298 publicly visible posts • joined 7 Mar 2008
I used to watch the BBC news as I felt it was a proper news channel. But clearly that wasn't working for them, and in my eyes they seem to be now verging on as much sensationalism as your average tabloid, just to get their numbers up. So I stopped watching. I blame Ron Burgandy and the introduction of 24 hour news.
Strangely I now think that The Daily Show is the only proper news show out there.
"Around the same time, Google Maps in Russia decided to begin logging Crimea as part of Russia."
"He has also expressed a distrust as of late for American technology. Even before slamming the CIA's supposed control of the internet, Putin's administration dumped Apple's hardware over security concerns, and opted instead for Korean firm Samsung's products."
Samsung -> Google = Google Maps: Crimea as part of Russian
Apple = Apple Maps: Crimea as part of Ukraine
It all makes sense now....
You left ponders do enjoy your suing don't you. I'm surprised it hasn't been made a professional sport, televised and prepended with the tag ULTIMATE. Actually for all I know it already has!
I am confused though. I don't own a smartphone, but from you post it would seem that merely by purchasing an Android phone I could figure out how that darn new fangled bluetooth stuff works, and be able to call people Lusers. Conversely purchasing an Apple phone would mean being clueless on the subject, and also involve needing to get a body piercing?
Hmm, maybe not owing a smartphone is infact the smart thing to do.
Well thank fucking god someone has come to their senses here. All this bigger and bigger screen nonsense was for one reason. When you're all running the same OS (Android) the only way to differentiate is size, and unfortunately all the manufacturers went all Texan on us. Sure there are some poor people out there with fat fingers, or descended from german blacksmiths, or just have penchant for clothes with large pockets and the oddly resulting bulges. But surely once all those people are satisfied the rest of humanity will realise what a twat they look with a phablet up against their face. For those about to suggest a bluetooth headset to avoid that, you've already failed - sorry. And don't get me started on holsters :rolleyes: lest I take the mick out of all the wannabe cowboys out there and their desire to have something locked and loaded on their hip. Or their arse and gut are just too big to actually get _anything_ in their pockets bigger than a dime.
So lets see some REAL innovation. Go small - cram all your goodness into something smaller and lighter and longer lasting. Going big is just too easy. Sorry.
This is for businesses remember, who pay more than consumers in lots of areas. No consumer in there right mind would pay the same price corporates do for their PCs for example. It'll be the same for business and interest rates. I remember trying to get an overdraft for my one and just about fainted at the interest rate. However a personal overdraft's rate, well that I managed to stay quite lucid about.
As long as it lifts the limit of 16/44 present on all Apple streaming devices or protocols then I'm all for it. Oh and sends things fully uncompressed (or doesn't recompress all ready compressed) music. Yes, there are some of us that think hi res music has a future, and that we're not all destined to listen to music through the tinny speaker of our smartphone for eternity.
For those of you about to unleash the usual tirade of blind testing nonsense, forget about it. I'm deaf.
"Stop trying to big up the iPhone. They are just as cheap. I could walk into my local high street and get one FREE!
Also, do you really think that a products price has any bearing?"
You should take a bus, then a train, and when you finally reach an international airport, jump on a plane, away from your cosy little high street. I think you'll find in many many many many more parts of the world that price has a HUGE baring on things, and the (false) luxury of subsidised plans is but a dream. In these markets iPhones (and yes yes, top end 'droids too) are aspirational, with your cheap and dirty 'droids being the winners due to pure economic necessity. I mean, obviously!
But please, just continue on in your little world where the butcher asks if you're local.
Apple should beat Samsung et al to the punch and make it a phone. I mean that's the next logical step for the 'droid makers isn't it? When size is one of the few differentiators they have? I'm waiting till they hit the 'sensible' limits and start concentrating on make high end _small_ smartphones. You know, phones for people with normal sized hands - not those of people descended from German blacksmiths and/or with small willy syndrome and/or fatties and/or a combo of all the above.
I'm here in Asia and just laugh at the wobbly insecure attempts at using their phablets one handed. One overreach with the thumb and that baby is off balance and kissing the concrete.
Not so easy. Some banks in some countries require that your salary goes into their account. But I guess according to your argument we should each have two jobs to handle this constraint and hedge against the risk of losing one of them?
Nice idea though. I have 3 accounts spread over two different countries.
Why do all these 7" tabs look like fat chubbers? I guess you fingers don't get smaller along with the size, so the bezels stay the same. Maybe that's it. Or maybe there is more space to spread out the leccy stuff in the big ones, so they can be thinner. Or perhaps they are the same thinness but as they're bigger 'seem' thinner.
I don't know, but they all just look chunky to me. Won't have it.
Trolly troll troll
I'm sure you can find (nay even write!) some plug in for your favourite open source browser to block all articles or mentions of Apple. You'll be much happier, and the less rabid amongst us here will be too. That being said I do find a good troll entertaining - but please do try harder next time eh?
You must be new to the internet as that's all it is these days - people defining themselves by the objects they own. Intel vs AMD, iOS vs Android, Mac vs Windows, Proprietary vs Free etc etc. Basically it's gotten to the point of religion, which is well, distasteful in any form. Maybe such belief structures are really a natural human condition :(
That being said I like watching zealots eyes bulge and roll, and the flecks of spittle fly when they rant forth their hellfire and brimstone (figuratively of course). It's highly entertaining. Poking them (aka Trolling) helps when things get boring too.
Hmm, I think I've just made a mistake - this post is verging on rational (IMO natch) which will be flagged by the moderator. So to avoid that, PROPRIETARY SOFTWARE FOR LIFE, or something. There fixed it.
I would gladly take the Nokia as an alternative. Samsung Galaxy owners (of all 136 variants) seem to give off the same type of Smug that Prius owners do (or iPhone owners used to before they came too mainstream for it to be meaningful). Very unattractive. For that reason if it was ever a cold day in hell and I got an Android phone it would be HTC etc.
Yours truly,
A Luddite who in disgust of all these big dick (and/or boring) phones, recently hunted down a NOS Nokia 6500 Classic as my main phone. Glorious!