「斎藤和英大辞典」(斎藤秀三郎著、日外アソシエーツ辞書編集部編)は、昭和3年に初版が刊行された和英辞典の復刻新版です。日本的な言い回しや慣用表現の英語訳を調べることができます。 提供 日外アソシエーツ URL https://www.nichigai.co.jp/ |
斎藤和英大辞典 のさくいん |
- 絞込み
- G
- GA
- GB
- GC
- GD
- GE
- GF
- GG
- GH
- GI
- GJ
- GK
- GL
- GM
- GN
- GO
- GP
- GQ
- GR
- GS
- GT
- GU
- GV
- GW
- GX
- GY
- GZ
- G(50音)
- G(タイ文字)
- G(数字)
- G(記号)
- give one's congé
- give one's consent
- give one's hand on it
- give one's mind to
- give one's opinion
- give one's word
- give one's word for it
- give oneself
- give oneself airs
- give oneself consequence
- give oneself out for
- give oneself to
- give oneself up to
- give oneself up to the authorities
- give orders
- give out
- give over
- give particulars
- give place to
- give play to
- give previous notice
- give previous warning
- give private notice
- give quarter
- give rein to
- give rein to fancy
- give rice
- give rise to
- give satisfaction
- give scope to
- give shelter
- give speech to
- give support to
- give swing to
- give tacit consent
- give tacit permission
- give telegraphic instructions
- give thanks to
- give the alarm
- give the bag
- give the boot
- give the canvas
- give the cold shoulder
- give the details of
- give the first coat
- give the last coat
- give the particulars of
- give the sack
- give the shivers
- give the slip
- give the trouble to come
- give three cheers
- give time
- give tit for tat
- give to carry
- give to drink
- give to keep
- give to the public
- give to the world
- give to understand
- give tongue
- give too much for
- give up
- give up all hope
- give up all hope of
- give up as a bad job
- give up as hopeless
- give up drinking
- give up in despair
- give up one's business
- give up one's practice
- give up one's studies
- give up one's trade
- give up reluctantly
- give up school
- give up the attempt
- give up the ghost
- give up the idea
- give up the idea of
- give utterance to
- give warning
- give way
- give way to
- give way to enthusiasm
- give way to gloomy thoughts
- give way to one's feelings
- give you joy
- give-and-take policy
- given
- Giving and taking away
- Giving keen pleasure
- Giving money
- Giving or issuing
- Giving the Buddhistic commandments
- giving way
- gizzard
- glacial
- glacier
- glacis
- glad