The turmoil is misdirected
All the obvious stuff has been said, such as:
!.What sort of oik gives documents so clearly marked to the BBC or The Indie?
He or she should be burnt at the stake.
2. What sort of oik, given that he/she had legitimate access to this stuff and all the clearance processes and briefings that go with level of access. Have no doubts about how seriously this is/was/should be taken.
AS above.
This is a personal failure on the part of the individuals who appear to have broken the rules, their supervisors and management. All civil servants.
This is not a political failure any more than a bent copper breaking into someone's home is the Home Sec's responsibility.
And the final irony:
Some twerp on the BBC this morning described the loss of some secure papers by a young Royal Navy officer immediately prior to Maggie's Falklands Adventure, (then court marshalled) , as being similar.
The officer is now Admiral West. and "as any fule noes" there was more to this than meets the eye. Try Private Eye for details.
Oh, and another thing:
Everybody in the UK is subject to the Official Secrets Act.
As it was explained to me, "Just because you haven't signed a declaration about the Traffic Act or Theft Act doesn't make you immune to the law's provisions"
Why not prosecute the oiks who handed the papers to the media. The latest version of the Official Secrets Act does not allow the "public interest" defence, so it could cost them, given some balls from the Police/CPS in going after them