* Posts by Blue Shirt Guy

36 publicly visible posts • joined 1 Aug 2024

Mega council officers had no idea what they were buying ahead of Oracle fiasco

Blue Shirt Guy

Re: Seems to happen every time there's a big project

"The Simpsons explained it best with their monorail episode".

We're twice as smart as the people of Shelbyville. Just tell us your idea and we'll vote for it. You should have written a song like that guy.

HP ditches 15-minute wait time policy due to 'feedback'

Blue Shirt Guy

Re: Irate customers


Oxford researchers pull off quantum first with distributed gate teleportation

Blue Shirt Guy

Re: Physics A Level

The trick with quantum physics is to take the exams but never check the results.

DeepSeek rated too dodgy down under: Banned from Australian government devices

Blue Shirt Guy

"The commissioner noted that the man searched for the church stabbing video minutes before he commencing his attacks"

Are they blaming the search engine for the results, or him for searching?

DeepSeek or DeepFake? Our vultures circle China's hottest AI

Blue Shirt Guy

This. I'm reading El Reg because I either can't (no headphones) or don't want to listen to audio. If posting this as a text story then it needs to be summarised in text to avoid wasting our time. Otherwise just put it on a Youtube or similar channel, or at the very least away from the written stories in a completely separate part of the site.

How datacenters use water – and why kicking the habit is nearly impossible

Blue Shirt Guy

Re: Metric units courtesy of GNU units

300000 gallons is 1363827 litres.

Apple and Meta trade barbs over interoperability requests

Blue Shirt Guy

Re: Company renaming

Maybe they didn't want to be confused with Apple Records. :-)

We told Post Office about system problems at the highest level, Fujitsu tells Horizon Inquiry

Blue Shirt Guy

Re: Lessons ?

"Birmingham City Council's computer system"

I hear they have the best money IT can buy.

Blue Shirt Guy

Re: A320, Jãger 90, A330, A330, A340, A380, A400M

"the aircraft came to a full stop at 30 ft before the end of the runway"

That was more a design issue than a software issue. All the computers correctly shutdown as they realised the input was not something they had been programmed to handle.

Interpol wants everyone to stop saying 'pig butchering'

Blue Shirt Guy

Pigs in blankets?

To be fair the new term makes it a bit easier to understand what happened, but I can't help thinking they're trying to slaughter their own horse after leaving the gate open.

Huawei handed 2,596,148,429,267,413,
814,265,248,164,610,048 IPv6 addresses

Blue Shirt Guy

Re: I have one major worry about IPv6

I'm not sure how many times it needs to be said but NAT is not a firewall, it just breaks a lot of things. If you don't have a firewall for IPv6 then you don't have one for IPv4. Worse, with IPv4 you may think you have something you don't, while having to impliment bodges that make things even less secure. IPv6 generally makes it simpler to be secure as there's no hidden port translation.

Vodafone and Three permitted to tie the knot – if they promise to behave

Blue Shirt Guy

It's working well enough at present that that one "big" operator (EE) only currently has less than 1/3 of the total customers in the UK. Removing one of their competitors and making another bigger isn't going to help anyone other than the shareholders as there's even less reason to compete, while everyone else gets to pay more for the same!

As for O2, they're not even using the spectrum they have in many places and EE have mast sharing with 3.

Buckle up, admins – Windows Server 2025 officially hits GA

Blue Shirt Guy

Re: Windows Server... Now that's a name I haven't heard for a long time...

I've seen it used recently as a desktop OS for some old but critical legacy Windows software. It seems "server" to Microsoft just means "not actually designed to reboot at random times" unlike their otherwise pretty much idential "desktop" versions.

The horror that is VHS revived for horror movie release

Blue Shirt Guy

Re: No idea

Indeed. VHS hifi stereo sound was so good we used the machines in the recording industry as loggers and for sending out audio demos for people to play at home. It was as close to CD sound as any analogue consumer format ever got and I doubt many people could tell the difference. It was also reliable, with domestic machines recording and playing 24/7 for months without issues.

The picture was far from perfect compared to broadcast TV but fine on TVs of the time. The early linear audio recorders (mono and stereo) did have bad sound but that was fixed in the 80s when they added the hifi stereo track. SVHS also vastly improved the picture for camcorders, though Hi8 was better.

IPv6 may already be irrelevant – but so is moving off IPv4, argues APNIC's chief scientist

Blue Shirt Guy

Re: NAT should be enough for everything

Tell me you don't understand end to end connectivity without telling me?

The problem is you can't do that, as NAT only works with a middle man. Even with every consumer device behind NAT and no ability for end users to host anything themselves, that still does not leave enough IPs as GCNAT at scale still requires an IP per 100-1000 users to avoid running out of ports.

You then also need more servers to move traffic between those users, which then use more real IPs, create more latency and higher bandwidth costs.

Blue Shirt Guy

Re: He should keep quiet and be thought a fool rather than open his mouth and prove it

To be fair, i've now fully read (rather than just skimmed) his blog post and the article summary is not quite what he said.

Blue Shirt Guy

He should keep quiet and be thought a fool rather than open his mouth and prove it

I wonder where those CDNs will get their IP addresses, or is he suggesting no new competition?Does he even know what an A or AAAA record is?

Googling he seems to have had a respected history, is he the internet's Roger Waters or John Cleese?

One-year countdown to 'biggest Ctrl-Alt-Delete in history' as Windows 10 approaches end of support

Blue Shirt Guy

Re: So? Suggestions please…

I'm pretty sure Microsoft are not "the church of linux". Nobody is pushing to get rid of Windows 10 other than Microsoft.

Post Office CEO tells inquiry: Leadership was in 'dream world' over Horizon scandal

Blue Shirt Guy

Re: Unrequested comma surplus

It appears so. The example above is particularly jarring as the comma implies there's a section of the quote that's been omitted after the comma, but I googled and it seems that was the end of his sentence! I'd have thought even in American that would mean a full stop rather than a comma. As written it's read as "I think it'd be impossible not to conclude that, ..." and leaves the reader hanging wondering what conclusion was omitted.

I guess it's too much to hope that what is (or I guess was if it's been taken over) a British site writing about a British story and quoting someone in the UK could actual use the appropriate gamma. Can anyone recommend a site like The Register that's written in English? :-)

Blue Shirt Guy

Unrequested comma surplus

"I think it'd be impossible not to conclude that," Read said.

I know this is a minor thing but WTF is going on with commas and proof reading at El Reg? They seem to appear in the strangest of places, then go missing when needed. It's incredibly distracting to try and read articles full of grammatical errors.

Microsoft veteran ditches Team Tabs, blaming storage trauma of yesteryear

Blue Shirt Guy

Confusing teams

I can't help but feel the title is of this article is a bit click baity to get people thinking it's about Microsoft Teams and not something totally unrelated.

Anyway when it comes to tabs and spaces all I care about is that whatever language I'm using doesn't do something batshit insane and try to make them part of the syntax. I'm looking at you Python.*

*From the distance of a very very long barge pole.

WP Engine hits back after Automattic CEO calls it 'cancer'

Blue Shirt Guy

Re: Expensive

Yes but this is the supermarket charging £50 for a stake I could get at the Ritz for £5.

Google files first ever complaint with European Commission against Microsoft

Blue Shirt Guy

Never infer anything from a premise

"running it on premise"

All Microsoft software is run on the basis of a premise, thats why you'd be a fool to trust them and should run things on your own premises.

iPhone 16 dubbed Apple's most repairable model in years

Blue Shirt Guy

"My Fairphone 3 is on it's third battery and second USB port at the moment"

The Fairphone 3 was only released 5 years ago. I'm not sure that's as impressive as you might think it is. :-)

Admins using Windows Server Update Services up in arms as Microsoft deprecates feature

Blue Shirt Guy

Re: MS seems to have lost it... big time

Did they ever have "it" or have they changed what "it" is? Because the last time Microsoft came even close to being "it" was the launch of Windows 95.

LinkedIn started harvesting people's posts for training AI without asking for opt-in

Blue Shirt Guy

"I'm the inventor of the hovercraft too"

That's incredible, I invented the eel!

Heart of glass: Human genome stored for 'eternity' in 5D memory crystal

Blue Shirt Guy

Re: So they've probably got one device to read it?

'how to read this' instructions...

I wonder what language they'll use.


Vega rocket's last blast hurls Sentinel-2C satellite into orbit

Blue Shirt Guy

To boldly launch

The problem with v'ega is it only covers whales.

O2 punters lose cool over Google Pixel 9 delays

Blue Shirt Guy

Re: A powerhouse of dis-service

It was a meger of the UK's worst mobile network (last to get VoLTE and the only one still dependent on 3G in many places etc) and most dishonest (the one that first called copper wire "fibre") broadband network. The results are exactly as expected.

Musk's X, Media Matters headed to trial

Blue Shirt Guy

Re: Manufacturing fake research?

"It's quite interesting. First up, I am British and voted remained. Center group type of person. I don't like leftists or the right."

Not only are you clearly NOT British, you're also clearly a liar.

City council faces £216.5M loss over Oracle system debacle

Blue Shirt Guy

An unrequested comma surplus eats, shoots, and leaves.

"delivered, and, furthermore, due to the inability to monitor budgets, "

"academics, consultants, and activists"

"management, and customer"

What the hell is going on with El Reg these days? This is not Daley Thompson's Decathlon, you don't have to randomly keep hitting the comma key for no reason just to keep the website running.

Hello? Are you talking on a Cisco SPA300 or SPA500 IP phone? Now's the time to junk 'em

Blue Shirt Guy

Re: Replace the phone?

Surely you've heard of Silicon Heaven?

Report: Tech misconceptions plague the IT world

Blue Shirt Guy

Re: Girlfriend

Mmmm SATAlicious.

Huawei Cloud built a network monitor so sensitive it spotted the impact of a single faulty chip

Blue Shirt Guy

Trees and woods

If a tree falls while nobody is watching, does it make a sound? More to the point, if nobody is ever going to those woods again, does anybody care?

Japan mandates app to ensure national ID cards aren't forged

Blue Shirt Guy

Fixing a problem that doesn't exist

Did they at any time stop to think that they had mis-framed the original question?

If people are forging ID documents to buy phones, then the solution is not more ID documents, it's removing the need for ID documents.

The UK is not perfect but as an example, I can walk into a shop and buy an Iphone on contract without any ID because they can ask me questions that only I know and pay with a card that the bank have already verified that on it's own proves my identity. Yes there's a very small amount of fraud, but adding new forms of ID cards to the mix just makes it even more likely that someone will think a fake ID is real as it only adds to the confusion. Then having to verify that with an app will lead to fake apps and you've created a war of attrition that only benefits the fraudsters.

Adding an ID card adds nothing to this but opens up more opportunities for fraud. Needing an app to verifiy the ID card then just proves the point.


Tesla that killed motorcyclist was in Full Self-Driving mode

Blue Shirt Guy

Re: Lack of due care

The issue with not having Carplay or Android Auto is it actually creates danger. The UK driving test covers using a satnav now, so would you rather drivers had a standard interface they knew across multiple vehicles, or had to prod and poke unnecessarily at the screen of some random and probably out of date interface (or at their phone in a holder, which is legal but even worse) to find the option to re-route past roadworks or whatever, rather than use one of the two industry standard interfaces via buttons on the steering wheel or whatever.