意味 | 例文 (5件) |
英訳・英語 Don't you think there was some bad intention behind it?
該当件数 : 5件
As the main character was played by Higashiyama, who was a teenage star at that time, Yoshitsune was extremely beautified, and Yoshitsune did not die but escaped to Ezochi (Hokkaido) in the end; Kagetoki trapped Yoshitsune with his evil intentions, chased him to Hiraizumi and was killed by Yoshitsune: a story line that totally ignored historical facts.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Where the proprietor of an earlier registered trade mark has acquiesced, for a period of five successive years, in the use of a later sign in Austria while being aware of such use, he shall no longer be entitled on the basis of the previous right to oppose the use in respect of the goods or services for which the later sign was used, unless the user of the later sign commenced the use in bad faith or, if the later sign refers to a registered trade mark, its application was made in bad faith.発音を聞く - 特許庁
To provide systems and/or methods that enable secure deployment and/or receipt of an operating system and updates for the operating system to a bare computer across a network susceptible to malicious communication. - 特許庁
Since a personal computer 102 capable of downloading software data can be specified by providing a secure Internet line 104 connected to the computer 102, and another computer 103 connected to the computer 102 via the Internet line 104 to approve propriety of an update by the computer 102, falsification by a malicious third party can be prevented. - 特許庁
(1) 第 17条(1)(d),(e),(g)及び(h)にいう先行商標の所有者及び単なる1地方でなく広く認識されている先使用権の所有者であって,後に登録された同一又は類似の商標の使用を知りながら,継続して 5年間それを黙認していた者は,自己の先行商標又は先使用に基づいてその商標が使用されている商品又はサービスについて,当該後発の商標の無効の宣言を請求することができず,かつ,当該後発商標の使用を阻止することができない。ただし,当該後発商標が悪意で出願されていた場合を除く。後発商標の所有者は,先行商標の使用又は先使用権による使用の継続を阻止することができない。例文帳に追加
1. The owner of an earlier trademark within the meaning of paragraph 1(d), (e), (g) and (h) of Article 17 and the holder of a right of prior use that imparts not merely local notoriety who for five consecutive years have known of and condoned the use of a subsequently registered identical or similar trademark may not request that the subsequent trademark be declared invalid or oppose its use for the goods or services in respect of which it has been used by virtue of their own earlier trademark or prior use, except where the subsequent trademark was applied for in bad faith. The owner of the subsequent trademark may not oppose the use of the earlier one or the continuation of the prior use. - 特許庁
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Weblio例文辞書での「悪意あったね」に類似した例文 |
to think ill of a person―have a bad opinion of a person―take anything ill―take anything amiss―take anything in ill part
a bad thing―(悪事なら)―an evil deed―a dark deed―a crime―(間違ったこと、不正なことなら)―a wrong―(宗教道徳上の罪悪なら)―a sin―a vice―(凶事なら)―an evil―a misfortune―a calamity―(いたずらなら)―harm―mischief―(過失なら)―a fault
I was a fool.
意味 | 例文 (5件) |
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