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Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 15.djvu/459

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Index to Volume XV.



��Dorchester, Duchess of (d. 1717). SeeSedle^. Dorchester, Viscount. See Carleton, Sir

Dudley (1573-1632). Dorchester, Lord. See CarletoD, Guy (1724-

1808). Dorchester, Marquis of. See Pierrcponl,

Henry (1606-1680). Dorigny, Sir Nicholas (1658-1746) . . . 240 I>orin, Joseph Alexander (1802-1872) . .241 DorislauH, Isaac (1595-1649) . . . .242 Dorislaus, Isaac, the younger (d, 1688). See

under Dorislaus, Isaac (1595-1649). Dorman, Thomas, D.D. (d. 1577 ?) . . .244 Dormer, James (1679-1741) . . . .245 Dormer, Jane, Duchess of Feria (1538-1612) . 245 Dormer, John (1636-1700) . . . .247 Dormer, John (1734 P-1796) . . . .248 Dormer, Robert, Earl of Carnarvon (d, 1643) 248 Dormer, Sir Robert (1649-1726) . . .249 Dornford, Joseph (1794-1868) . . .250

Dornford,Joaiah (1764-1797). . . .250 Dorrell, William. See Darrell, VVilUam

(1651-1721). Dorrington, Theophilus (rf. 1715) . . . 250 D'Orsay, Alfred Guillaume Gabriel, Count

(1801-1852) 251

Dorset, Countess of. See Clifford, Anne

(1590-1676). Dorset, Earls', Countesses, and Dukes of.

See Sackvillc. Dorset, Catherine Ann ( 1750 P-1817 ? ) . .253 Doubleday, Edward (1811-1849) . . .254 Doubleday, Henry (1^08-1875) . . .254 Doubleday, Thomas (1790-1870) . . .255 Douce, Francis (1757-1834) .... 256 Dougall, John (1760-1822) . . . .257 Dougall, Neil (1776-lt<62) .... 257 Dougharty, John (1677-1755) . . . 257 I>oughtie or Dougbtv, John (1598-1(372) . 258 Doughty, William (d, 1782) .... 258 Douglas, Sir Alexander (1738-1812) . .258 Douglas, Alexander Hamilton, tenth Duke of

Hamilton (1767-1852) 259

Douglas, Andrew (rf. 1725) .... 259 Douglas, Andrew (1736-1 ^06) . . .260 Douglas, Sir Archibald (1296 P-1333) . .261 Douglas, Archibald, third Earl of Douglas,

called * the Grim ' (1328 P-1400 ? ) . . 261 Douglas, Archibald, fourth Earl of Douglas,

first Duke of Touraine ( 1369 V-1424 ) . . 263 Douglas, Archibald, fifth Earl of Douglas, and

second Duke of Touraine (1391 P-1439) . 266 Douglas, Archibald, fifth Earl of Angus, *The

Great Earl' ( Ikll-the-Cat) (1449?-1514) . 268 Douglas, Sir Archibald (1480 P-1540 ?) . . 270 Douglas, Archibald, sixth Earl of Angus

(1489 ?-l 557) • 271

Doughis, Archibald (/. 1568) . . .280 Douglas, Archibald, eighth Earl of Angus

(1555-1588) 281

Douglas, Archibald, Earl of Ormonde (1609-

1655) 2S5

Dougla?, Archibald (rf. 1667) . . . .285 Douglas, Archibald, first Earl of Forfar

(1653-1712). . . . . 286

Douglas, Archibald, fccond Earl of Forfar

(1693-1715) 286

l)ougla«, Archibald, third Marquis and first

Duke of Douglas (1694-1761) . . .286 Douglas (formerly Stewart), Archibald James

��Edward, first Baron Douglas of Douglas (1748-1827)



Doaglas,Mi8s Archibald Ramsav (1807-1886).

See under Douglas, WilUam (1780-1832). Douglas, Brice dc (d, 1222). See Bricie. Douglas, Catherine, Duchess of Queeusberry

(</. 1/77). See under Douglas, Charles,

third Duke of Queensberry. Douglas, Charles, third Duke of Queensberry,

and second Duke of Dover (1698-1778) . 288 Douglas, Sir Charles (d. 1789) . . .289 Douglas, David (1798-1884) .... 291 Douglas, Frederick Sylvester North (1791-

1819). See under Douglas, Sylvester. Douglas, Francis (1710P-1790 ?") . . .291 Douglas, Gawin or Gavin (1474 P-1522) . 292

Douglas, George, first Earl of Angus ( 1380 ?-

1403) 295

Douglas, George, fourth Earl of Angus and

Lord of Douglas (1412 P-1402) . . . 295 Douglas, Sir George, of Pittendriech, Master

of Angus (1490 P-1552) . . . .296 Douglas, Lord George, Earl of Dumbarton

(1636 P-1692) 297

Douglas, George, fourth Lord Mordington

(d. 1741) 297

Douglas, Sir Howard (1776-1861). . . 298 Douglas, Sir James, of Dougla.s * the Good,'

Lord of Douglas ( 1286 P-1830) . , .301 Douglas, Jame:*, second Earl of Douglas

(1358P-1388) 304

Douglas*, James, seventh Earl of Douglas.

  • the Gross ' or * Fat ' ( 1371 P-1443) . ', 806

Douglas. James, ninth Earl of Douglas (1426-

1488) 307

Douglas, James, fourth Earl of Morton(</. 1581 ) 309 Douglas, Lord James or William (1617-1645) 322 Dougla-, James, second Earl of Queensberry*

(rf. 1671) 322

Douglas, Jame", second Marquis of Douglas

(1646 P-1 700) 323

Douglas, James, second Duke of Queensberry

and Duke of Dover (1662-1711) . . .323 Douglas, James, fourth Duke of Hamilton

(1658-1712) 326

Douglas, James, M.D. (1675-1742) . . 329

Douglas, James, fourteenth Earl of Morton

(1702-1768) 331

Dmiglas, Sir James (1703-1787) . . .332 Douglas, James (1753-1819) . . . .332 Dou^bis, James, fourth and last Lord Douglas

(1787-1857) 333

Douglas, Sir James Dawes (1785-1862) . . 333 Douglas, Lady Jane (169H-1 753) . . .334 Douglas, Janet, Lady (vlamis (</. 1537) . . 335

Douglas, John (f/. 1743) 336

Douglas, John (1721-1807) . . . .337 Douglas, Sir Kenneth ( 1754-1833) . . .338 Douglas, Ladv Margaret, Countess of Lennox

(1515-1578') 339

Dou^'las, Neil (1750-1823) . . . .343 Douglas, Sir Neil (1779-1853) . . .344 Douglas, Philip (rf. 1822) . . . .34.: Douglas, Robert, Viscount Belhavcn ( 1574 ?-

1639) 345

Douglas, Robert (1594-1674) . . . .346 Douglas, Sir Robert (1694-1770) . . . 347 Douvtlas, Sylvester, Baron (ilenb'irvie (1743-

1823) 348

Douglas, Thomas (/. 1661) . . . .350 Douglas, Thomas, fifth Earl of Selkirk, Banm

Daer and Shortcleuch( 1771-1^20) . .350 I)ou;:las, Sir Thomas Montcath (1787-1868) . 353 Douglas, William de, * the Han'y * (c/. 1298) . 354

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