Academy, Gosport, and at R.M.A.; entered R.A., 1880; became Capt., 1888, Major, 1898, Lieut.-Col., 1905, Brevet Col., 1908; Col., 1909, and Major-Gen., 1915; retired, 1920; served in S. Africa, 1899-1902, present at actions of Stormberg and Wittebergen, and operations in Transvaal and Orange River Colonies (wounded, despatches. Queen's medal with three clasps. King's medal with two clasps, D.S.O.), in command of 1st Batt. Imperial Yeo„ and during European War, 1914-15, Comdg. R.A., 2nd Division, and as Sub. Ch. of the Gen. Staff, and subsequently Comdg. a Division (wounded, despatches, C.B., Maj.-Gen., 4th class St. Vladimir Order, Order of Leopold of Belgium; Croix de Guerre, 1st class of Order of Avis of Portugal); was an Instructor at Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1897-8, a Ch. Instructor there, 1903, a D.A.A.G. at Headquarters. 1904-5, D.A.A.G., Staff College, 1908-9, a Gen. Staff Officer (1st Grade) at Staff College, 1909-12, and Assistant Director of Movements at Head Quarters, 1912-13, and in command of a R.A. Division. 1913-15; Comdg. a Division in France, 1915-17; at home, 1917-19; Comdg. Troops at Folkestone. 1919; m. 1st, 1894. Marian (d. 1895), dau. of R. L. Bowles, M.D.; 2nd, 1906, Korah, dau. of the late Rear-Admiral Richard Mayne, C.B., M.P. Res.: The Grange, Farnham, Surrey.
PERCEVAL-MAXWELL, Lt.-Col. The Right Hon. Robert David, P.C. (1921), D.S.O. Commanded 13th Royal Irish Rifles, 1917-18: Member of Senate of Northern Ireland, 1921; D.L., J.P. Co. Down. Recns.: hunting, fishing, shooting. Son of late John W. Perceval-Maxwell, of Tynella, Co. Down: b. 1870; m. 1895, Edith Grace, dau. of Henry Haswell Head, M.D. Res.: Finnebrogue, Downpatrick, Co. Down. Kildare Street Club, Dublin, Carlton Club, London; Ulster Club, Belfast.
PERCY, Sir James Campbell, Knt. (1921); b. Glengormaly, Co. Antrim: 1869; J.P. for City of Dublin; D.L. for County Dublin. Honorary Lieut. R.N.V.R. Fellow of the Institute of Journalists. Educ. at St. Enoch's, Belfast. Chairman Sackville Press; Managing Director Mccredy, Percy & Co.; Director of Messrs. Switzers, Ltd.: Central Hotel, Ltd.; Grand Hotel, Greystones; Car and General Insurance Co., Ltd. (Local); Kivuvu and Uganda Rubber Coy's, Ltd. Pubns.: Bulls: Ancient and Modern; Bulls and Blunders, and More Bulls and Blunders. Recns.: golf, motoring, and swimming. Clubs: Royal Irish Automobile Club, Constitutional Club, Savage Club, Engineers' Club, and Pickwick Club. Res.: Ardenvohr, Cowper Road, Dublin.
PERSSE, Major William Arthur, D.L., J.P. Co. Limerick; Major late R.A.; served with Manipore Expedition 1891 Son of late Major William Norton Persse, R.A., of Roxborough, Co. Galway; b. 1863; m. 1894, Katherine, dau. of Lt.-Col. H. J. W. Gehle, R.E. Res.: Beechmount, Ratlikeale, Co. Limerick.
PERRY, Major William, D.L., Co. Tipperary; Major late Royal Irish Regt.; eldest son of late Samuel Perry, D.L., J.P. of Woodrooff, Co. Tipperary; b. 1869; m. 1898, Emily Dorothea Mary Clare, eldest dau. of late Lt.-Col. Hy. Arthur Boyse, of Bannow House, Co. Wexford. Res.: Woodrooff, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary.
PERY, Hon. Edmund Colquhoun, D.S.O. (1918), B.A. (Oxford); Major City of London Yeomanry; served in European War 1914-18. Educated at Eton and New College, Oxford; b. 16 Oct., 1888; son of 3rd Earl of Limerick and Isabella, dau. of James de Colquhoun; heir pres. to 4th Earl of Limerick. Res.: 40 Queen's Gate Gardens, London, S.W. Clubs: Carlton, Cavendish.
PERY, Hon. Harry de Vere, J.P. Cos. Limerick and Dublin; late Capt. 5th Batt. Royal Munster Fus.; formerly Sub-Lieut. R.N.; Resident Magistrate in Ireland (ret.; served on W. Coast of Africa, Ashantee War, 1873; sixth son of 2nd Earl of Limerick; b. 1851; m. 1874, Harriet, dau. of late R. Knox, C. of Good Hope. Res.: 5 The Green Road, Blackrock, Co. Dublin. Kildare Street Club, Dublin.
PEYTON, Thomas Henry, D.S.O. (1916). Lieut.-Col. R.A.M.C. (T.F.) (ret.); M.A., M.D., D.P.H. (Dublin University), L.M., Rotunda Hospital, Dublin; Chief Tuberculosis Physician and Deputy County Medical Officer of Health, Cheshire County Council; Medical Adviser to Joint Sanatorium Committee for Cheshire and County Boroughs of Chester, Birkenhead, Wallasey, Stockport, and Stoke-on-Trent; Medical Adviser Wrenbury Hill Training and Employment Colony; Chairman Tuberculosis Group, Incorporated Society of Medical Officers of Health, and Group Representative on Council; b. 15th May, 1884; third son of John Hamilton Peyton, J.P., Castlebar, Co. Mayo (Peyton's of Laheen, Co. Leitrim); m. Joyce Mary, only dau. of James Taylor, J.P, Heathercliffe, Helsby, Cheshire, and has issue one dau. Educ.: Corrig School (Bousfield's) Kingstown; Trinity College, Dublin University (Honours); Royal City of Dublin Hospital (Wheeler Gold Medallist, 1905-06); Late Resident Medical Superintendent, Royal National Hospital for Consumption, Ireland; Honorary Roëntgen Rayist, Royal City of Dublin Hospital; Anaesthetist Incorporated Dental Hospital for Ireland; Demonstrator of Anatomy, T.C.D.; School Medical Inspector, Kent County Council and Borough of Maidstone; District