![]() ![]() ビジネスや日常会話で用いられる英語の表現・言い回しの日本語訳を調べることができます。 提供 Weblio URL https://ejje.weblio.jp/ |
- 絞込み
- I
- IA
- IB
- IC
- ID
- IE
- IF
- IG
- IH
- II
- IJ
- IK
- IL
- IM
- IN
- IO
- IP
- IQ
- IR
- IS
- IT
- IU
- IV
- IW
- IX
- IY
- IZ
- I(50音)
- I(タイ文字)
- I(数字)
- I(記号)
- I received an internal offer for a position as an English conversation school lecturer
- I received many presents from friends who went on vacation, so I wanted to share some of them with you.
- I received similar information from another source
- I received some work
- I received something so expensive it would be wasteful to use it
- I received special treatment
- I received the file by email attachment, but it seems corrupted.
- I recently got into classical music.
- I recognized the beauty and sensitivity of Japanese women again after travelling around all over the world.
- I recommend an English dictionary
- I recommend it.
- I recommend that you wear a pair of good shoes because your steps will feel lighter.
- I recommend this because this is truly delicious!!
- I recommend you to go.
- I recommend you to visit.
- I recommend ~.
- I recommend. . .
- I reconciled with him
- I refuse door-to-door sales visits so please leave
- I register my mileage account when I fly
- I registered a skype ID.
- I regret being too boisterous at the drinking party the other day
- I regret it.
- I regret not having taken notes at that time
- I regret to have caused any confusion.
- I regret to inform you that the item is already sold out, so please come back at a later date
- I reinforced my house in preparation for typhoons.
- I relieve my stress this way
- I remember
- I remember even now
- I remember something.
- I remember when I first met her every time I come here
- I remember you in unexpected moments
- I remember you!
- I remember.
- I remembered after you said it
- I remembered it when I woke up, but when I left the house I had already forgotten.
- I remembered when I was looking for my glasses for quite a while, and it turned out that they were on my forehead
- I reminded him of not being late for the meeting tomorrow
- I removed dental plaque
- I renewed it
- I repeat a cycle of getting better and getting worse
- I replied in contrary to what I was thinking
- I request an estimate
- I rescued injured people at a station's platform.
- I reserved a restaurant with a good atmosphere.
- I reserved the green car in the bullet train
- I reserved the meeting room
- I reserved this store 3 months ago because I wanted to see your happy face.
- I resigned as member of parliament due to extramarital affairs
- I respect my father's serious nature
- I respect people who can cook dishes in a way that brings out the best of each ingredient
- I respect people who contribute to society in a discreet manner
- I respect that person
- I respect you.
- I respect your judgement.
- I rested a lot.
- I returned home
- I rode on my bicycle while waiting for the traffic signal
- I roll up my jeans.
- I run into a lot of familiar faces when I walk around my neighborhood
- I run out of breath just by going up a few steps.
- I sacrificed a lot to make the dream come true
- I said a bit too much.
- I said I didn't like it but I didn't say I hate it.
- I said it before, but. . .
- I said it in a harsh tone intentionally
- I said that just as an example.
- I sat TOEIC immediately after returning to Japan from an overseas exchange but my score didn't improve as much as I'd expected.
- I saw a cute white dress, but I thought that dirt would stand out on it so I didn't buy it
- I saw a dead cat that was hit by a car, my heart hurts
- I saw a group of men dressed in black.
- I saw a rat!
- I saw a shooting star last night!
- I saw a traffic accident on my way here.
- I saw a TV personality in the street corner and I was so surprised that I did a double take
- I saw her actively speaking for the first time
- I saw him there just a moment ago
- I saw it from about a meter away.
- I saw it in a magazine
- I saw it unintentionally. It is not like I looked intentionally
- I saw our breakup right from the start of our relationship
- I saw some signs of the upcoming fall.
- I saw that anime when it originally came out.
- I saw the emaciated figure of my mother and thought that I have to be strong for her
- I saw the light.
- I saw the words that peace begins with a smile.
- I saw this expression for the first time while reading a novel, but what does it mean?
- I saw your interview article in the magazine
- I say "this" and "that" more now because I can't remember the name of things.
- I Say Good-bye
- I scheduled too many things.
- I scored! That's the first point!
- I screwed up!
- I screwed up.
- I searched
- I searched online and found a lot of bad reviews.
- I secretly took a day off and prepared for our anniversary.
- I see