I tried to use a passkey the first time a service I used offered me the option. It was kind of a pain, and as soon as I realised it appeared to be blocking the possibility of being able to sign in on a different device I backed it out again. If I as a software engineer and tech enthusiast can't get the thing to work smoothly first try (and frankly I needed that experience just to be able to undo it once done), what chance does the average user have? Unlikely to be trying them again.
Posts by VoxDei
5 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Mar 2024
Will passkeys ever replace passwords? Can they?
Pixel perfect Ghostpulse malware loader hides inside PNG image files
Re: "defenders must adapt by"
I mean, that's sneaky but it's still going to pop up the "Run" dialog and then populate it with what (to most people) will look like a gibberish string, or (to techies) a deeply suspicious decode-this-png.exe, isn't it? Or have I missed something? There should be all kinds of alarm bells jangling before you hit run on that command?
IBM: Insurance industry bosses keen on AI. Customers, not so much
"a worrying tone-deafness in the AI industry."
The AI industry isn't tone deaf. It's working as hard as it can to extract as much money as it can from its gullible marks before they realise they've been had by the snake oil salesmen.
The AI industry's core demographic isn't the general public, it's technically illiterate C-suite execs. They're bang on tone for that audience.
One-year countdown to 'biggest Ctrl-Alt-Delete in history' as Windows 10 approaches end of support
Not a chance
My computer does everything I want it to, and I'm a gamer. If the only thing it won't do is run Windows, under no circumstances will I shell out £1k for a new gaming PC just because Microsoft tried to force an upgrade on me. It will be Linux for me (already prefer it at work), and once I've demonstrated to myself that Windows is no longer needed for gaming, I won't be coming back to Windows.
Your customers can tell when you're trying to screw them Microsoft. It doesn't make them happy.