There’s a lot of stuff here. It can be difficult to know where to start. The about page is where I share a bit about myself. There are tags that you can explore, each tag has a semi-secret rss feed. These feeds are a way to follow specific sorts of posts without having to get everything. Some fun tags to follow are “image” and “link log.” Anything tagged “og” is really rather old, and has been migrated through at least 2 different iterations of this website. Some things may be broken. Here’s a miscellany of tags, not all but some.
The wiki is the front door to some not-blog-shaped stuff. That page includes a collection of notable blog posts.
There’s a search box. Using it is a wee bit like scrying because luck and wind factor into what’ll come back. As alternate to the search box consider a teeny tiny search engine or another.
For the fearless reader, the reader of strong will and brave countenance, there’s the archive of past posts listed chronologically.
Venture onward, checkout the blogroll.