意味 | 例文 (51件) |
該当件数 : 51件
unjust enrichment - 斎藤和英大辞典
Management Without Mandate and Unjust Enrichment - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
第69条 侵害訴訟における不当利得の返還命令例文帳に追加
69. Order for account in action for infringement - 特許庁
(e) 特許の侵害から得た不当利得の引渡を請求すること例文帳に追加
(e) he may require surrender of the enrichment obtained by the infringement of the patent; - 特許庁
五 事務管理又は不当利得により破産手続開始後に破産財団に対して生じた請求権例文帳に追加
(v) A claim arising against the bankruptcy estate after the commencement of bankruptcy proceedings from management without mandate or unjust enrichment - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
(2) (1)の規定は,損害又は不当利得に係る商標の所有者の責任を害するものではない。例文帳に追加
(2) The provision of paragraph (1) shall be without prejudice to the liability of the proprietor of the trade mark for damage or unjustified enrichment. - 特許庁
今日まで ナチの戦争不当利得者の物である スイス銀行の口座が 今もなお突き止められています例文帳に追加
To this day, swiss bank accounts are still being identified that belong to nazi war profiteers. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
六 事務管理又は不当利得により再生手続開始後に再生債務者に対して生じた請求権例文帳に追加
(vi) A claim arising against the rehabilitation debtor after the commencement of rehabilitation proceedings from management without mandate or unjust enrichment - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
Aggravating circumstances shall in particular be considered to exist if a significant and obviously unlawful profit is intended by the infringement. - 特許庁
In an action for infringement of a patent the plaintiff shall be entitled, at his option, to an account of profits instead of damages. - 特許庁
The provision of paragraph 1 does not affect the liability of the proprietor of the trade mark for damage or unjustified enrichment. - 特許庁
Aggravating circumstances shall in particular be considered to exist if a significant and obviously unlawful profit is intended by the infringement. - 特許庁
第十六条 事務管理又は不当利得の当事者は、その原因となる事実が発生した後において、事務管理又は不当利得によって生ずる債権の成立及び効力について適用すべき法を変更することができる。ただし、第三者の権利を害することとなるときは、その変更をその第三者に対抗することができない。例文帳に追加
Article 16 The parties to the management without mandate or unjust enrichment may change a law applicable to the formation and effect of a claim arising from the management without mandate or unjust enrichment after the facts constituting the cause of it occurred; provided, however, that if such change prejudices the rights of a third party, it may not be asserted against the third party. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
(II) Duty of user where no license agreement was formed (duty to avoid unjust enrichment; "futo-ritoku-henkan-gimu") Because the user has a duty to avoid becoming unjustly enriched, where no license agreement is formed, the user may not use the information property. To ensure that this duty is performed, the Vendor may demand that the user erase the information property. - 経済産業省
3 認可協会は、その定款において、詐欺行為、相場を操縦する行為又は不当な手数料若しくは費用の徴収その他協会員及び金融商品仲介業者の不当な利得行為を防止して、取引の信義則を助長することに努める旨を定めなければならない。例文帳に追加
(3) An Authorized Association shall stipulate in its articles of incorporation that it shall endeavor to prevent fraudulent acts, market manipulation or collection of unreasonable fees or expenses and other acts of unfair profiting by Member Firms and Financial Instruments Intermediary Service Providers, as well as to promote the fair and equitable principles of transactions. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
3 協会は、その定款において、詐欺行為、相場を操縦する行為又は不当な手数料若しくは費用の徴収その他協会員の不当な利得行為を防止して、取引の信義則を助長することに努める旨を定めなければならない。例文帳に追加
(3) An Association shall stipulate in its articles of incorporation that it will endeavor to prevent any fraudulent act, act of manipulating quotations, collection of an unreasonable fee or cost or profiteering by an Association Member and to promote the fair and equitable principles of transactions. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
3 協会は、その定款において、詐欺行為、相場を操縦する行為又は不当な手数料若しくは費用の徴収その他協会員の不当な利得行為を防止して、取引の信義則を助長することに努める旨を定めなければならない。例文帳に追加
(3) An Association shall stipulate in its articles of incorporation that it will endeavor to prevent any fraudulent act, act of manipulating quotations, collection of an unreasonable fee or cost or profiteering by an Association Member and to promote the fair and equitable principles of transactions. - 経済産業省
第十四条 事務管理又は不当利得によって生ずる債権の成立及び効力は、その原因となる事実が発生した地の法による。例文帳に追加
Article 14 The formation and effect of a claim arising from management without mandate (negotiorum gestio) or unjust enrichment shall be governed by the law of the place where the facts constituting the cause of it occurred. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
(1) (ii)に従い損害賠償金を決定するに当たり,被害者の被った逸失利益及び侵害者の取得した不当利得を特に考慮しなければならない。例文帳に追加
In fixing the damages according to subsection 1 (ii) inter alia the loss of profit suffered by the injured party and the illicit profit obtained by the infringer shall be taken into consideration. - 特許庁
(1) (ii)に従い損害賠償金を定めるに当たっては,特に,被害者が被った逸失利益及び侵害者が取得した不当利得を考慮しなければならない。例文帳に追加
In fixing the damages according to subsection (1) (ii) inter alia the loss of profit suffered by the injured party and the illicit profit obtained by the infringer shall be taken into consideration. - 特許庁
(a) 特許権者が損害賠償又は侵害による不当利得の引渡に関する請求の後日の実現を危うくする虞がある事情を証明した場合に,司法執行法の規定に従って予防措置を命令すること例文帳に追加
(a) order precautionary measures in accordance with the provisions of the Act on Judicial Execution, if he demonstrates circumstances likely to endanger the later satisfaction of his claim for damages or for the surrender of the enrichment obtained by infringement; - 特許庁
(2) 特許権者側の過失若しくは悪意の結果としての損害賠償訴訟に関するか又は不当利得に関する原則の適用にも拘らず,特許の無効の遡及効果については,次のものには及ばない。例文帳に追加
2. Notwithstanding the application of the principles relating to actions for damages as a result of a fault or of bad faith on the part of the patent owner or relating to unjustified gain, the retroactive effect of nullity of the patent shall not effect: - 特許庁
Provided that the Court shall not grant relief by way of damages, or account of profits, or costs except in the circumstances mentioned in subsection (2) of this section. - 特許庁
The right to claim the surrender of unjustified enrichment and to claim the damages shall not be affected. - 特許庁
In fixing the damages according to subsection l(ii) inter alia the loss of profit suffered by the injured party and the illicit profit obtained by the infringer shall be taken into consideration. - 特許庁
If the infringer has obtained anything through the infringement at the expense of the claimant, the infringer shall be liable, even after expiration of the term of limitation, for restitution in accordance with the provisions on the surrender of unjust enrichment. - 特許庁
If the infringer has obtained anything through the infringement at the expense of the claimant, the said infringer shall be liable, even after expiration of the term of limitation, for the restitution in accordance with the provisions on restitution of unjust enrichment. - 特許庁
Subject to the provisions relating either to compensation for damage willfully or negligently caused on the part of the proprietor of the trade mark, or to unjust enrichment, the cancellation of the registration of the trade mark shall not affect - 特許庁
Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1), the court shall not grant relief by way of damages (other than nominal damages) or on account of profits in any case . - 特許庁
However, since it is impossible to return (to transfer possession of) information property, by nature an intangible object, a question arises about what the duty to return unjust enrichment as prescribed in Article 703 of the Civil Code actually means. - 経済産業省
(2) Duty to return unjust enrichment When a user makes a copy of information property, the Vendor suffers no loss because the cost of the copy is borne by the user. - 経済産業省
(i) Method of Exercising Rights (A) The rights that a right holder may claim against a rights infringer include injunction claims, compensatory damages claims, restitution of unjust enrichment claims, confidence recovery claims among others. - 経済産業省
1929年以来、私たちの経済を無力可している 寄生要素を根絶させるさせましょう 財政的不当利得者の把握力から大衆を解放しましょう例文帳に追加
Vowing to root out the parasitic elements... that have crippled our economy since 1929... and to liberate the masses from the grip of financial profiteers. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
(1) Problem identification Where certain information property has been provided (transmitted) to a user in conclusion of a contract, if no license agreement is formed or has become invalid, the user has to both stop using the information property and to return any copy of the information property. These acts are necessitated by Article 703 of the Civil Code which places a duty on the user to avoid becoming unjustly enriched and under which the retention of any copies of information property constitutes a benefit. - 経済産業省
第十五条 前条の規定にかかわらず、事務管理又は不当利得によって生ずる債権の成立及び効力は、その原因となる事実が発生した当時において当事者が法を同じくする地に常居所を有していたこと、当事者間の契約に関連して事務管理が行われ又は不当利得が生じたことその他の事情に照らして、明らかに同条の規定により適用すべき法の属する地よりも密接な関係がある他の地があるときは、当該他の地の法による。例文帳に追加
Article 15 Notwithstanding the preceding Article, the formation and effect of a claim arising from management without mandate or unjust enrichment shall be governed by the law of the place that is obviously more closely connected with the management without mandate or unjust enrichment than the place indicated in the said Article, in light of that the parties had their habitual residence in the places governed by the same law at the time of the occurrence of the facts constituting the cause of the management without mandate or unjust enrichment, that management without mandate was performed or unjust enrichment arose in connection with a contract concluded between the parties, or any other circumstances concerned. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
Therefore, according to the duty to return unjust enrichment under Article 703 of the Civil Code (or at least through the analogical application of Article 703 of the Civil Code where its clauses do not directly apply), the user may not employ the information property if a license agreement has not been formed and, in order to ensure that the user will not employ it, the Vendor may demand that the user completely erase (delete) the information property. - 経済産業省
It shall also end if a member loses Austrian citizenship, if his legal capacity is restricted or if he is condemned to imprisonment for more than one year for a willfully committed indictable act or if he is convicted for an indictable act committed with a view to enrichment. - 特許庁
4 施行日前にその原因となる事実が発生した事務管理及び不当利得並びに施行日前に加害行為の結果が発生した不法行為によって生ずる債権の成立及び効力については、新法第十五条から第二十一条までの規定にかかわらず、なお従前の例による。例文帳に追加
(4) With regard to the formation and effect of a claim arising from management without mandate and unjust enrichment for which the facts constituting the cause occurred prior to the Date of Effectuation, and a claim arising from a tort for which the result of the wrongful act occurred prior to the Date of Enforcement, notwithstanding Article 15 to Article 21 of the New Act, the provisions then in force shall remain applicable. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
第百十七条 共同著作物の各著作者又は各著作権者は、他の著作者又は他の著作権者の同意を得ないで、第百十二条の規定による請求又はその著作権の侵害に係る自己の持分に対する損害の賠償の請求若しくは自己の持分に応じた不当利得の返還の請求をすることができる。例文帳に追加
Article 117 (1) Each co-author of, or each co-holder of the copyright in, a work of joint authorship shall be entitled to make, without the consent of the other co-authors or co-holders of the copyright, the demand provided for in Article 112, and/or a demand for compensation for damages to his share or a demand for the return of the unjust enrichment corresponding to his share. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
In any action in respect of a use of a trade-mark contrary to subsection (1), the court may decline to order the recovery of damages or profits and may permit the defendant to continue to sell wares marked with the trade-mark that were in his possession or under his control at the time notice was given to him that the owner of the registered trade-mark complained of the use of the trade-mark. - 特許庁
(4) 商標により付与された権利が侵害された場合は,商標所有者は,自己の権利を侵害すること又はその虞があることの禁止を申請し,かつ,当該行為の結果を是正する権利を有する。商標所有者はまた,金銭的補償を含め,適切な補償を請求することができる。不当利得の引渡を請求し,かつ,損害賠償を請求する権利は,影響を受けない。例文帳に追加
(4) If an rights conferred by the trade mark were infringed, the proprietor of the trade mark shall have the right to apply for prohibition of an infringement or jeopardising of his rights and to remedy the consequences of such action; the proprietor of the trade mark may also claim appropriate satisfaction, including pecuniary satisfaction. The right to claim the surrender of unjustified enrichment and to claim the damages shall not be affected. - 特許庁
A temporary member shall cease to hold office if he loses Austrian citizenship, if his legal capacity is restricted or, if, as a result of a willfully committed indictable act, he is condemned to more than one year’s imprisonment, or if he is convicted of an indictable offense committed with a view to enrichment. - 特許庁
The relief which a court may grant in any suit for infringement or for passing off referred to in section 134 includes injunction (subject to such terms, if any, as the court thinks fit) and at the option of the plaintiff, either damages or an account of profits, together with or without any order for the delivery up of the infringing labels and marks for destruction or erasure. - 特許庁
The Restoration Duty is essentially a duty to avoid any one party becoming unjustly enriched at the expense of the counterparty. However, the scope of the Restoration Duty is larger than that of unjust enrichment. In principle, Restoration Duty specifically means the return of any tangible object already delivered by a Vendor who has terminated the contract. If what has already been delivered cannot be returned in its original form due to its nature, then the objective monetary value of the object must be presented in its place. - 経済産業省
第百十八条 無名又は変名の著作物の発行者は、その著作物の著作者又は著作権者のために、自己の名をもつて、第百十二条、第百十五条若しくは第百十六条第一項の請求又はその著作物の著作者人格権若しくは著作権の侵害に係る損害の賠償の請求若しくは不当利得の返還の請求を行なうことができる。ただし、著作者の変名がその者のものとして周知のものである場合及び第七十五条第一項の実名の登録があつた場合は、この限りでない。例文帳に追加
Article 118 (1) The publisher of an anonymous or pseudonymous work shall be entitled to make, in his own name and for the benefit of the author or the copyright holder of said work, the demand provided for in Article 112, Article 115 or Article 116, paragraph (1), or a demand for compensation for damages for an infringement of the moral rights of author or the copyright, as the case may be, or for return of an unjust enrichment. The foregoing, however, shall not apply where the pseudonym is widely known as being that of the author and where the true name of the author has been registered under the provisions of Article 75, paragraph (1). - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
Power of court to grant relief Where a court is satisfied, on application of any interested person, that any act has been done contrary to this Act, the court may make any order that it considers appropriate in the circumstances, including an order providing for relief by way of injunction and the recovery of damages or profits and for the destruction, exportation or other disposition of any offending wares, packages, labels and advertising material and of any dies used in connection therewith. - 特許庁
Notwithstanding the provisions on actions for damages caused by the fault or the bad faith of the owner of the patent or those on unwarranted enrichment, the retroactive effect of revocation of the patent shall not affect: decisions in infringement proceedings that have become final and have been executed prior to the revocation decision; contracts concluded prior to the revocation decision, insofar as they have been executed prior to the decision, however, restitution of the amounts paid under the contract, insofar as circumstances justify, may be claimed on grounds of equity. - 特許庁
(1) 特許の侵害訴訟において,被告がその侵害行為の日に当該特許の存在することを知らなかったこと又は当該特許の存在することを推定する合理的な理由を有さなかったことを証明するときは,被告に損害の賠償又は不当利得の返還を命じることができない。また,「PATENT」,「PATENTED」その他当該物品につき特許が取得された旨を明示的に又は黙示的に示す語がその物品に使用されているという理由のみによっては,前記のとおり知り又は前記のとおり推定する合理的な理由を有したものとはみなさない。ただし,前記の語に「NEW ZEALAND」の語又は「N.Z.」の文字及びその特許の番号が付されている場合は,この限りでない。例文帳に追加
(1) In proceedings for the infringement of a patent, damages or account of profits shall not be awarded against a defendant who proves that at the date of the infringement he was not aware, and had no reasonable ground for supposing, that the patent existed; and a person shall not be deemed to have been aware or to have had reasonable grounds for supposing as aforesaid by reason only of the application to an article of the word "patent", "patented", or any word or words expressing or implying that a patent has been obtained for the article, unless the word or words are accompanied by the words "New Zealand" or the letters "NZ" and by the number of the patent. - 特許庁
(1) 本条及び第85条の規定に従うことを条件として,ある特許に基づく排他的ライセンスの所有者は,ライセンスの日の後に犯された当該特許の侵害につき特許権者と同様に訴訟を提起する権利を有する。前記の訴訟において裁判所は,損害賠償を裁定し又はその他の救済を付与するに当たり,排他的実施権者の排他的実施権者として被った損失若しくは被る虞のある損失,又は場合に応じて当該侵害が当該排他的実施権者の排他的実施権者としての権利の侵害を構成する侵害により得た不当利得を考慮しなければならない。例文帳に追加
(1) Subject to the provisions of this section and of section 85 of this Act, the holder of an exclusive licence under a patent shall have the like right as the patentee to take proceedings in respect of any infringement of the patent committed after the date of the licence, and in awarding damages or granting any other relief in any such proceedings, the Court shall take into consideration any loss suffered or likely to be suffered by the exclusive licensee as such or, as the case may be, the profits earned by means of the infringement so far as it constitutes an infringement of the rights of the exclusive licensee as such. - 特許庁
意味 | 例文 (51件) |
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