



Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > outlawingに関連した共起表現


該当件数 : 32

dual-use, the BTWC and national legislation outlawing biological weapons.
were arrested and in 1945, a law was passed outlawing Communist meeting in Mannargudi taluk.
elections, or something impossible, such as outlawing death.
o those in authority was made the excuse for outlawing himself and his family.
about a piece of European Union legislation outlawing historic varieties of vegetables, would lead
hich it was then a part) passed an ordinance outlawing horses from the city limits.
tion was only made possible by a Spanish law outlawing left-wing separatist parties, than in previo
legislation as a fair employment law and the outlawing of discrimination in public places.
are run via open primary (This following the outlawing of the previous blanket primary) similar to
ed ankle despite new head coach Frank Kush's outlawing of the practice of taping ankles and shoes.
After the outlawing of cockfights in the U.K. in the mid 19th ce
to family and social responsibility and the outlawing of abortion in the United States.
was issued in early 1931, it called for the outlawing of the Communist Party in the United States,
07, was an act of the United States Congress outlawing operation of or travel in unregistered subme
overnment passed the Foreign Enlistment Act, outlawing participation by Canadians in foreign wars,
the early church, is interpreted by some as outlawing quartodecimanism.
posed passage of California's Proposition 8, outlawing same-sex marriages in California.
Amendment to the United States Constitution outlawing slavery in 1865 and the abolishment of slave
e first of his three gubernatorial terms, by outlawing slot machines.
its on campaign contributions, combined with outlawing soft money campaign contributions
ario government passed the Safe Streets Act, outlawing squeegee kids and aggressive public begging.
ision of the Supreme Judicial Court in 1917, outlawing the arrangements reached with MIT in 1914.
Averitt inserted language into HB 2649 outlawing the profession of theatrical or architectura
e congress, Price's bill does not do this by outlawing the present discrimination by insurance comp
d by Corneliu Zelea Codreanu, in check, even outlawing the All for the Fatherland-party, which was
ed States Supreme Court ruled that a statute outlawing the public burning of a cross with intent to
ally increased its control over the enclave: outlawing the Maria Theresa Thaler as legal tender, re
e south by banning strikes on December 8 and outlawing the revolutionary government and the people'
or to the north, passed an ordinance in 1900 outlawing the construction of any more cemeteries in t
se private use of child pornography (calling outlawing thereof "censorship" in the platform) and al
ing the plant, employing strike-breakers and outlawing trade union affiliation with national or int

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