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Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 15.djvu/460

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454 Index to Volume XV.

Douglas, Sir William, Knight of Liddesdale
(1300?-1353) 350
Douglas. William, first Earl of Douglas
(1327 P-1384) 357
Douglas, Sir William, Lord of Nithsdale
(d. 1392?) 360
Douglas, William, second Earl of Angus
(13987-1437) 3G1
Douglas. William, sixth Earl of Douglas and
third Duke of Touraine (1423 P-1440) . . 361
Douglas, William, eighth Earl of Douglas
(1425P-1452) 362
Douglas, William, ninth Earl of Angus
(1533-1591) 364
Douglas, Sir William, of Lochleven, bixth or
seventh Earl of Morton (d. 1606) . .365
Douglas, William, tenth Earl of Angus
(1554-1611) 366
Douglas, Sir William, first Earl of Queens-
berry (d. 1640) 367
Douglas, Lord William. See Douglas, Lord
James (1617-1645).
Douglas, William, seventh or eighth Earl of
Morton ( 1582-1650) 367
Douglas, William, eleventh Earl of Angus and
first Marquis of Douglas ( 1 589-1660 ) . .368
Douglas, William, third Duke of Hamilton
(1635-1694). 370
Douglas, William, third Earl and first Duke
of Queenpberrv (1637-1695). . . . 372
Douglas William, third Earl of March and
fourth Duke of Queensberry (1724-1810) . 373
Douglas, William (1780-1832) . . .374
Douglas, William Alexander Anthony Archi-
bald, eleventh Duke of Hamilton (1811-
1863) . 375
Douglas, William Scott (1815-1883) . .375
Douglass, John, D.D. (1743-1812) . . .375
D'Ouvilly, George Gerbit-r (ft. 1661) . .376
Dovaston, John Freeman Milward (1782-1854) 376
Dove, Henrv (1640-1695) . . . .377
Dove, John,' D.D. (1561-1618). . . .377
Dove, John (d. 1665?) 378
Dove, Nathaniel (1710-1754) . . . .378
Dove, Patrick Edward (1815-1873) . . 379
Dove, Thomas (15">n-1630) . . . .380
Dover, Lord. See Ellis. George James Welbore
Agr( 1797-1833) ;Jennyn, Henry (dU708).
Dover, John (d. 1725) . . . . 380
Dover, Captain Robert (1575 P-1641) . .381
Dover, Thomas. M.D. (1660-1742) . . .382
Doveton, Sir John (1768-1847) . . .382
Dow, Alexander (d 1779) . . 383
Dowdall, George (1487-1558) . . . .384
Dowdeswell, William (1721-1775) . . .335
Dowdeswell, William (170 1-1 828) . . .386
Dowland, John (1563 P-1626?) . . .387
Dowland, Robert (17th cent.) . . 888
Dowley, Richard (1622-1702) . . .389
Dowling, Alfred Septimus (1805-1868) . ! 389
Dowling, Frank Lewis (1823-1867) . .389
Dowling, Sir James (1787-1844) . . .390
Dowling, John Coulter (1805-1841) . 390
Dowling, Thady (1544-1628) . . . .391
Dowling, Vincent (Jeorge (1785-1852) . 391
Downe, John (1570 P-1631) . . 391
Downes. Lord. See Burgh, Sir Ulysses
Bagenal (1788-1863).

Downes, Andrew (1549 P-1628) . . .392
Downes, John ( ft. 1666) . . . .393
Downes, John (ft. 1662-1710) . . .394
Downes, Theoph'ilus (d. 1726) . . .394
Downes, William, first Baron Downes (1752-
1826) 395
Downham or Downame, George (d. 1634) . 395
Downham or Downame, John (d. 1652) . . 396
Downham, William, whose name is sometimes
spelt Downame and Downman (1505-1577) 397
Downing, Calybute" ( 1606-1644) . .398
Downing, Sir George (1623 P-1684) . 399
Downing, Sir George (1684 P-1749) . 401
Downman, Hugh, M.D. (1740-1809) . 402
Downman, John (d. 1824) . . .403
Downman, Sir Thomas (1776-1852) .403
Downman, William (1505-1577). See Down-
Downshire, Marquis of. See Hill, Wills _
Downton, Nicholas (d. 1615) . . . .404
Dowriche, Anne (ft. 1589) . . . .405
Dowriche, Hugh (fi. !596). See under Dow-
riche, Anne.
Dowsing, William (1596 P-1679 ?) . . . 406
Dowson, John (1820-1881) . . .407
Dowton, Henry (b. 1798). See under Dowton,
William (1764-1851).
Dowton, William (1764-1851) . . .408
Dowton, William (d. 1883). See under Dow-
ton, William (1764-1851).
Doxat, Lewis (1773-1871) . . . .409
Doyle, Sir Charles Hastings (1805-1883) . 409
Doyle, Sir Charles William (1770-1842). . 409
Doyle, James Warren ( 1786-1834) . . .411
Doyle, Sir John (1750 P-1834) . . .412
Doyle, John (1797-1868) . . . .413
Doyle, Sir John Milley (1781-1856) . . 414
Doyle, Richard (1824-1883) . . . .415
Doyle, Thomas. D.D. (1793-1879) . . .417
Doyle, Welbore Ellis (d. 1797). See under
Doyle, Sir John.
D'Oylie or D'Oyly, Thomas, M.D. (1548?-
1603) . . . . . .- . .417
D'Oyly, Sir Charles, seventh baronet (1781-
1845) 418
D'Oyly, Sir Francis (d. 1815). See under
D'Oyly, Sir John.
D'Oyly, George, D.D. (1778-1846) . . .419
D'Oyly, Sir John (1774-1824) . . .419
D'Oyly, Samuel (d. 1748) . . . .420
D'Oyly, Thomas (fi. 1585) . . . .421
Drage, William (1637 ?-1669) . . .421
Draghi, Giovanni Battista (17th cent.) . . 421
Dragonetti, Domenico (1755 P-1846) . . 422
Drakard. John (1775 P-1854) . . . .424
Drake, Sir Bernard (d. 1586) . . . .424
Drake, Charles Francis Tyrwhitt (1846-1874) 425
Drake, Sir Francis (1540*?-1596) .
Drake, Francis (1696-1771) .
Drake, Sir Francis Samuel (d. 1789)
Drake, James (1667-1707)
Drake, John Poad (1794-1883)
Drake, Nathan (1766-1836) .
Drake, Roger, M.D. (1608-1669) .
Drake, Samuel, D.D. (d. 1673)
Drake, Samuel, D.D. (1686 P-1753)
Drake, William (1723-1801) .
. 442
. 445
. 446
. 447
. 448
. 448
. 449
. 450
. 450