* Posts by peteC7x

8 publicly visible posts • joined 18 Oct 2023

Just when you thought terminal emulators couldn't get any better, Ghostty ships



I compiled it instead and to me other than the fact that it has a config file, this brings nothing new or that I even have a need for. Split term windows? Yeah, Terminator already does that LONG AGO!

A toy? Yes! Anything to call home about? Absolutely NOT!

It's not the TTY that makes the admin/dev good or bad. As long as you can type shit and get shit back, that's all for me.

Fired Disney staffer accused of hacking menu to add profanity, wingdings, removes allergen info


Yep, he's screwed

Who in the US hasn't been screwed by a company? Working in the US is just a matter if time before someone either doesn't pay you or uses you like a rag and then fires you when they find some fresh meat I've been f****Ed and been treated unfairly by many employers as an IT guy it's pretty much expected. You need to develop a sense of resiliency and a thick skin knowing that at any moment your job can be cut. Always ready always looking has been my motto. I've been locked out of my admin account first thing Monday and all my shit stolen (scripts, files, etc). But at no time was I ever SO DAMN STUPID to even think about doing something like this or even try it. Let alone to a company that has just as many lawyers as they do employees! This cat is the definition of blind, stupid, arrogant and ignorance IT dude who's mindset is somewhere in the 2000's when you could get away with shit like this!!!

What a total imbecile believing he was going to get back at them and get off Scott free. Because of his stupidity he deserves everything they give him!! IDIOT!

Linus Torvalds flames Google kernel contributor over filesystem suggestion


Here’s a bigger issue….

What if this “emperor” jackass gets run over by a truck one day? What then? This guy’s grip on all of this is what may eventually bring the whole thing down. So, here in the “west” we despise authoritarianism and despots (we know who) yet this is allowed! In what’s become a key part of the function web and daily lives of people. Has anyone ever thought about this and what if any contingencies should be made? I predict that this cat one day is gonna blow a fuse for good and go nuts or just drop dead from so much rage and fear of losing control. GET HIM OUT before he screws up this shit!

IT consultant fined for daring to expose shoddy security


Wait, what?

Screw them then. Next time just post the damn thing somewhere and let them get screwed. This is what happens when good people try to the right thing. No more mr nice guy!

Cloudflare defends firing of staffer for reasons HR could not explain


Re: Severance

Sure! A year ago a simply walked away from Syniverse NEVER to return after 10 years. But I ended up walking away from the whole thing for good. IT is no fun anymore at work as it was 28 years ago when I started on it. I got sick of it finally man. Today, I can post and say whatever without having to worry about woke shit or consequences at work.

Windows 11: The number you have dialed has been disconnected


Same should and MUST be said of Linux and the myriads of absolutely worthless and useless distributions that exist. I mean why does "the world" need 5 flavors of the same distro's release so that people can have any desktop manager they want under the sun???

Do people go to distrowatch and simply flip a coin and take their pick for today's install?

This point has come to Linux wayyy before it even hit Windows. If you want to speak about bloated, then you must always start with the Linux ecosystem for the past 20 or so years.

The world needs STABILITY!!! commitment and longevity. Yes, we do not need (not sure about want) another version of ANYTHING!!!!!

Buyer's remorse haunts 3 in 5 business software purchases


Some advice based on my experience

#1 Stakeholder, end user and employee engagement are critical at every stage of the process.

#2 Always request a full featured POC driven by the ultimate process owner.

#3 Start small in both scope and license count.

#4 Always ensure you have support and develop a solid relationship with at least one of the engineers. Befriend them.

#5 Educate your vendors and provide as much insight into your internal processes as it is allowed.

#6 Think about tomorrow when deciding to lock-in with a vendor.

#6 Is there a possibility for OSS alternatives?

#7 But always calculate your ROI and listen to your engineers.