多種多様な英語例文について調べることができます。 出典 Tatoeba URL https://tatoeba.org |
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- 絞込み
- O
- OA
- OB
- OC
- OD
- OE
- OF
- OG
- OH
- OI
- OJ
- OK
- OL
- OM
- ON
- OO
- OP
- OQ
- OR
- OS
- OT
- OU
- OV
- OW
- OX
- OY
- OZ
- O(50音)
- O(タイ文字)
- O(数字)
- O(記号)
- Open the gate.
- Open the window.
- Open up.
- Open wide.
- Open your eyes.
- Open your heart.
- Open your mouth!
- Open your mouth, please.
- Open your mouth.
- Open, Sesame!
- Opportunity makes a thief.
- Opportunity seldom knocks twice.
- Order, please.
- Other times, other manners.
- Ouch!
- Ouch! I bit my tongue.
- Our brains control our activities.
- Our neighbor's ground yields better corn than our own.
- Out of sight, out of mind.
- Out of the frying pan and into the fire.
- Out of the mouth comes evil.
- Over my dead body.
- Overwork cost her health.
- Ow!