意味 | 例文 (69件) |
該当件数 : 69件
“Associate patent agent” means a patent agent appointed by another patent agent in accordance with section 21; - 特許庁
A privately appointed agent may not appoint a sub-agent … - 法令用語日英標準対訳辞書
(3) (2)にいう商標代理人が,他の商標代理人を復代理人又は代替代理人として選任した場合は,通信は当該復代理人又は代替代理人と行われるものとする。例文帳に追加
(3) Where a trade-mark agent referred to in subsection (2) appoints another trade-mark agent as associate or substitute agent, correspondence shall be with the associate or substitute agent. - 特許庁
A substitute or associate attorney may be appointed by an attorney only upon the written authorization of his principal; but a third attorney appointed by the second will not be recognized. - 特許庁
A substitute or associate attorney may be appointed by an attorney only upon the written authorization of his principal; but a third attorney appointed by the second will not be recognized. [As amended by Office Order No. 08 (2000)] - 特許庁
For the purpose of appointing, in respect of an application, a patent agent or an associate patent agent or of revoking the appointment of a patent agent or an associate patent agent, the Commissioner shall have regard to communications from any of the applicant, the patent agent and the associate patent agent. - 特許庁
(1) 商標代理人がカナダ居住者でない場合は,当該代理人は,カナダ居住者である復代理人を選任しなければならない。例文帳に追加
(1) Where a trade-mark agent is not a resident of Canada, the agent shall appoint an associate agent who is a resident of Canada. - 特許庁
規則58 商標代理人の登録簿への回復の申請例文帳に追加
58 Application for restoration to Register of Trade Mark Agents. - 特許庁
The appointment of an associate patent agent may be revoked by submitting to the Commissioner a notice of revocation signed by the associate patent agent or the patent agent who appointed the associate patent agent. - 特許庁
Every patent agent who does not reside in Canada and who is appointed as the patent agent for an applicant in respect of an application shall appoint as the associate patent agent in respect of the application a patent agent who resides in Canada. - 特許庁
Every patent agent who resides in Canada and who is appointed as the patent agent for an applicant in respect of an application may appoint as the associate patent agent in respect of the application a patent agent who resides in Canada. - 特許庁
To commit an operation using encryption data to an agent without allowing the agent to take out a device incorporating a key for decrypting the encryption data. - 特許庁
the cases where the agent knows that the sub-agent is unsuitable or untrustworthy, and fails to notify the principal thereof or to dismiss the sub-agent - 法令用語日英標準対訳辞書
The appointment of an associate patent agent shall be made in the petition or by submitting to the Commissioner a notice signed by the patent agent who appointed the associate patent agent. - 特許庁
An application filed by a person who has been refused recognition as a patent agent by the Commissioner or an application that includes an appointment of such a person as patent agent of the applicant or as associate patent agent shall be treated by the Commissioner as an application filed by the applicant or by the patent agent who appointed the associate patent agent. - 特許庁
Where a person who becomes a party to proceedings before the Registrar appoints an agent for the first time or appoints an agent in substitution for another, the agent appointed shall file ID Form 10 with the Registrar, in duplicate on or before the first occasion on which he acts as an agent for that party in the proceedings. - 特許庁
any individual whose name has been removed from, and not restored to the register - 特許庁
recovery of court costs, including also the litigation expenses as prescribed by law, and the fees paid to the representative - 特許庁
The restoration of a name to the register of patent agents shall be published and communicated to the person concerned. - 特許庁
フィリピンの居住者でない出願人は,特許出願又は特許に関する司法上又は行政上の手続に係る通知又は処分の送達を受けるフィリピンに居住する代理人を指名し,かつ,維持しなければならない。 (a)出願人が2以上の代理人を指名した場合は,庁は,最後に指名された代理人にすべての処分を送達する。代理人は,本人の書面による授権がある場合にのみ,復代理人又は準代理人を指名することができる。復代理人が復々代理人を指名することは認められない。 (b)委任状の取消 委任状又は授権状は,長官への適切な届出があったときは,事件の手続の如何なる段階においても取り消すことができ,取消があったときは,庁は,当該取消を代理人に通知し,出願人又は出願人が後に指名する代理人に直接知らせるものとする。例文帳に追加
An applicant who is not a resident of the Philippines must appoint and maintain a resident agent or representative in the Philippines upon whom notice or process for judicial or administrative procedure relating to the application for patent or the patent may be served. (a) If there are two or more agents appointed by the applicant, the Office shall forward all actions to the last agent appointed. A substitute or associate attorney may be appointed by an attorney only upon the written authorization of his principal; but a third attorney appointed by the second will not be recognized. (b) Revocation of Power of Attorney. -- A power of attorney or authorization may be revoked at any stage in the proceedings of a case upon proper notification to the Director General, and, when revoked, the Office will notify the attorney or agent of such revocation and shall communicate directly with the applicant or with such other attorney or agent as he may later appoint. - 特許庁
Any act by or in relation to a patent agent or an associate patent agent shall have the effect of an act by or in relation to the applicant. - 特許庁
2 消費者契約の締結に係る消費者の代理人(復代理人(二以上の段階にわたり復代理人として選任された者を含む。)を含む 以下同じ。)、事業者の代理人及び受託者等の代理人は、前条第一項から第三項まで(前項において準用する場合を含む。次条及び第七条において同じ。)の規定の適用については、それぞれ消費者、事業者及び受託者等とみなす。例文帳に追加
(2) Any agent of a consumer (which includes a subagent (including any person appointed as a subagent through more than two layers). The same shall apply hereinafter), agent of a business operator and agent of entrusted person, etc. as above involved in the execution of a consumer contract shall be deemed to be the consumer, business operator and entrusted person, etc., respectively in the application of paragraphs (1) to (3) of the preceding article (including the case where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to the preceding paragraph. The same shall apply in the following article and in Article 7). - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
Where an applicant is not the inventor and no patent agent residing in Canada has been appointed or any such appointment has been revoked, the Commissioner shall by notice requisition either that the applicant appoint a patent agent residing in Canada or, where a non-resident patent agent has been appointed, that the non-resident patent agent appoint an associate patent agent, within the three-month period after the date of the notice. - 特許庁
The restoration of a name to the register of trade marks agent shall be notified in the Journal and shall be communicated to the person concerned. - 特許庁
(1) 第89条(3)に基づき商標代理人の登録簿へ回復されることを願う者は,長官に対して書面でその旨申請する。例文帳に追加
(1) A person desiring to be restored to the Register of Trade Mark Agents under section 89(3) shall make an application to that effect in writing to the Controller. - 特許庁
(a) 商標代理人の登録簿から名称が削除され回復されていないか又は一時停止されている個人例文帳に追加
(a) an individual whose name has been erased from and not restored to, or who is suspended from, the Register of Trade Mark Agents; - 特許庁
(a) 出願人又はその職業代理人が署名しており,原状回復を明示して請求する請求書が存在すること。例文帳に追加
a) there exists a request signed by the applicant or his professional representative which explicitly requests the reinstatement; - 特許庁
(a) 出願人,特許所有者又は,該当する場合は,その職業代理人が,明示して原状回復の請求をすること例文帳に追加
a) the applicant, patent owner or the professional representative, as the case may be, expressly request the reinstatement; - 特許庁
any person whose name has been erased from the register of patent agents kept under the provisions of the Act and not since restored; - 特許庁
(2) (1)に従って商標復代理人が選任されていない場合は,登録官は,出願人と通信しなければならない。例文帳に追加
(2) Where an associate trade-mark agent is not appointed pursuant to subsection (1), the Registrar shall correspond with the applicant. - 特許庁
次の事項に関する連絡については,(1)を適用しない: (a) 移転,ライセンス又は約定担保権 (b) 出願人,特許権者,特許代理人,特許復代理人又は送達代理人の名称又は住所の変更,又は (c) 出願を有効に維持し,又は特許により付与される権利を維持するための手数料例文帳に追加
Subsection (1) does not apply in respect of communications relating to (a) a transfer, a licence or a security interest; (b) a change in the name or address of an applicant, a patentee, a patent agent, an associate patent agent or a representative for service; or (c) fees to maintain an application in effect or to maintain the rights accorded by a patent. - 特許庁
出願に関する特許庁職員との面会は,次の者により特許庁の就業時間内に行うことができる: (a) 権限ある通信者 (b) 出願人。ただし,権限ある通信者の許可を必要とする。又は (c) 非居住者である選任された特許代理人。ただし,特許復代理人の許可を必要とする。例文帳に追加
Interviews with members of the Patent Office staff in respect of an application may be held during the business hours of the Patent Office by (a) the authorized correspondent; (b) the applicant, with the permission of the authorized correspondent; or (c) an appointed non-resident patent agent, with the permission of the associate patent agent. - 特許庁
The first tag with the temporary tag is stored in a registration applicant's storage medium connected to one input port, and the second tag with the temporary tag is stored in an agent's storage medium inserted in the other input port. - 特許庁
第16条(3)に従って特許代理人の名称が特許代理人登録簿から抹消されている場合に,当該特許代理人が次の手続を行うときは,登録簿に回復させることができる: (a) 特許代理人の名称が登録簿から抹消された日から1年の期間内に,書面で長官に回復を申請し, (b) 登録簿への回復の申請のための附則II項目36に掲げる手数料を納付し, (c) 登録簿に特許代理人の名称を維持するために第16条(1)(a)にいう手数料を納付し,又は場合により第16条(1)(b)若しくは(c)にいう陳述書を提出し,かつ (d) 登録簿に特許代理人の名称を記入するための第15条にいう要件を満たすこと例文帳に追加
Where the name of a patent agent has been removed from the register of patent agents pursuant to subsection 16(3), it may be reinstated on the register if the patent agent (a) applies to the Commissioner, in writing, for reinstatement within the one-year period after the date on which the name of the patent agent was removed from the register; (b) pays the fee set out in item 36 of Schedule II for applying for reinstatement on the register; (c) pays the fee referred to in paragraph 16(1)(a) for maintaining the name of the patent agent on the register or files the statement referred to in paragraph 16(1)(b) or (c), as the case may be; and (d) meets the requirements referred to in section 15 for entry of the name of the patent agent on the register. - 特許庁
(1) 第22条(3)に従って商標代理人一覧から削除された商標代理人の名称については,当該一覧から当該代理人の名称が削除された日から1年以内に,当該代理人が登録官に対し申請し,かつ,次の場合は,これを回復することができる。 (a) 第22条(1)(b)又は該当する場合により(c)によって要求される陳述書を提出し,又は (b) 附則の項目21及び項目22に記載する手数料を納付した場合例文帳に追加
(1) The name of a trade-mark agent that has been removed from the list of trade-mark agents pursuant to subsection 22(3) may be reinstated if the agent applies to the Registrar within one year after the date of the removal of the agent’s name from the list, and (a) files the statement required by paragraph 22(1)(b) or (c), as applicable; or (b) pays the fees set out in items 21 and 22 of the schedule. - 特許庁
「権限ある通信者」とは,出願に関して,次の者をいう: (a) 当該出願が発明者により出願された場合は,次の者。ただし,当該発明者の特許を受ける権利又は当該発明に係わるすべての利益の移転について特許庁に登録されておらず,かつ,特許代理人が選任されていない場合に限る。 (i) 唯一の発明者 (ii) 2以上の共同発明者全員により共同発明者のために行動することを授権されたそれら共同発明者のうちの1,又は (iii) 2以上の共同発明者が存在し,かつ,何れの発明者も(ii)に従って授権されていない場合は,願書に最初に記載された発明者,又はPCT国内段階出願の場合は,国際出願に最初に記載された発明者 (b) 特許復代理人が選任されている場合又は第21条に従って特許復代理人を選任することが必要とされている場合は,特許復代理人,又は (c) (a)及び(b)が適用されない場合は,第20条に従って選任された特許代理人例文帳に追加
“Authorized correspondent” means, in respect of an application, (a) where the application was filed by the inventor, where no transfer of the inventor’s right to the patent or of the whole interest in the invention has been registered in the Patent Office and where no patent agent has been appointed (i) the sole inventor, (ii) one of two or more joint inventors authorized by all such inventors to act on their joint behalf, or (iii) where there are two or more joint inventors and no inventor has been authorized in accordance with subparagraph (ii), the first inventor named in the petition or, in the case of PCT national phase applications, the first inventor named in the international application, (b) where an associate patent agent has been appointed or is required to be appointed pursuant to section 21, the associate patent agent, or (c) where paragraphs (a) and (b) do not apply, a patent agent appointed pursuant to section 20; - 特許庁
In particular, he may file an application for a design, withdraw such applications, waive a registered design, file and withdraw petitions or appeals to be dealt with by the Nullity Section, conclude settlements, accept service of documents of every kind, receive payment of official fees and of the cost of proceedings and representation from adverse parties and appoint a representative. - 特許庁
PCT国内段階出願以外の出願が,当該出願の出願日に,次の情報及び書類を含んでいない場合において,出願人が,出願日から12月の期間の満了後に附則II項目2に掲げる手数料を納付せず,かつ,次の情報及び書類を提出しないときは,法律第73条(2)の適用上,当該出願は放棄されたものとみなす: (a) 要約 (b) 第20条により要求される場合は,特許代理人の選任 (c) 第21条により要求される場合は,特許復代理人の選任,及び (d) 法律第29条により要求される場合は,代理人の選任例文帳に追加
Where an application other than a PCT national phase application did not, on the filing date of the application, contain the information and documents listed below, the application shall, for the purposes of section 73(2) of the Act, be deemed to be abandoned if, after the expiry of the twelve-month period after the filing date, the applicant has not paid the fee set out in item 2 of Schedule II and filed the following information and documents: (a) an abstract; (b) an appointment of a patent agent, where required by section 20; (c) an appointment of an associate patent agent, where required by section 21; and (d) an appointment of a representative, where required by section 29 of the Act. - 特許庁
(5) 原状回復請求を受理する又は却下する旨の決定は,出願人,特許所有者又は,該当する場合は,職業代理人に連絡される。例文帳に追加
(5) The decision to accept or reject the request for reinstatement shall be communicated to the applicant, patent owner or the professional representative, as the case may be. - 特許庁
An application for the restoration of the name of any person removed from the register of patent agents under sub-section (2) of section 130 shall be made in Form 23 within two months from the date of such removal. - 特許庁
If the name of a person is restored to the register of patent agents, his name shall be continued therein for a period of one year from the date on which his last annual fee became due. - 特許庁
プロキシが代理復号機能及び代理再暗号機能を行うことが可能ID ベース二機能付きプロキシ暗号システムであって、代理人権限の解除可能なシステムを提供すること。例文帳に追加
To provide an ID-based proxy encryption system with double functions in which a proxy can implement a proxy decryption function and a proxy re-encryption function and proxy authority can be canceled. - 特許庁
The agent terminal device acquires the approval of registration nominal person (registration applicant) when browsing the registration identification information, and acquires the first tally and the third tally, and collates the second tally with them to decode the registration identification information. - 特許庁
(1) 法律審判請求に関する手続においては,裁判所構成員の除斥及び忌避,授権代理人及び法律的補佐人,書類の職権送達,召喚,開廷及び期限,並びに権利回復に関する民事訴訟法の規定が準用される。権利回復の場合は,第 123条(5)から(7)までが準用される。例文帳に追加
(1) In proceedings regarding an appeal on a point of law, the provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure concerning exclusion and challenge of members of the Court, authorized representatives and legal assistants, ex-officio service of documents, summonses, sessions and time limits, and reinstatement shall apply mutatis mutandis. In the case of reinstatement, Section 123(5) to (7) shall apply mutatis mutandis. - 特許庁
The Attorney General may, with the approval of His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan, make rules authorizing the Registrar to refuse to recognize as an agent in respect of any business under this Act a person who has been convicted of an offence under section 77; an individual whose name has been erased from and not restored to, or who is suspended from, the register of trade mark agents on the grounds of misconduct; a person who is found by the Registrar to have been guilty of such conduct as would, in the case of an individual registered in the register of trade mark agents, render him liable to have his name erased from the register on the grounds of misconduct; a partnership or body corporate of which one of the partners or directors is a person whom the Registrar could refuse to recognize. The rules may contain such incidental and supplementary provisions as appear to the Attorney General to be appropriate, including the not yet in force. prescription of circumstances in which a person is or is not to be taken to have been guilty of misconduct. - 特許庁
第八百八十四条 相続回復の請求権は、相続人又はその法定代理人が相続権を侵害された事実を知った時から五年間行使しないときは、時効によって消滅する。相続開始の時から二十年を経過したときも、同様とする。例文帳に追加
Article 884 If the right to claim for recovery of inheritance is not exercised within five years of the time an heir or his/her legal representative becomes aware of the fact that the inheritance right has been infringed, that right shall be extinguished by prescription. The right shall also be extinguished if twenty years have passed from the time of commencement of inheritance. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
In proceedings in respect of the appeal on a point of law, the provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure regarding exclusion and challenge of members of the court, authorized representatives and legal assistants, ex-officio service of documents, summonses, sessions and time limits, and reinstatement, shall apply mutatis mutandis. - 特許庁
本法により又は本法に基づいて,登録官の前で,何人かが宣誓供述以外の何らかの行為をすることを求められているときは,その行為については,本件について制定の規則に従うことを条件として,その者自身による代りに,所定の方法により正当に委任された,次に掲げる者によって行為をすることができる。 (a) 弁護士 (b) 所定の方法により,商標の代理人として登録されている者,又は (c) 正式かつ正規の復代理人例文帳に追加
Where, by or under this Act, any act, other than the making of an affidavit, is required to be done before the Registrar by any person, the act may, subject to the rules made in this behalf, be done instead of by that person himself, by a person duly authorized in the prescribed manner, who is (a) a legal practitioner, or (b) a person registered in the prescribed manner as a trade marks agent, or (c) a person in the sole and regular employment of the principal. - 特許庁
(3) 規則では,登録特許代理人の職業上の行為及びその業務を規制するための規定を設けることができ,その目的で,次のことのすべて又は何れかに関して規定を設けることができる。 (a) 登録特許代理人に対する苦情を申し立てること及び当該苦情に関して聴聞を行い,決定を下すこと (b) 登録特許代理人に対して罰金を課すること。譴責すること及び登録を停止し又は取り消すことを含む。 (c) 証人を召喚すること (d) 誓約又は確約に基づく証言を聴取すること (e) 証言を行う者に誓約又は確約をさせること (f) 書類又は物品の提出を要求すること (g) 取り消された登録を回復すること及び登録に課された停止措置を解除すること例文帳に追加
(3) The rules may make provision to regulate the professional conduct of registered patent agents and their practice and, for that purpose, may make provision for and in relation to all or any of the following: (a) making complaints against registered patent agents and hearing and deciding upon such complaints; (b) imposing penalties on registered patent agents, including issuing a reprimand, and suspending or cancelling registration; (c) summoning witnesses; (d) receiving evidence from persons on oath or affirmation; (e) administering oaths or affirmations to persons giving evidence; (f) requiring persons to produce documents or articles; (g) restoring any registration that has been cancelled and lifting the suspension imposed on any registration. - 特許庁
Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2,where a person other than an agent of an independent status to whom the provisions of paragraph 6 apply is acting on behalf of an enterprise and has, and habitually exercises, in a Contracting State an authority to conclude contracts in the name of the enterprise, that enterprise shall be deemed to have a permanent establishment in that Contracting State in respect of any activities which that person undertakes for the enterprise, - 財務省
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※この記事は「日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム」の2010年1月現在の情報を転載しております。 |
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Copyright © Japan Patent office. All Rights Reserved. |
※この記事は「日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム」の2010年9月現在の情報を転載しております。 |
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