IT・コンピュータや生命科学など、幅広い分野の専門用語を英語で調べることができます。 提供 日中韓辭典研究所 URL http://www.cjk.org/cjk/indexj.htm |
日英・英日専門用語辞書 のさくいん |
- 絞込み
- O
- OA
- OB
- OC
- OD
- OE
- OF
- OG
- OH
- OI
- OJ
- OK
- OL
- OM
- ON
- OO
- OP
- OQ
- OR
- OS
- OT
- OU
- OV
- OW
- OX
- OY
- OZ
- O(50音)
- O(タイ文字)
- O(数字)
- O(記号)
- organ transplantation
- organ-specific
- organa
- organa genitalia
- organa oculi accessoria
- organa sensuum
- organa urinaria
- organdie
- organdie finish
- organdy
- organella
- organellar
- organellar DNA
- organelle
- organic
- organic accelerator
- organic acid
- organic acid composition
- organic acid content
- organic acid fermentation
- organic agriculture
- organic amine
- organic ammonium ion
- organic ammonium salt
- organic analysis
- organic anion transport
- organic anion transportation system
- organic architecture
- organic aspect
- organic azide
- organic base
- organic binder
- organic bonded wheel
- organic boron acid
- organic brain syndrome
- organic carbon
- organic cation
- organic charge-transfer complex
- organic chemistry
- organic chloramine
- organic chlorine
- organic chlorine agent
- organic clay
- organic coating
- organic color
- organic colorant
- organic coloring matter
- organic complex agent
- organic component
- organic component ratio
- organic composition of capital
- organic compound
- organic compound sealing
- organic compounds
- organic conductive agent
- organic conductor
- organic conjugated polymer
- organic constitution
- organic contracture
- organic cosolvent
- organic counterion
- organic deafness
- organic dental cement
- organic disease
- organic dye
- organic dye solution
- organic dyestuff
- organic efficiency
- organic electrochemistry
- organic electrode
- organic electroluminescence display
- organic electrolysis
- organic electrolyte
- organic electron acceptor
- organic electron transfer reaction
- organic electrophile
- organic environment
- organic ester
- organic eutectic
- organic evolution
- organic explosive component
- organic farming
- organic fertilizer
- organic film
- organic fluoride
- organic foods
- organic functional substance
- organic gas
- organic geochemistry
- organic glass
- organic halogen compound
- organic hazardous constituent
- organic headache
- organic heating medium
- organic host
- organic hydroperoxide
- organic impurities
- organic insulator
- organic ion
- organic ion transport