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Stroke order
Derived in the Heian period from writing the man'yōgana kanji 和 in the cursive sōsho style.
わ • (wa )
The hiragana syllable わ ( wa ) . Its equivalent in katakana is ワ ( wa ) . It is the forty-fourth syllable in the gojūon order; its position is わ行 あ段 ( wa-gyō a-dan , “ row wa , section a ” ) .
(Hiragana ) 平仮名 ; あ ぁ , い ぃ , う ぅ ゔ , え ぇ , お ぉ , か ゕ が , き ぎ , く ぐ , け ゖ げ , こ ご , さ ざ , し じ , す ず , せ ぜ , そ ぞ , た だ , ち ぢ , つ っ づ , て で , と ど , な , に , ぬ , ね , の , は ば ぱ , ひ び ぴ , ふ ぶ ぷ , へ べ ぺ , ほ ぼ ぽ , ま , み , む , め , も , や ゃ , ゆ ゅ , よ ょ , ら , り , る , れ , ろ , わ ゎ , ゐ , ゑ , を , ん , ー , ゝ , ゞ , ゟ
From Old Japanese .
( women's particle ) :
( dialectal particle ) :
わ • (wa )
( women's speech , dated ) a particle used in the end of sentences to indicate admiration or emotion
あなたの髪( かみ ) は長( なが ) いわ ね! Anata no kami wa nagai wa ne! Wow, your hair is so long!
今( いま ) 、行( い ) くわ 。Ima, iku wa . I'm coming.
知( し ) らないわ 。Shiranai wa . I don't know.
( dialectal or men's speech ) a particle used in the end of sentences to indicate emphasis
何( なに ) 言( い ) ってんのか解( わか ) んねえわ 。Nani itten no ka wakannē wa . I've no idea what he's saying.
(Sense 1) In standard Japanese, this particle is mainly used by women, although its usage is almost extinct among younger generations.
(Sense 2) In various dialects, particularly western, it is used by both men and women, but with a different pitch accent.
Reading for various kanji .
For pronunciation and definitions of わ – see the following entries.
【話 】 2
[counter] Counter for stories.
[counter] Counter for episodes of TV shows.
【環 】 S
[noun] a ring or circle shape ( such as a ring for a finger, or Saturn's rings )
[noun] a hoop ( such as for a barrel )
[noun] a wheel ( as of a vehicle )
(This term, わ ( wa ) , is the hiragana spelling of the above terms.)For a list of all kanji read as わ , see Category:Japanese kanji read as わ .)
(The following entries do not have a page created for them yet: 把 , 曲 .)
For pronunciation and definitions of わ – see the following entry.
(This term, わ ( wa ) , is the hiragana spelling of the above term.)For a list of all kanji read as わ , see Category:Japanese kanji read as わ .)