Hello everyone, i'm hoping some super fans can help me out! I create high end realistic miniatures. I've been commissioned to recreate the set of family ties. YAY! One problem...i'm trying to figure out how the kitchen and living room set interact with each other. due to TV magic it doesn't seem to make much sense. I found someone on etsy selling floorplans (see blurry pic below) does this plan make sense to all of you? The client does not want a realistic depiction of the set but rather how it actually looked as a set for a TV show. See my miniature of the Threes Company set for reference. Any image, plans or insight you can provide would be great!
Whilst having a recent discussion over the proper usage of "implied vs. inferred," i told a friend i was relatively positive i had learned that lesson from an episode of Family Ties. Alas and alack, i cannot seem to successfully Google said episode. I seem to recall it being a conversation between Alex and Elyse, but it's a fuzzy memory, at best. Does this ring a bell w/ anyone? If somebody could point me towards the correct episode (or tell me i'm making the entire thing up in my head), i promise to avenge your death when/if the time comes.
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