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該当件数 : 54



descriptive grammar  - 日本語WordNet


descriptive grammar [linguistics]  - 研究社 新英和中辞典


(in language) a kind of grammar called descriptive grammar  - EDR日英対訳辞書

比較[記述, 歴史]文法(学).例文帳に追加

comparative [descriptive, historical] grammar  - 研究社 新英和中辞典



a grammar that is produced by descriptive linguistics  - 日本語WordNet


正確な文法や使い方は xdm(1)に記述されています。例文帳に追加

The exact syntax and usage of all of these files is described in xdm(1) .  - FreeBSD


There is an interesting issue of whether an augmented context-free grammar can describe languages that cannot be described by a simple context-free grammar.  - コンピューター用語辞典

この RFC では Uniform Resource Name (URN) と Uniform Resource Locator(URL) の両方に対する一般的な文法的要求事項を記述しています。例文帳に追加

Document describing the generic syntactic requirements for both Uniform Resource Names (URNs) and Uniform ResourceLocators (URLs). - Python

字句解析と構文に関する記述では、BNF 文法記法に手を加えたものを使っています。例文帳に追加

The descriptions of lexical analysis and syntax use a modified BNFgrammar notation.  - Python



Indian grammarian whose grammatical rules for Sanskrit are the first known example of descriptive linguistics (circa 400 BC)  - 日本語WordNet



On the basis of the grammar number of the difference, the description of the corresponding grammar is taken out of the database and displayed on a display (step 27). - 特許庁


To provide a technique for estimating a grammar common to languages together with grammars of individual languages from a set of sentences described by a plurality of languages. - 特許庁


The natural language processor converts word notation expression grammar description data 101 wherein the constitution rule of a word belonging to a category having a large variety of notation is described to word notation context free grammar data 102 represented in the form of extended context free grammar. - 特許庁


To provide a voice recognizing device capable of preventing voice recognizing processing from being delayed due to the time for waiting for transfer of partial grammar when performing check processing based on the partial grammar prepared by dividing words and phrases to be recognized written in grammar into one part or more. - 特許庁


Hypertext document data 100 including a description for displaying an input column and the description regarding voice recognition syntax data to be applied to input voice to the input column are read in a document read part 101. - 特許庁


To achieve machine translation without making it necessary to prepare an accurate translation rule to a grammar phenomenon which is difficult to describe or can not be fully described as a translation rule. - 特許庁

拡張接辞文法(EAG)は, 言語の文脈自由構文および文脈依存構文の両方を記述するために開発された形式である.例文帳に追加

Extended Affix Grammar (EAG) is a formalism developed for describing both the context free syntax and the context sensitive syntax of languages.  - コンピューター用語辞典


The formatting of the grammar rules in the following sections placeseach clause on a separate line for clarity. Subsections  - Python


To extract grammatically and indirectly expressed context of events described in a text. - 特許庁


A non-deterministic binary tree automaton is generated from a document type definition 7 described in hedge grammars (document type definition grammar) by a binary tree automaton generation module 1. - 特許庁


To provide a device and a method which easily describe a voice recognition grammar of "a numeral+a numeral classifier". - 特許庁


A CPU 1 then generates XML language describing each layer according to an XML grammar rule and a definition of schema. - 特許庁


Input interpretation information described with a rule for interpreting the intention of an input is stored in an instruction input interpretation grammar storing part 107. - 特許庁


A use restriction file 101 described in a prescribed format is inputted to a grammar interpretation part 102 to interpret the description content. - 特許庁


That is, the language model has a connection of important words (e.g. a keywords needed to control equipment) described by using network grammar, and an unimportant word which is interposed between them is described with a probabilistic grammar model (statistical language model). - 特許庁

必ずしも文法全体を単一のproductionlist 環境に定義する必要はないので注意してください; 任意の数のグループを作って文法記述してかまいません。例文帳に追加

Note that the entire grammar does not need to be defined in a single productionlist environment; any number of groupings may be used to describe the grammar. - Python


In addition, since there are many grammar mistakes in the descriptions about the age before and after the Taika Reform (there are entirely no grammar mistakes in other ages), it has been pointed out that there is a chance that the Chronicles of Japan was altered.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To analyze the grammar of a document and display acquired information without passing through a compiler linker using a grammar description file which a user can customize. - 特許庁


To provide an analyzing device for a natural language capable of managing both flexible grammatical description that is not restricted by a specific grammatical format and an efficient analysis on the basis of dynamic programming. - 特許庁


A speech recognition syntax generating part 105 generates speech recognition syntax on the basis of the description about the alternatives in the selection box in the document data 100. - 特許庁


To provide an analyzing device of a natural language by which flexible grammar description without being retrained by a specific grammar form and efficient analysis based on dynamic programming are combined. - 特許庁


Templates for structure conversion are described in a conversion specification XML document 22 in association with a plurality of kinds of records, and associations among the templates are described in conformity with grammar of an XSLT style sheet. - 特許庁


By describing only added or deleted notation and outputting to a file by the context-free grammar same as the form of describing the place name notation dictionary, revision by the addition or deleting is made to be automatically reflected when creating a place name notation dictionary thereafter. - 特許庁


Only expressions to be added or deleted are described according to the same context-free grammar with a form for describing a geographical dictionary and output to a file so that when a geographical dictionary is manufactured after that, the change by addition/deletion treatment can be reflected automatically. - 特許庁


A nombre language interpretation program for providing the set of definition elements for describing a nombre generation rule generates nombre information by reading a file in which a plurality of nombre definitions described by predetermined grammar are described by using the set of the definition elements, and interrupting the file by every line. - 特許庁


This document rewriting transforms a set 1 of rewriting rules a user describes into a set 4 of rules of established phrase grammar by a translating device 2 and then transforms the set 4 of the rules of established phrase grammar into an integrated rule 6 which can perform high speed parallel processing. - 特許庁


a type of grammar that describes syntax in terms of a set of logical rules that can generate all and only the infinite number of grammatical sentences in a language and assigns them all the correct structural description  - 日本語WordNet


This reference manual describes the Python programming language.It is not intended as a tutorial.While I am trying to be as precise as possible, I chose to use Englishrather than formal specifications for everything except syntax and lexical analysis. - Python

例外は空のタプルで、この場合には丸括弧が必要です -- 丸括弧のつかない、``何も記述しない式 (nothing)'' を使えるようにしてしまうと、文法があいまいなものになってしまい、よくあるタイプミスが検出されなくなってしまいます。例文帳に追加

The exception is the empty tuple, for which parentheses are required -- allowing unparenthesized ``nothing''in expressions would cause ambiguities and allow common typos to pass uncaught. - Python


A grammar rule 23 for voice recognition is, e.g., described as a finite-state automaton of phonemes and an acoustic model 24 for voice recognition is, e.g., an HMM adapted for unspecific speakers. - 特許庁


The data fields can include information on spelling and grammar, parts of speech, steps where the entered word can be transformed into another word, a word description, and a segmentation related to a compound word. - 特許庁


Here, the determining portion 6 creates a message indicating the deficiency in description necessary for establishing the grammatically correct sentence, and outputs the message to an output device 8. - 特許庁


To remarkably reduce a workload on a designer and obtain HDL description with high quality by automatically correcting semantic solecism and making the corrected part outstanding. - 特許庁


The data fields can include information on spelling and grammar, parts of speech, steps in which the entered word can be transformed into another word, a word description, and a segmentation for a compound word. - 特許庁


When a voice recognition syntax with a meaning structure generation rule described therein is fetched (S201), at least one meaning structure is extracted from the included meaning structure generation rule (S202), so as to be presented to the author (S203). - 特許庁


A VoiceXML interpreter 302 interpreting an extended VoiceXML document having the extended DTMF input grammar to perform voice interaction accepts input after establishing grammar when the remote controller code described in the extended DTMF input grammar coincides with an input code obtained from a remote controller code conversion part 303. - 特許庁


In this verification device 20, a domain specialization model (a verification target) generation part 24 generates the domain specialization model (the verification target) wherein a specification of a specific system is described according to a domain specialization model grammar from a UML (Unified Modeling Language) model 13 (the verification target) wherein the specification of the system is described in UML based on a "UML model To domain specialization model mapping rule". - 特許庁


The description content of a structured text described on a home page is categorized in the order of the depth of its relation to an operation on the basis of a keyword or grammar such as return or retrieval, and at least one or more pieces of information among pieces of categorized information is not printed so that only essential information is printed, and that useless print can be eliminated. - 特許庁


Inconvenience, resulting from Japanese sentence description is improved and sentence interpretation is supported, by attaching assistance information (structure, manner of how a modifier modifies, abbreviations, etc.), that is helpful in transmitting the meaning or structure of a sentence to the sentence, that is grammatically flexibly represented or the sentence that is described with structural ambiguity remaining in a manner that is not directly reflected in a normal sentence presentation. - 特許庁


Python インタプリタと多数の標準ライブラリは、ほとんどのプラットフォームでソースコード形式でもバイナリ形式でも無料で入手することができ、無料で配布することができます。 このリファレンスマニュアルでは、Python 言語の文法と、``コアとなるセマンティクス'' について記述します。例文帳に追加

The Python interpreter and the extensive standard library are available in source or binary form without charge for all major platforms, and can be freely distributed.This reference manual describes the syntax and ``core semantics'' of the language. - Python


Copyright © Japan Patent office. All Rights Reserved.
日本語ワードネット1.1版 (C) 情報通信研究機構, 2009-2025 License. All rights reserved.
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.License
Copyright (C) 1994- Nichigai Associates, Inc., All rights reserved.
Copyright © National Institute of Information and Communications Technology. All Rights Reserved.
研究社 新英和中辞典
Copyright (c) 1995-2025 Kenkyusha Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
本サービスで使用している「Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス」はWikipediaの日本語文を独立行政法人情報通信研究機構が英訳したものを、Creative Comons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0による利用許諾のもと使用しております。詳細はhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ および http://alaginrc.nict.go.jp/WikiCorpus/ をご覧下さい。
この対訳コーパスは独立行政法人情報通信研究機構の研究成果であり、Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unportedでライセンスされています。
Copyright 2001-2004 Python Software Foundation.All rights reserved.
Copyright 2000 BeOpen.com.All rights reserved.
Copyright 1995-2000 Corporation for National Research Initiatives.All rights reserved.
Copyright 1991-1995 Stichting Mathematisch Centrum.All rights reserved.
Copyright 1994-2010 The FreeBSD Project. All rights reserved. license
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