University Controller and Enterprise Financial Accounting
This department reports to the Associate Vice Chancellor for Finance.
The Enterprise Financial Accounting and University Controller’s office works in collaboration with its partners across the University to provide stewardship of our financial resources. We are committed to handling all of our interactions with honesty, integrity, respect and trust. We focus on teamwork, diligence and a rigorous attention to detail to provide excellent customer service and results for our University customers and partners.
Our Responsibilities
- Ensure the integrity and accuracy of the University’s financial accounting and reporting systems and confirm the validity and appropriateness of all financial transactions recorded and reported therein.
- Guide the University in maintaining strict compliance with the North Carolina and Federal laws, regulations, policies and contract requirements applicable to accounting and reporting.
- Provide thorough, fair and timely disclosures and financial reports for oversight bodies, taxing authorities, financial institutions, bond trustees, benefactors, creditors, customers, the public, the General Assembly, the University’s Board of Trustees, the Office of the President, campus units and other internal and external parties as needed.
University Controller and Executive Director of Enterprise Financial Accounting
104 Airport Drive, Suite 3200
- Department Email
- [email protected]
- Department Phone
- 919-962-1370
- Department Fax
- 919-962-4140
Changes to Campus Correcting Journals (JCR) Approvals
Effective Sept. 1, 2024, campus correcting journals (JCR) workflow and approval requirements will change. This shift is necessary to improve internal controls and the review process of campus journals.
Categories: Accounting Services News, Campus Unit Finance Leads News, Controller News, Memos
2024 Fiscal Year-End Closing Dates and Procedures
The purpose of this memorandum is to provide information regarding fiscal year-end procedures and critical campus-wide and statewide due dates for a successful fiscal year-end closing on June 30, 2024.
Categories: Campus Unit Finance Leads News, Controller News, Fiscal Year-End News, Memos