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- Spit it out!
- Spit it out.
- Spread the table, and contention will cease.
- Spring has come.
- Spring is coming soon.
- Spring is coming.
- Spring is here.
- Spring is just around the corner.
- Stand at ease!
- Stand back!
- Stand still!
- Stand up!
- Stand up, please.
- Stand up.
- Start running.
- Start singing.
- Start writing.
- Stay at home.
- Stay awake.
- Stay away from it.
- Stay away from me.
- Stay away.
- Stay behind me.
- Stay calm.
- Stay home.
- Stay in bed.
- Stay in the car.
- Stay inside.
- Stay out of it.
- Stay quiet.
- Stay still!
- Stay still.
- Stay there.
- Stay where you are.
- Stay with me here.
- Step aside.
- Step back.
- Step on it!
- Step outside.
- Stick it out.
- Stick to it!
- Stick to it.
- Still waters run deep.
- Stop acting like a child.
- Stop already!
- Stop crying.
- Stop doing that.
- Stop it!
- Stop it, please.
- Stop it.
- Stop joking around.
- Stop laughing.
- Stop lying.
- Stop saying that!
- Stop smoking.
- Stop talking.
- Stop that!
- Stop that.
- Stop the car!
- Stop the car.
- Stop tickling me!
- Stop tickling me.
- Stop treating me like a child.
- Stop!
- Stop, or I'll shoot.
- Stop.
- Straighten up.
- Strike while the iron is hot.
- Study hard.