* Posts by KRCaddis

4 publicly visible posts • joined 21 Oct 2022

Stranded in space: Starliner crew to remain in orbit even longer as SpaceX faces delays


Re: If...

Holding them hostage?

Million GPU clusters, gigawatts of power – the scale of AI defies logic


But why?

IDK, but does it just demonstrate the effort to try infinite wrong answers for a possibly better one?

But maybe Windows could use it to check for update compatibility...

How did ESA's gamma ray-spotting 'scope make it to 20? They totally overdid it


Just a BINGO!

As good as it gets.

Amazon hit with $1bn claim that secretive Buy Box algorithm screws shoppers


Re: Far from being a recommendation based on price or quality

Do you want to go through the hassle every time some moderately or inexpensive item is fraudulently represented as a name brand product- I think not. They may be almost-clones, but prove to be otherwise during use, another deceptive practice fooling buyers into believing they are bypassing the name brand's design, development, marketing, overhead, distribution, follow up and reputation expense. Cheating.