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該当件数 : 23



Because civil society is key - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


militant civil rights leader (1925-1965)  - 日本語WordNet

これらすべてのカギとなるのは 公民的な社会を強化することです例文帳に追加

The key to all this is reinforcing civil society. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書

俺に対して役立たずで公民権の無い 反抗な天使を 導くのだ カスティエル例文帳に追加

Lead the dumb, disenfranchised, rebellious angels against me, castiel. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書



Selfish men were...trying to make capital for themselves out of the sacred cause of civil rights- Maria Weston Chapman  - 日本語WordNet



Although the revisions of the law carried out in 1911, 1921, 1925 and 1929 had increased the autonomy and expanded the civil right, the basic character of this law remained unaltered.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


For example, the Social Education Act, Article 23, paragraph 1 prohibits the use of public halls for the purpose of profits (operating a business solely for the purpose of profits and letting a specific profit-oriented business use the name of a public hall to give aid to the profit-oriented business).  - 経済産業省


This article has been considered to have eliminated such private ownership and ruling of lands and people and have converted the old system into a system which the emperor comprehensively ruled the nation, in other words, conversion of private ownership of lands and people into a Kochi Komin system of state ownership of lands and people.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


United States civil rights leader who refused to give up her seat on a bus to a white man in Montgomery (Alabama) and so triggered the national Civil Rights movement (born in 1913)  - 日本語WordNet



The Imperial Court made efforts to introduce a system of centralized government based on the ritsuryo codes by reforming the system of clans and hereditary titles, enforcing the ownership of all lands and serfs by the emperor, and introducing a uniform tax system (taxes in kind or service).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



There is a high possibility that the notion of Kochi Komin sei did not exist at that time and therefore, institution of Sanze-isshin Law and Konden Einen Shizai Law were rather aimed at reinforcing the Ritsuryo system.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Zakko and ryoko (imperial tomb guard) which was one of Goshiki no sen (the base people of five colors) were similar in terms of legal status, but are different in that zakko, as with citizens, were obliged to be involved in giso (to stockpile grain in case of famine).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To conduct a site which provides a forum like a community center unique to each area, area circles, a bulletin board for public information, store introduction, etc., for residents of the area. - 特許庁


At Shiraho Village in Ishigaki-jima Island, Okinawa Prefecture, a traditional event where 'young people entering adulthood gather village people in the community hall, and express the joy of entering adulthood and giving recognition to village people by dancing' is held, and is reported by TV Asahi in the program 'among disturbed Seijin-shiki ceremonies in Okinawa.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Article 1 in the Kaishin no Mikotonori edict, however, banned such private ownership and control of lands and people and declared the establishment of a system that the emperor (the public) should own and rule all the lands and pelple, in other words, the conversion of Shichi Shimin sei (private ownership) to Kochi Komin sei (public ownership).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Jintozei (primitive taxes which were imposed individually) were the core financial resources in the tax system of Japan until around the 10th century, when the taxation system was converted from an individual tax imposition system to a land tax imposition system: this conversion was triggered by the collapse of the system of complete state ownership of land and citizens, after the managing system based on the family register and Keicho (the yearly tax registers) had collapsed.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

三 駅舎その他の鉄道の施設、図書館、公民館、変電所その他これらに類する公益上必要な建築物のうち開発区域及びその周辺の地域における適正かつ合理な土地利用及び環境の保全を図る上で支障がないものとして政令で定める建築物の建築の用に供する目で行う開発行為例文帳に追加

(iii) Development activities performed for the purpose of building stations or other railway facilities, libraries, community halls, transformer substations or similar buildings necessary for the public interest specified by Cabinet Order as those cause no trouble to appropriate and reasonable land use and environmental preservation in the development areas and surrounding areas;  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


However, a public notice from the chief of the Lifelong Learning and Social Education Policy Bureau, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (ISEI, No. 15, September 22, 1995) stated that it is preferable to make a rule for rectification by securing the fairness at the time when private operators use facilities on the basis of specific examples on the assumption that the autonomy of local communities is esteemed.  - 経済産業省


・ that it is a transmission of copyrighted work which has already been made public; and ・ that the transmission does not unreasonably prejudice the interests of the copyright owner in light of the nature and the purpose of the work as well as the form of the transmission. In the first place, only the nonprofit-oriented educational institutions, such as schools or community centers are the subject entities, while the private profit-oriented e-learning Vendors are not.  - 経済産業省


It is also absolutely necessary to enhance monodzukuri education, such as science/math education programs at elementary, junior high, and senior high schools, push ahead with systematic career education throughout various school stages, encourage understanding of S&T (science and technology) at community centers or museums, and develop/enhance basic technologies related to monodzukuri.  - 経済産業省


In addition, the rank of former zakko people was not changed from the citizen to zakko again, as is obvious from the fact that zakkoseki was not prepared after the Tenpyo-shoho era, thus they are thought in fact to have served government offices within the scope of zoyo defined under the ritsuryo codes even when requisitioned (this can also be assumed from the subsequent treatment of umakai which followed the similar emancipation process.)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


As a result, the idea in that all land was under the sole ownership of the emperor and individuals were merely borrowing the land from the emperor or the idea in that feudal lords had the land ownership or the idea of cooperative ownership by local communities such as villages were completely collapsed; private land ownership by individuals was recognized legally for the first time in Japan; and land came to be treated as the objects of circulation or collateral as the property of individuals.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


第2条 国家の政策の宣言 国家は,効果な知上かつ産業上の財産制度がフィリピンにおける創造な活動の発展のために重要であり,技術移転を促進し,外国からの投資を誘引し,また,フィリピンの製品に対する市場のアクセスを保証するものであることを認識する。本制度は,科学者,発明者,芸術家その他の才能に恵まれた公民の排他権利を,それらの者の知所有権及び創作物に対して,人民に対して有益であるときには特に,本法で定める期間について保護し,及び確保する。 知所有権の利用は,社会の機能を支える。この目のため,国家は,国の発展及び進展並びに公共の利益の促進のために知識及び情報の普及を促進する。 特許,商標及び著作権の登録のための行政手続を合理化し,技術移転に関する登録を緩やかにし,そしてフィリピンにおける知所有権の行使を高めることも,国家の政策である。例文帳に追加

Sec.2 Declaration of State Policy The State recognizes that an effective intellectual and industrial property system is vital to the development of domestic and creative activity, facilitates transfer of technology, attracts foreign investments, and ensures market access for our products. It shall protect and secure the exclusive rights of scientists, inventors, artists and other gifted citizens to their intellectual property and creations, particularly when beneficial to the people, for such periods as provided in this Act. The use of intellectual property bears a social function. To this end, the State shall promote the diffusion of knowledge and information for the promotion of national development and progress and the common good. It is also the policy of the State to streamline administrative procedures of registering patents, trademarks and copyright, to liberalize the registration on the transfer of technology, and to enhance the enforcement of intellectual property rights in the Philippines. - 特許庁


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