2017 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report
The 2017 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report is an annual report that has been generated for the past 25 years at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill as an effort to provide accountability and transparency to the people of North Carolina and beyond concerning its fiduciary resources. In addition to the financial statements of the University, the document contains disclosures regarding investments, debt, revenues and expenses.
This report details the fiscal status of the university’s $4.7 billion in assets as of June 30, 2017, detailing items such as: revenue, operating expenses, investments, capital assets, accounts payable, accrued liabilities, and short-term revenue. It also features highlights of news stories from the previous year of remarkable initiatives, emerging opportunities, charitable donations and campus growth. The objective is to give accurate and obtainable information within the context of the overall mission and goals of the university.
This online version of the Annual Report features a downloadable PDF of the full report, as well as this interactive web edition that can be accessed by clicking on any link of interest on the tabs below, which will take you directly to the page of information in the report.
We hope you find this statement both informative and useful.
Financial Statements
- Statement of Net Position for the University
- Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Net Position for the University
- Statement of Cash Flows for the University
- Statement of Financial Position for Component Units of the University
- Statement of Activities and Changes in Net Assets for Component Units of the University
Notes to the Financial Statements Table Of Contents
- Note 1: Significant Accounting Policies
- Note 2: Deposits and Investments
- Note 3: Fair Value Measurements
- Note 4: Endowment Investments
- Note 5: Receivables
- Note 6: Capital Assets
- Note 7: Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities
- Note 8: Reverse Repurchase Agreements
- Note 9: Short-Term Debt
- Note 10: Long-Term Liabilities
- Note 11: Derivative Instruments
- Note 12: Lease Obligations
- Note 13: Revenues
- Note 14: Operating Expenses by Function
- Note 15: Pension Plans
- Note 16: Other Post-Employment Benefits
- Note 17: Risk Management
- Note 18: Commitments and Contingencies
- Note 19: Related Parties
- Note 20: Investment in Joint Ventures
- Note 21: Blended Component Units
- Note 22: Changes in Financial Accounting and Reporting
- Note 23: Net Position Restatements
- Note 24: Subsequent Events
Required Supplementary Information
Narrative to the Statistical Section
Financial Trends
- Net Position by Component
- Changes in Net Position
- Changes in Net Position Adjusted for Inflation
- Operating Expenses by Function
Revenue Capacity
Debt Capacity
Demographic and Economic Information
- Annual Undergraduate Educational Costs Per Student
- Admissions, Enrollment, and Degrees Earned
- Demographic Data
- Principal Employers