研究社 新英和中辞典 | カトリック
- カトリック
- Agnus Dei
- All Souls' Day
- Angelus
- Benedictine
- Black Friar
- Blessed Sacrament
- Candlemas
- Ember days
- Eucharist
- Gregorian chant
- High Mass
- Holy Thursday
- Host
- Immaculate Conception
- Lord's Supper
- Low Mass
- Mass
- Quinquagesima
- Sacred College
- Septuagesima
- Trappist
- acolyte
- advent
- altar boy
- anathema
- antiphon
- antiphonal
- apostolate
- archbishop
- archdeacon
- assumption
- basilica
- beatification
- beatify
- benediction
- biretta
- bishop
- black mass
- breviary
- brief
- brother
- bull
- canon
- canonical hours
- catechism
- chaplet
- chasuble
- coadjutor
- collation
- collect
- complin
- conclave
- confess
- confession
- confessional
- confessor
- consecration
- consistory
- curate
- deacon
- decade
- dispensation
- divine office
- ecumenical
- eminence
- evensong
- extreme unction
- friar
- godmother
- hour
- indulgence
- infallibility
- inquisition
- interdict
- introit
- jubilee
- matins
- missal
- miter
- monastery
- monstrance
- mystery
- novena
- office
- ordain
- order
- ordinance
- pall
- pardon
- paten
- patriarch
- penance
- penitent
- penitential
- plenary
- pontifical
- presbytery
- primate
- purgation
- purgatory
- rector
- requiem
- retreat
- rosary
- secular
- server
- sister
- sodality
- solemn mass
- soutane
- stole
- stoup
- suffragan
- the Elevation of the Host
- the Sacred Heart
- the Vicar of Christ
- the stations of the Cross
- venerable
- venial
- vesper
- vicar
- wafer