意味 | 例文 (55件) |

英訳・英語 trust and peace of mind
該当件数 : 55件
trust and peace of mind - Weblio Email例文集
我々はランダムなパトロールで 地域住民の安心と信頼を得ることを 見出しました例文帳に追加
We found that random patrols helped the local population to feel safer and to trust us. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
< Establishing a reliable social security system that provides old-age income security and other guarantees of peace of mind> - 厚生労働省
To provide a consignment sales system, using the Internet, which can be used securely by anybody by increasing the trust and reliability of dealings. - 特許庁
To provide a device for preparing information on a pet food prescription enabling a pet animal guardian to give reliable pet food to her (his) pet in relief. - 特許庁
They produce a sense of trust and safety as the Yoshinoya Brand, differentiate themselves from the competitors, and use them as their own know-how in developing overseas business. - 経済産業省
Therefore, a feeling of reliance and a sense of security can be given to the player for loss compensation carried out according to the false loss number. - 特許庁
単語を確認! -
増える! -
学習機能付き! -
単語を理解! -
該当件数 : 55件
To enable a dealer to deal with a consumer with ease by suppressing the danger of the dealings by the reliability of a dealing partner. - 特許庁
あなたに関するうわさが本当だとしても, 私たちのあなたへの信頼は決して変わりません(からご安心ください).例文帳に追加
Admitting that the rumors about you are true, you may rest assured of our continued trust in you.発音を聞く - 研究社 新英和中辞典
To provide a highly reliable server device for a real estate auction for performing such large sum transaction as the buying/selling of real estate without any anxiety. - 特許庁
To give reliance and relief to a user by speedily and properly handling abnormality in real time during babysitter dispatch. - 特許庁
To provide a data processing system having a plurality of reliable platform modules to be used by a redundant method for providing a reliable mechanism for safely storing secret data to be used for the start of the reliable platform module of this system without anxiety. - 特許庁
I will quote a statement made by the Prime Minister: "The source of trust in the state and society is a sense of safety. In light of the people's concern about and dissatisfaction with the current status of social security, it is necessary to quickly carry out meticulously-thought-out measures that foster a sense of safety and reflect the people's viewpoints.発音を聞く - 金融庁
Therefore, inside the membership system over a wide range, under the guarantee of safe and reliability, the introduction or distribution of articles, services or persons in various fields required for business or personal life can be efficiently provided. - 特許庁
To extract original consciousness of the user while smoothly developing dialogue between a user and a system, and giving the user a feeling of security and a sense of trust in the dialogue. - 特許庁
意味 | 例文 (55件) |
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