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Subclass ofperennial plant, cultivated edible plant, useful plant, annual plant, poisonous plant Taƴto
YemreEgyptian cuisine Taƴto
Has usefodder, medicinal plant, vegetable Taƴto
Mutiɗa inndeS. melongena Taƴto
Taxon nameSolanum melongena Taƴto
Taxon rankspecies Taƴto
Parent taxonSolanum Taƴto
Has fruit typeberry Taƴto
This taxon is source ofeggplant Taƴto
Described at URLhttp://nadeaud.ilm.pf/liste-bibliotaxons?page=634 Taƴto
Depicted by🍆 Taƴto
Hardiness of plant9 Taƴto
Taxon rangeBeijing, Ciina, Tibet Autonomous Region, Guangdong Taƴto
Taxon author citationL. Taƴto
GRIN URLhttps://npgsweb.ars-grin.gov/gringlobal/taxonomydetail.aspx?id=101312 Taƴto
Unicode character🍆 Taƴto


Ciife e duttorɗe

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  1. Blench, Roger. 2006. Fulfulde names for plants and trees in Nigeria, Cameroun, Chad and Niger. Cambridge: Kay Williamson Educational Foundation.