Weblioのデータベースに登録されている英語と日本語の対応関係を利用した、英和対訳辞書です。 提供 Weblio URL https://ejje.weblio.jp/ |
Weblio英和対訳辞書 のさくいん |
- 絞込み
- G
- GA
- GB
- GC
- GD
- GE
- GF
- GG
- GH
- GI
- GJ
- GK
- GL
- GM
- GN
- GO
- GP
- GQ
- GR
- GS
- GT
- GU
- GV
- GW
- GX
- GY
- GZ
- G(50音)
- G(タイ文字)
- G(数字)
- G(記号)
- government land
- government monopoly
- Government National Mortgage Association
- government office
- government office building
- government offices
- government official
- government officials
- government ordinance
- government owned
- government party
- Government party
- government permission
- government position
- government post
- government printing office
- Government Printing Office
- government property
- Government Public Key Infrastructure
- government publication
- Government revenue
- government school
- government securities
- government service
- government shutdown
- government spending
- Government spending
- government sponsored enterprise
- government subsidy
- government supply
- government use
- government-binding theory
- government-general
- government-managed insurance
- government-owned
- Government-sponsored enterprise
- government-to-government
- governmental
- government‐general
- government‐managed
- governor
- Governor
- governor general
- governor of Tokyo
- Governor of Tokyo
- governor test
- governor-general
- Gow
- Gowan
- Gowers
- Gowin
- Gowland
- gown
- Gown
- gown technique
- goy
- Goy
- Goya
- Goyer
- Gozo
- go‐go
- Gołąbki
- GP
- gp96 heat shock protein-peptide complex vaccine
- gp96 HSP-peptide complex
- gp96 hsp-ペプチド複合体
- gp96ヒートショックプロテイン-ペプチド複合ワクチン
- GPalpha IIb
- Gpc
- GPIa