"Please don't do that."
"OK. We'll inform you that we are doing it instead."
"Don't Do That! We want you to STOP. We do NOT want informed consent instead!"
"Here's our 'Explanation of Benefits'."
Wash, rinse, repeat....
49 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Dec 2022
"which allows players to save sessions and share clips with friends."
Greybeards remember being bored to tears going to friend's homes and being subjected to slide shows of their friend's vacations. Actual kodachrome slide shows, not the infinitely more painful slide decks of powerpoint.
I have no desire (kill me please) to watch someone's clip of a steam session.
Play? Yes. Watch? NO.
Too often I find that “strangle tech innovation” means there is “concern” that regulation will “strangle” new innovative tech ways to collect fees and lock in subscriptions. The “innovations” are not for the general populace. Most “innovations” I have witnessed are innovative ways to block access, throw up paywalls or siphon off the revenue stream.
An example “innovation” would be transaction fees where your phone and credit card get fees for the “convenience” of not using actual cash. Or “cashless” payments which basically require a cell phone plan to participate. THe cell-plan plan itself is an innovative way to extract funds by by making having a plan mandatory.
The PFY from tech school working on the hot new SQL server and application/cloud will get promoted out of the project and into manglement within 6 months because of the whizz-bang "skills" in new and shiny.
The grizzled greybeard tasked with updating the obsolete MS SQL DB Server and the accompanying apps because only they have the skills and training will take multiple years because of all the "concerned parties", long after the PFY above becomes their boss.
Feel free to say that does not happen. Please say that does not happen...
That being the same Samsung that buries you in an avalanche of ads on their Smart TV hardware? The same Samsung whose “Smart Things” app won’t function without a connection to the mother ship? Whose smart TV also requires a connection to the mothership?
I’ll call that mighty creative for Samsung, but not the consumer.
I'm nearing retirement. In my earlier days I enjoyed volunteering in a hospital. I would like to volunteer in retirement, but I simply cannot bring myself to volunteer my time and volunteered wages so that the CEOs of said hospital and health care industry can increase their "compensation". CEO - "I personally got more people to volunteer, saving us costs. Therefore my compensation must be increased exponentially. That and all those denied services and procedures. I should get more now I can utilize AI to deny more without doing it myself. Because I can."
Humans are nothing but remote sensors for AI.
Think about it. We used to fill out forms that were a page or two. With the prevalence of databases and web UIs, we seem to be required (shadow work) to provide far more information for simple tasks. I'm looking at you health care.
Every industry is convinced that their portal is the only one you use or that is important, with little to no regard for all the other UIDs, passwords, 2FA that every person is now stuck with. Store them all on a password maintenance provider which leaves only one site to hack to get all your authentication information.
We're even required to pay for the bandwidth to support ads. Junk mail used to have bulk postage paid be the advertiser. Now we have to pay the equivalent (or more) n bandwidth and subscriptions for the "privilege" of viewing unwanted ads that consume more bandwidth than the articles being read.
Thanks AI!
This is absolutely hilarious. There are no EPA employees that are allowed to or have the knowledge to configure their own desktops, yet they will be given the authority to oversee cybersecurity plans. Nearly all their IT is outsourced to consultants. The same hold true in the States they delegate authority to. And due to the split of IT from actual regulation, you will get a bunch of engineers and PhDs in civil service with no background in IT or cybersecurity assigned to head up the cybersecurity programs, because, well. PhDs are infallible. Those that cannot even connect a printer or monitor without a ticket will ARE heading up security.