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英訳・英語 Pan‐Asiatic Conference
該当件数 : 6件
an international congress called {All Asian Security Congress}発音を聞く - EDR日英対訳辞書
a forum for peace and security, named {All Asian Security Congress} Conception発音を聞く - EDR日英対訳辞書
「台頭するアジア」と「高齢化していく日本」(Rising Asia, Aging Japan)米国の国家安全情報会議(NIC)の「世界の未来図(Mapping the Global Future)」1と題するレポートの中で、アジアと日本の将来の姿はこのように描かれている。例文帳に追加
“Rising Asia” and “Aging Japan”: That is how a report entitled “Mapping the Global Future”1 by the U.S. National Intelligence Council (NIC) described the future of Asia and Japan. - 経済産業省
Many significant international conferences were held at this hall, including: The 3rd Conference of the Parties (COP) (Kyoto Conference) of The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) which adopted the Kyoto Protocol, The United Nations Conference on Disarmament, The Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), The Annual Meeting of the International Whaling Commission (IWC) and its Scientific Committee, The Conferences of the Parties of Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (Washington Convention), The World Heritage Committee Session, and The Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM).発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
なお、2006 年 5月18日に経済財政諮問会議で決定された「グローバル戦略」では、貿易量が大きく、我が国企業の生産ネットワークが構築されている東アジアとのEPA 締結を加速化するとともに、経済安全保障上重要な資源産出国や、潜在的な貿易量の拡大余地の大きい人口大国との交渉に積極的に取り組むことが重要であるとされている。例文帳に追加
Separately, in the Global Strategy it approved on May 18, 2006, the Council on Economic and Fiscal Policy (CEFP) called for speeding up the conclusions of EPAs with East Asian countries, our major trade partners in which Japanese companies have established production networks. CEFP also stressed the importance for Japan to actively negotiate with resource producing countries which play key roles in its economic security, as well as with hugely populated countries which have sizable potential to expand trade with Japan. - 経済産業省
中国海関総署、韓国関税庁及び日本財務省関税局(以下「3か国税関」という)は、近接した重要な隣国として、中国、韓国及び日本は東アジア地域に大きな影響力を有し、また、3か国間の経済・貿易関係が継続的に発展し、3か国のパートナーシップは益々緊密になってきたことを認め、2008年に起こった金融危機からの回復の兆しが世界のいくつかの地域においては見え始めたものの、経済の安定は一様ではなく、経済成長は緩慢であろうことを認識し、グローバリゼーション及び地域的経済統合の持続的な発展とともに、3か国税関間の協力関係の強化が、地域における貿易の円滑化及び貿易の発展を促進する、より安全な環境を作り出すことの助けとなることを確信し、2008年 12月 13日、日本の福岡での日中韓首脳会議において締結された「日中韓3か国の協力を促進する行動計画」に留意し、2007年 4月に日本の東京で開催された第1回日中韓関税局長長官会議及び 2008年 11月に韓国の済州島で開催された第2回日中韓関税局長長官会議での総意に従い、次の行動計画に合意した。例文帳に追加
The General Administration of Customs of the People’s Republic of China, the Korea Customs Service of the Republic of Korea, and the Customs and Tariff Bureau of Ministry of Finance, Japan (hereinafter referred to as the Three Customs),Acknowledging that as close and important neighbors, the People’s Republic of China, the Republic of Korea and Japan have significant influence in the East Asian region, and that the economic and trade relations among the three countries have witnessed continuous development and the tripartite partnership is increasingly close;Recognizing that a sign of recovery from financial crisis which broke out in 2008 is beginning to be seen in some parts of the world, but stabilization is uneven and economic growth is expected to be sluggish;Convinced that with the constant development of globalization and regional economic integration, enhanced cooperation among the Three Customs would help to create a safer environment to promote trade facilitation and development of trade in the region;Having regard to the “Action Plan for Promoting Trilateral Cooperation among the People’s Republic of China, Japan and the Republic of Korea” which was concluded in Japan-China-ROK Trilateral Summit in Fukuoka, Japan on 13 December 2008;Pursuant to the consensuses reached at the first Tripartite Customs Heads’ Meeting held in Tokyo, Japan in April 2007 and the second Tripartite Customs Heads’ Meeting held in Jeju, the Republic of Korea in November 2008;Have agreed upon the following Action Plan: - 財務省
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