Increasingly opaque public service demands ever greater transparency from the serfs. The Snowden revelations mentioned instructions from the US to its sycophants to view their citizens as the enemy. Do our public servants loose face before other public servants if they can't sell out their own populations or demonstrate their influence over the elected fools and cowards?
Perhaps the AG's department could occupy themselves, while waiting for the Australian public to see things their way, by following up on those WMD's that we went to war for. A million dead Iraqis. Who knew it was all lies and when? Another good one might be why the legislation governing the full body scanners at the Oz international airports mentions nothing about the need for the devices to be effective or safe. What or who was the real driver behind the rollout of these devices, why don't they need to be safe and whose decision was that. Is it a criminal matter?
Maybe ask ASIO why the spying on East Timor seemed to be more about corporate advantage than national security. Could it be the same story when we used a warship to intimidate the Solomon Islands and accused their leader of child porn/abuse offences? Does Bougainville have our sticky fingerprints on it as well?
There is a whole bunch of useful things the AG's office could be doing in their own backyard before straying even further into ours. That is of course if the law means anything to them other than as a tool of empire. Though whose empire might be another interesting question if they have a moment.