No longer used....
I thought Facebook was riding the downward curve as people chased the latest fashion elsewhere.......
Social networking site Facebook is mainly unavailable this afternoon. Several Register readers mailed to tell us of the problem for UK surfers. A spokeswoman for Facebook UK told The Reg it was aware of the problems and was investigating. The site is showing a blank page. Maybe too many people are trying to organise their …
register_globals = Off
zend_extension = /usr/local/ioncube/
"Could "gone to the zoo" replace "outage" "
I second that. Add it to the lexicon.
Seems I can access facebook from the .com, never tried to use a before, but I just get a directory listing with a php.ini and a (403) cgi-bin folder.
I imagine a trip to the zoo is not far off a customer survey for facebook. least in Firefox 3. When you click on a link, it appends it to the current URL and sometimes just sits there:
/Click on Inbox/
I don't know if that's normal activity-tracking stuff and it's just a server timing out, or whether something's wrong with the links, but I do know that if I delete the stuff in between the domain name and the appended url: works fine.
Apparently someone added themselves as a 'friend', causing a rift in space and time. Admins were quick to delete the errant account, but by then the rift had grown and some accounts belonging to likely-paedophile 38 year olds on Faceparty merged with the accounts on Facebook, causing a paradox, at which point spacetime fucked off to the zoo until normality was restored, temporarily leaving Facebook with no reality in which to exist. And for the briefest of moments the world was a better place.